Carpathia IV: Episode 150 - Sensor Breach
Space, NCCS Shadowdancer
Stellar Sorcery nights in Teek's quarters were often a pick-and-mix of crew. Attendees depended on simply who was free at the same time. This night, it was only four, Teek, Amenaru, Kit, and a rookie player, Mikado. With the presence of the rookie, they decided to divide into teams of two instead of playing individually. Amenaru and Teek on one side, and the two tokki on the other.
For Amenaru and Teek, this turned out to be a mistake. Kit, despite having learned the game less than a year ago, was already a formidable player and he didn't even have to whisper to Mikado about the cards in his hand, for neither Amenaru nor Teek knew any Tokkastran. Somehow, talking through the cards and the game with Mikado made him even more deadly than he was before. Upon reaching agreement, Kit turned one of his cards on the playing field sideways.
Kit: We'll attack with the Dark Matter Sentinel.
Amenaru and Teek glanced at each other and then at the paltry remaining defence they had remaining on their side.
Teek: We can easily block that with either of our two defenders.
Amenaru stroked his ear as he started thinking out loud.
Amenaru: Attack 4. Defence 5. Only have three life points left, so must defend. Obsidian Golem has 10 defence and three attack. Magma Sprite has 4 attack and 5 defence...
Teek: They have an instant card for sure. If they're goading us into play it safe and defend with Obsidian Golem, he might be able to kill it with a trap or something. It's the only good protection we have right now.
Amenaru: No margin for error if we defend with Magma Sprite. Risky, but we could kill his Dark Matter Sentinel if we defend with that.
Teek: I say we risk it.
Amenaru: Agreed.
Amenaru turned the Magma Sprite card to the side and announced their intentions.
Amenaru: Defend with Magma Sprite.
Amenaru and Teek watched with displeasure as Kit activated several mana cards and then tossed a new instant card from his hand.
Kit: Comet deals five damage to defending creature.
Teek gave a nod and a smile and tapped several of their own mana cards. With some relief mixed with glee, he tossed the new instant card on the field.
Teek: Solar Flare to destroy your instant card.
It was clear from Kit's reaction, a grunt and a quick chat with Mikado that he had no response to this. Finally, he removed the attacking card from the field.
Kit: Dark Matter Sentinel goes to the graveyard, then.
Amenaru: Ha! Got 'em!
Amenaru and Teek high-fived.
Kit: You're still losing, though.
Amenaru: Hey, every second we're still here is a chance to turn it around! You never know what will happen.
Teek: Mikado, how are you following along so far?
Mikado tugged nervously at his ear.
Mikado: I think I'm following okay. I get the basic idea, but the details are hard.
Amenaru: For sure, it takes time. And hey, even if it's not your thing, you can still come if you want.
Teek: Serve us snacks. The snack bunny.
Amenaru: I meant for the socialization.
Kit: Maybe we ought to not just do Stellar Sorcery. Some people just aren't into the complicated games.
Teek: Variety would be good.
Amenaru: Mikado, do you think your roomie might be interested in game night?
Mikado: I don't know. I don't see him much these days. He says he's been very busy.
Teek: That's too bad. I suppose medical is one of the busier positions.
All conversation came to a sudden halt when the entire room started glowing yellow. Everyone knew an announcement would come over the intercom in the next few seconds, at most.
Teren: Condition yellow. All crew to general quarters. Captain to the bridge.
With nary another thought to the cards on the playing field, everyone dropped whatever was in their hands and rushed out the door.

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
The lift doors on both sides of the bridge opened. The Stellar Sorcery players spilled out of one and Captain Valro and Joust came out of the other. All rushed to their stations while Teren stood from the captain's chair to take his place behind the security console.
Aire: Status, Commander.
Crew darted everywhere as the primary bridge team relieved their secondary counterparts while Teren answered the Captain.
Teren: There's been a sensor net breach in quadrant G23. The Cerberus is the closest ship and is already on her way. We are the next closest.
Aire: Nalma, what are the readings from the sensor net?
Nalma: Size and configuration is similar to the previous Vashta ships we've encountered.
Aire: Send direction and speed of the breach ship to the helm. Teek, plot intercept course and engage at maximum when ready.
Teek: Receiving coordinates. Coming about.
Aire: Estimated time to intercept under current conditions?
Nalma: 9 hours, 37 minutes, assuming nothing changes. I suspect things will change when the Cerberus approaches.
Aire: Agreed. Keep an eye on them. Baal, stellar phenomena in the vicinity?
Baal: Class 5 nebula not far from their current flight path. Otherwise, the usual. Various ion clouds, comets, that sort of thing.
Joust: They could try to hide in that nebula if it came to it. We should be ready for that.
Aire: And I'm sure Captain Azrael has come to the same conclusion. Right now, we need to focus on getting ourselves ready. Amenaru, operations check on all systems.
Amenaru: On it, Captain. Starting diagnostics.
Aire: Teren, make sure your security team is ready. Perhaps ask Shep if he and his team might be keen to assist.
Teren: Understood, Captain.
Aire: Kit, contact the Cerberus on secure channel and tell Captain Azrael we're on our way.
Kit: Yes, Captain.
Aire tapped at his console controls.
Aire: Engineering, we're preparing for a possible Vashta encounter. Meeting in the conference room in one hour. Make sure the engines are peak efficiency.
Minnie: Acknowledged, Captain.
Aire stood to address the bridge crew.
Aire: Like I said, conference room meeting in one hour for all senior staff. We're going to be ready this time. I will contact Admiral Zhang in my ready room. Commander Joust, the bridge is yours.
Joust: Understood, Captain.
Joust switched chairs while Aire climbed the stairs to the ready room.
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