Carpathia IV: Episode 165 - Dragon Delegation
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
A week? A month? The time since the first meeting with this new batch of vashtari seemed neverending. The dragon ship drew near. Not much time for any more insanity and Aire looked forward to the moment when the Shadowdancer could resume normal missions. In other words, the usual, comfortable, insanity. For that, it felt like the bleep from Kit's console was sent from heaven itself.
Kit: Message from the dragons, Captain. They're slowing for final approach.
Aire stood and gave a tug at his uniform.
Aire: Helm, slow to induction.
Mikado: Yes, Captain. Slowing to induction.
Aire: How do you feel about a docking procedure, Cadet?
Aire couldn't see the unquestionable look of surprise on Mikado's face, but he didn't need to. The ears suddenly standing up straight on his head told him everything he needed to know before Mikado swivelled around in his chair.
Mikado: I've studied how to do it, but I've never done it before.
Aire: Not to worry. Phobos can help you out.
Phobos: Can do, Captain! I'll get in touch with the dragon ship and send you position and attitude adjustments. Just be gentle with the controls.
Nalma: As a matter of fact, they're already sending docking coordinates. We'll be able to connect directly with shuttle bay 1.
Aire: Helm, thrusters. Let them come to us.
Mikado: Slowing to thrusters, Captain.
Aire: Put the dragon ship on viewer.
Again, the "dragon ship." A minor point that Aire hoped to bring up was to ask the dragons to have an alternative name that the non-dragon species would be physically capable of pronouncing. While he mulled how he might bring that up, the dragon ship appeared on the viewer.
Trex: And here I thought the Shadowdancer was big. We're going to look like a speck docked on that.
Joust: Easy to see why it took them so long to refurbish it.
Aire: Mikado and Phobos, coordinate your plan while I go fetch our welcome committee. Mikado, once you've finished the docking procedure, change to your dress uniform and report to shuttle bay one.
Mikado's ears twitched again, rightly guessing, Aire thought, that he would be part of the welcoming committee.
Mikado: I'll be there, Captain!

Shuttle Bay, NCCS Shadowdancer
Aside from the meeting with the cadets some days ago, this was the first time in a long while that Aire felt relaxed. Besides Lamia, everyone had already met, so no awkward introductions. The only big question mark hanging over the entire affair was whether or not Mikado would be able to get changed and get to the shuttle bay in time. Darius seemed to wonder as well, constantly criss-crossing his claws together and checking behind to see if Mikado was coming. This, Aire thought, was a good thing for himself, at least. It saved him the trouble of having to check, for when Mikado did arrive, surely there wouldn't be any...
Darius: He's here!
...doubt. Aire turned with a smile and a welcoming wave, directing Mikado to position next to Darius.
Darius: Wow, you didn't even break a sweat!
Mikado: You remember that tokki don't sweat, right?
Darius: Right! I did forget.
Darius tilted his head and bent his knees, looking up at Mikado even more than he usually did.
Darius: Insides of your ears are a bit red. Oh, Mikado, your badge is crooked!
Mikado dropped his chin near to his chest, straining to move his head past the stiff collar, not noticing Darius shaking his head.
Darius: Not the fox. It's your cadet badge. I'll get it.
Mikado: Thanks!
Mikado lifted his head high while Darius reached over, confidently at first, but then, as though suddenly realizing what he was doing, or perhaps, having a good look at Mikado's nape, became shaky. It took him longer than it should adjusting Mikado's cadet badge, twisting it up and down several times before he finally got it right.
Just in time, too, for Aire got the signal that the connection was secure and that the boarding party was ready. Aire spoke into his communicator.
Aire: Trex, open the bay door.
The acknowledgement was a clank as the massive door unlatched and rumbled up and away from the deck. Instead of starry space behind, a wide corridor greeted them, stretching all the way to the dragon ship. At the end were familiar faces, Admiral Zhang, Kuro, Voxx, plus two new ones, a pair of dragons, both in their full-size dragon form and, together, they marched the short distance through the companionway to the Shadowdancer. The two dragons, in particular, were an awe-inspiring sight, as they filled the three-deck high companionway entirely.
Aire: Kuro. Admiral Zhang. It is good to see you again.
Kuro: You too, Captain. I see you have your cadets with you today. Darius and Mikado, correct?
