Carpathia IV: Episode 151 - Cerberus
Space, NCCS Shadowdancer
It had been an hour since the Cerberus and the vashta ship stopped nose to nose with each other, with no communication from either. The Shadowdancer was now only 20 minutes away and everyone wondered what must be transpiring between the two. There was no movement. No signs of battle. Just some sort of stalemate. Aire considered several times that he might raise communications, but at the same time did not want to interfere if Captain Azrael was in the midst of a battle of wits. Still, with 20 minutes to arrival and a need to know the situation, contact would have to come. Finally, communication came to him, with a beep at Kit's console.
Kit: Incoming transmission from the Cerberus.
Aire: On viewer.
Aire expected Azrael to appear, but instead it was his first officer.
Aire: Commander Tyler! Is Captain Azrael okay?
Ivy: As well as can be expected, Captain Valro, but to say he's frustrated is an understatement.
Aire: We've been monitoring your ship and they haven't budged for an hour. What can you tell us about the state of things?
Ivy: There's a lot going on with the vashta ship. I can give you my impressions, which is really all any of us have to go on. It appears the captain is a medium-grey elf and her name is Nyana. There is another, a much darker-skinned elf, named Kali and I'm not sure what her role is. She appears to be some sort of political advisor or observer. She doesn't seem technically in charge, but she and Nyana get into tiffs constantly. Nyana appears the most reasonable of the two, but that's not saying much. Kali is extremely volatile.
Aire: Kali sounds a lot like Ksenva.
Ivy: I've read the reports on your previous vashta encounter and I would agree. The main problem is neither of them can believe that Azrael is the Captain and they are demanding to speak to the actual commanding officer of the ship. We've been going back and forth on this for ages. Besides the two I mentioned and their bridge crew, there's one other, a demon. We don't know her name and she hasn't spoken yet, but we're very certain from the glares she keeps shooting at Kali behind her back that she doesn't like her at all.
Joust: Not good, being on a demon's bad side.
Ivy: She's not on any of our good sides either. On a personal note, if Azrael is frustrated, the rest of us are even moreso. We don't like seeing Captain Azrael being treated this way.
Aire: I can imagine, Commander. Just hold tight. We'll be there soon.
Ivy: Thank you, Captain Valro. I'm showing you 15 minutes out. We'll be waiting.
Ivy disappeared from the viewer, leaving the previous streaky star background.
Joust: Not gonna lie. It was already frustrating just hearing about how Captain Azrael is being treated.
Aire: I know. Everyone, eyes and ears open. They'll try to goad us, so just keep calm. Ready on the shields and weapons when the order is given.

15 minutes later...
Aire: Slow to induction. Put the Cerberus on viewer.
Teek: Slowing to induction, Captain.
Just as the stars shrank down to their little glowy dot size, the Cerberus appeared on the viewer.
Nalma: All systems on the Cerberus reading normal.
Aire: Comforting, at least, to have visual confirmation of that. Switch viewer to the Vashta ship.
Amenaru: It looks nearly identical to the last Vashta ship. Just the insignia is different.
Nalma: Even the sensors can't tell the difference.
Aire: Teek, position us off the starboard stern of the Cerberus. We're going to leave Captain Azrael on point.
Teek: Plotting course for starboard stern.
While the Shadowdancer moved in to park, Kit's console beeped.
Kit: Incoming from Cerberus.
Aire stood from his chair and pulled his uniform straight.
Aire: On viewer.
Aire steeled himself for who knows what, since, from Commander Tyler's description, the Vashta bridge was a bit of chaos. Chaos that, perhaps, they might be able to use to their advantage. Instead, only Azrael appeared on the viewer.
Aire: Oh, Captain Azrael. I expected to be split screen with the Vashta ship.
Azrael: Not yet, unfortunately. Nyana and Kali are busy arguing about something again.
Aire: I understand from Commander Tyler that we can expect a lot of that.
Azrael: Indeed, even what would be a five minute conversation takes significantly longer for all the bickering. I suspect they're looking for Ksenva, but I don't have a clear idea of what they want yet. What's that?
Azrael turned his head for a moment, evidently receiving information from someone else on his bridge.
Azrael: Evidently, they're done. I'll put you on split screen if you're ready.
