Carpathia IV: Episode 152 - Diverse Greeting

Conference Room, NCCS Shadowdancer

The senior staff assembled in the conference room, waiting for Captain Valro to arrive. Many had already been consulted and briefed, so now they expected some general instructions, confirmations, and summaries. When Captain Valro entered, those not already in seats either sat or gathered around the conference table.

Aire: For starters, updates. Reylen, have you contacted your government?

Reylen: I have. Zilyana herself is on her way now, but she's two weeks out.

Aire: Too far away to help, but the effort is appreciated.

Reylen: There's more. Zilyana and several others in the government are working to drum up support for our own sensor net where our space borders the Void. She intends to visit Admiral Zhang and Carpathia City to discuss a sharing agreement with our respective nets.

Aire: That's good. Please let Zilyana know I'll be happy to assist.

Reylen: Will do, Captain.

Aire: Ryuu, we learned that Ksenva was keen to kill you when she first saw you, but if you're up to it, I'd like you to join us in the cargo bay when Nyana and Kali arrive.

Ryuu: Oh, I'll be there and I'd just like to see them try something on me. Well, no I don't, but they'd regret it.

Aire: Let's hope that these two show similar restraint. I'm glad you'll be there, since the more diversity we show, the better it shows what kind of culture we are.

Ryuu: I'll help out as much as I can.

Aire: Of course Teren will be handling security. The shuttle bay and all critical areas of the ship will be heavily guarded.

Teren: Yes, Captain. I have taken the liberty of enlisting the help of Shep and his team.

Shep: That is so, Captain. Commander Unas has provided us with reports of the last Vashta encounter. We stand ready to assist.

Trex: Commander Unas has put me in charge of critical area security. He'll be handling the shuttle bay.

Aire: Very good. Nalma, you'll maintain continuous tactical analysis of the Vashta ship. You'll also have command of the bridge.

Nalma: Yes, Captain.

Aire: Amenaru, continuous monitoring of all system efficiency.

Amenaru: I've already got an algorithm running to catch any anomalies.

Aire: Keep that up. Teek, when I give the order, turn the ship so that the shuttle bay faces the Vashta. Be ready on the controls if we need to make a fast exit.

Teek: Yes, Captain. I will have my hand on the lever.

Aire: Minnie, keep the shields up around the engines.

Minnie: Yes, Captain. We'll have the EM filters turned to maximum too.

Aire: And Tuomas...

Tuomas's ears perked, not only surprised to be invited to this meeting, but now being addressed directly.

Tuomas: Captain?

Aire: We're going to be recording the meeting, but I'd like you to sketch it. Keep your distance and focus on your impressions of the scene.

Tuomas: Understood, Captain.

Aire: Joust, Baal, Kit, and Phobos, you'll be in the shuttle bay with me. Nyana and Kali will be arriving in one hour. Any questions?

Aire waited only a few seconds for any questions, but he only received shaking heads.

Aire: Good. Azrael will stay on the Cerberus in case they try anything. We're two against one this time, and our ships have significantly more firepower than the last time. Still, stay alert. We don't know everything they're capable of yet. Dismissed.

The crew began filing out the door to the bridge while Aire went through the side door that lead to his ready room.

Shuttle Bay, NCCS Shadowdancer

Aire took one last glance around the shuttle bay, making sure everyone was where they should be. A table and chairs were set up to the side at Kali's request, for she did not want to go any deeper into the ship than she had to. Satisfied that everything was ready, he leaned over to the nearest console and called the bridge.

Aire: Teek, rotate the ship.

Teek: Initiating 180 degree turn.

Aire watched out of the force field shielding the shuttle bay from space as the Shadowdancer turned. First, the Cerberus came into view and slowly slid by from the stern to the bow, until they were pointed directly at the Vashta ship. At first, that's all he could see, but soon he spotted a tiny little spot growing larger as it approached. Nyana's shuttle was already on its way.

Bracing himself, Aire did his best not to show any outward signs of discomfort and worked hard to suppress anything going on inside as well. Before, he had Commodore Amaranth as a buffer between himself and Ksenva. Now, not only did he have no buffer, but there were two of them. He did not want a firefight, though he knew the chances of that were high. He also didn't want them to leave peacefully, to tell Lazmaedia what they've seen. The ideal situation unquestionably had the lowest chance of success, to somehow convince them to abandon Lazmaedia and peacefully defect. Fat chance of that, he thought. Nevertheless, he had to try.

The Vashta shuttle drifted in slowly, peacefully, into the shuttle bay and touched down with a gentle thud on the deck. So far, so good, Aire thought. The Vashta were living up to expectation, seeming to prefer yelling and sneering when close up and only resorting to weapons when safely aboard their ship. So far, this was only the second example, not enough to draw conclusions, but at least slightly promising if nothing else.

First to emerge was Nyana who, upon turning to see her welcoming party, furrowed her brow in a vain attempt at understanding what she was seeing, though made no hostile moves. Next was the demon. Right away, they had a hushed conversation, occasionally pointing at Aire and the rest. Others stepped out of the shuttle until the last, Kali. Immediately she threw her hands in the air and screeched at everyone.

Kali: What is this shit? You would have me believe that a pale vashta, a demon, an aptaran, a pointy-eared freak, and a floppy-eared mutant are capable of operating a ship like this? Nevermind. I've had enough. You go ahead and cavort with this spectacle, but I'll not be made the fool any longer!

Kali stomped back into the shuttle and Nyana followed, shouting at her through the door.

Nyana: Get back out here and greet everyone like a normal person!

Kali: NO!

Aire and the others watched, not really knowing what to think about this dynamic that resembled a mother scolding her impertinent teenage daughter. It took some cajoling, but Kali finally re-emerged, but kept her arms folded across her chest the entire time, refusing to look directly at any of them.

Nyana: I am Nyana, head of the Keara family. This is Lamia, my guardian.

Lamia: Pleased to meet you.

Nyana: I believe you know Kali already.

Kali did not respond and the others only gave unsure nods.

Aire: I am Aire Valro, Captain of the NCCS Shadowdancer. This is my first officer, Commander Joust.

Joust took a step forward and gave a bow with his hand on his chest.

Joust: Enchanted, Madams.

Aire: Next is Ensign Kit Savea, our Chief of Communications and linguistic expert. He'll be recording our conversation and we'll be pleased to provide you a copy if you like.

Kit: Pleased to meet you.

Nyana: Thank you for the offer, Captain, but we shall be making our own recording.

Aire: As you wish. Next is Lieutenant Baal Morningstar, Chief of Stellar Cartography.

Before Baal could respond, Lamia stepped forward, in front of Nyana for the first time since they'd seen her.

Lamia: You. Demon. Where's your sword? And who gave you permission to have a family name?

Baal: I freely choose not to carry one, just as I freely choose to select a surname.

Aire: That is so. Baal is free to carry on as he wishes and we are lucky that he chooses to be with us.

Taking note of, but otherwise outwardly ignoring, Lamia's astonished expression, Aire continued.

Aire: Next is Ensign Phobos Leingod, our Chief Science Officer.

Phobos: Greetings.

Aire: And finally, we have Ryuu, our representative from the Dragon realm.

Ryuu: Pleasure to meet you.

The introduction of Ryuu finally drew Kali out of her pout, if only for a moment.

Kali: Hmph. Dragon. You people have no idea what you've gotten yourselves into. You're lucky I don't kill you where you stand.

Both Aire and Ryuu ignored this comment.

Aire: Shall we have a seat?

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