If it were possible for a nekomi to melt right on the spot, Darius would be nothing more than a puddle on the deck covered in fur and with a pair of ears perched on top.
Mikado: Pleased to see you again.
Darius: Y... Madam Kuro! Yo... you remember me?
Kuro: Just Kuro is fine, and of course I do.
All Darius could do at this point was swoon, giving Aire the opportunity to redirect the conversation.
Aire: Forgive me, Kuro, but I was rather hoping that you might be able to indulge our cadets in a tour of the dragon ship. They are here, after all, to experience all the wonders of space exploration.
Kuro: That can certainly be arranged! We would be delighted to host any crew who would like to have a look around. First, we should take care of the most pressing matter, and that's the vashtari.
Aire pivoted away from the cadets and took a step back, putting Lamia into the fore.
Aire: To that end, I would like to introduce Lamia. She's been very helpful working with the komodo and vashtari men from the ship. I think you'll find her insight very useful.
Kuro turned to Lamia and gave her a warm smile.
Kuro: I appreciate your assistance. I believe we should chat before the others board our ship.
Lamia: Ryuu was not an anomaly, I can see. The dragons are not the beasts we were taught they were.
Kuro took a moment to glance up at the two full-size dragons looming over her head and smiled again.
Kuro: We can be rightfully scary if the situation calls for it, but now is not one of those times.
By now, the formal receiving line was starting to break up while Aire moved toward Admiral Zhang.
Admiral Zhang: You remember Voxx. He and his team will be taking the Neptunus and will be in charge of the overhaul.
Aire: Of course. Good to see you again.
Voxx: Looking forward to see my boy Sylvar again. I'm sure he did the best he could but, to be honest, he hasn't spent even half the time digging through one of those ships like I have.
Admiral Zhang: I hope to see Sylvar and congratulate him on getting this ship this far. It will be very useful to us!
Aire: Both Captain Pendergast and Captain Azrael are holding position a distance from here to be safe. We don't know what that Vashta ship might get up to next.
Admiral Zhang: It's clear the aftermath was much worse than the initial confrontation. The good news...
Admiral Zhang took a moment to point at the two dragons, one of which loomed above them, paying close attention to their conversation. The other, a spirited yellow dragon, had his head clear down on the deck and engaged in a lively conversation with Darius and Mikado. Mostly Darius. Admiral Zhang grinned as she pointed at the first dragon and then had to redirect her finger much further than she expected to include the second.
Admiral Zhang: that Kuro has brought two very fine engineers with her. Between them and Voxx's team, we should have the Neptunus converted quickly.
Aire: I suggest we get started with the vashtari transfer, then. Shall we do the more problematic of their crew first?
From here, Kuro slid over and injected herself into the conversation.
Kuro: I just had a chat with Lamia and she suggests we proceed as you say. I'm sure you're looking forward to getting all this behind you.
Aire: It's been difficult, for sure, but if some good comes of it, then it will be worth it.
Admiral Zhang: Then let's get to it. I'll leave these two...
Once again, Admiral Zhang indicated the two dragon engineers.
Admiral Zhang: ...under the care of your very capable cadets. Also, I expected Sassinesa to be here.
Aire: And that's why he isn't. He seems to delight in showing up when he's not expected. Shall we?
Aire took a step to the side, prepared to pivot to lead his guests to where the vashta were staying, but Kuro had other ideas.
Kuro: I'm glad you're here, Reylen. I would speak with you.
Reylen's ears widened while his ears twitched.
Reylen: Oh? I thought I was just here as some window dressing.
Kuro: Not at all. I requested you. You see, I'd very much like to hold some talks with Tokkastra's leadership about establishing formal diplomatic relations, but I'm finding it exceptionally difficult to navigate your labyrinthine bureaucracy. Perhaps you can help me with that.
Reylen: Entirely understandable, but I think I have a solution. Joust, Nalma, and I don't have direct communication with the Queen, but we do have a strong relationship with Zilyana, head of the Toski Kari. She can get you the access you need. She's on her way to Polaris Deep now.
Kuro's entire face brightened like the sun just popped out over her head after a torrential rain and she clasped her hands together gleefully.
Kuro: Marvellous! In that case, I'll have a ride with you there. Walk with me, Reylen. I want to hear more.
With a nod, Aire directed his guests through the shuttle bay.
Aire: This way, everyone.
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