Aire was ready, having steeled himself as soon as they arrived.
Aire: Let's do this.
Azrael turned his head slightly and gave a side-eye and slight nod to someone on his bridge. A moment later, the screen split, with Azrael on one side and the Vashta bridge on the other. The sight of the Vashta bridge, familiar to most of the bridge crew, featured most of the same design elements. Marble flooring, pyramid-shaped ceiling, marble columns, and a sliding water feature that formed a pool around a three-tiered pedestal with a chaise on top. The only differences were new variations in coloring and, in the place of Ksenva's spider symbol, a four-winged serpent creature. Front and center was the darker-skinned elf that Commander Tyler mentioned, presumably Kali. Nyana stood off to her side with the demon lurking behind both.
Aire: I am Captain Aire Valro of the Carpathian vessel, Shadowdancer.
Silence from the Vashta side, while one by one, every face on the Vashta bridge turned to gaze upon this new development in their own viewer. Even a blonde elf in overalls far in the back stopped sweeping the floor to have a gander. The only one who appeared less than curious was Kali, who seemed to be on the verge of an explosion, as one could easily imagine smoke pouring out of her ears.
For Aire, this reaction was on par with what he expected. Very Ksenva-like, though the intense curiosity from the others was an expectation as well.
Aire: Not at all, madam. We are not mocking you. We would simply like to know if you require any assistance.
Nyana tipped her head, eyebrows raised, while Kali ignored Aire's entreaty and continued her rant.
Kali: And what of that hanging from your ceiling? Am I really supposed to believe that you have an Aptaran amongst you?
Joust did an upside-down bow, complete with arm across his chest.
Joust: Greetings, madam. I am Commander Joust, First Officer of the Shadowdancer.
Kali threw her hands up into the air with utter contempt and indignation.
Kali: I don't know who you people are or how you think you know so much to play these stupid games, but...
Finally, the lighter-skinned elf, Nyana, put her hand on Kali's shoulder and gently pulled her back. All anyone could do was watch as each had a hushed argument, another one of many, if Captain Azrael and Commander Tyler were to be believed. This argument did not last long and, this time, Nyana approached the viewer.
Nyana: Captain Valro, is it? I am Nyana Keara. I would meet with you in person.
Deja vu indeed. Before, it was misplaced optimism that lead him and Commodore Amaranth to agree. Now, if nothing else, it was morbid curiosity that made him consider it. Aire couldn't help but notice the emphasis that Nyana placed on his last name. What that meant, he did not know.
Azrael: Madam Nyana, if I may ask, to what end?
Nyana: I simply believe it would be best to deliver our request in person.
Azrael: You'll forgive us if we take a moment to discuss this.
Azrael didn't wait for an answer, instead turning his head to someone else on his bridge to give a little nod. Immediately after, the viewer went dark and Kit's console beeped again.
Kit: Contact from Cerberus, Captain. Secure channel.
Aire: On viewer.
Azrael appeared on the screen, solo this time.
Azrael: I've read the reports from the last Vashta encounter. I am sure this must all seem eerily familiar.
Aire: To an extent, certainly. Kali seems very much like Ksenva. I can't say I've formed an opinion on Nyana yet. As for the meeting request, I admit that I don't even know what to say about that.
Azrael: I have read the reports, but you have done this before. I believe the decision should be yours.
Aire: The only thing that give me pause is that we found out later that Ksenva was keen to murder Ryuu and had to be talked out of it. Besides that, the meeting was peaceful, even if it was rather tense. I have no doubt they're up to something, but perhaps we can gather a little intel of our own. There's only one question. I have no doubt at least one of their questions will be regarding Ksenva or, at least, that they're missing two ships. Something along those lines. What do you think we should say?
Azrael: I have only one answer to that. Fib.
A succinct answer from a not-normally succinct person, which caught Aire slightly off guard.
Aire: I see, then. I can't see any good coming from telling them the truth right now, so we can go with that. I'll agree to the meeting and then consult Ryuu and the bridge crew on the next steps.
Azrael: I shall stay here. The Cerberus will be ready to act if anything happens.
Aire: I feel confident with you protecting us.
Azrael: I shall re-establish three-way communications. It might take some time as they may be arguing again.
Aire: Proceed.
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