Carpathia IV: Episode 166 - Teren
Polaris Deep
Phobos: Docking procedure complete, Captain.
Absolute poetry, was all Aire could think of after hearing those words. Better than anything Shakespeare had ever written. Even after leaving the vashtari to the dragons, he didn't feel like that chapter of his captaincy was closed until they finally arrived at Polaris Deep. Somehow, this was what it took for everything to feel normal again.
Aire: Commander, you have the bridge. I'll see Admiral Zhang and Kuro off.

NCCS Shadowdancer, Gangway
Aire gave a smile and a nod to each crew member he passed along the way. There would be more Vashta. Of that he was certain, but, for now, he looked forward to resuming normal schedule. Next on the agenda was the cytos, previously known as the blobbies. An enjoyable, if not strange species, rather similar to the Shadowdancer crew themselves.
On the way to the gangway, Aire crossed paths with Ryuu, trotting along from another corridor.
Ryuu: Good morning, Captain.
Aire gave a nod and a wave to Ryuu as their paths converged.
Aire: Good morning, Ryuu. Looking forward to a little rest?
Ryuu: That, and visiting the dragon section of Polaris Deep. I hear Teren and Reylen will be meeting us at the gangway too.
Aire: Ah, good! The last time I saw Teren, he was still confined to his bed. It'll be good to see him up and about.
After a few more twists and turns through progressively widening corridors, Aire and Ryuu arrived at the gangway to find Admiral Zhang, Kuro, Reylen, and Teren, leaning on a cane, as expected. Unexpected, or rather expected, because it was unexpected, was that Sassinesa was also there, and he gave Aire an enthusiastic, child-like wave.
Sassinesa: Hiya, Cappy!
Aire: Sassinesa, I'm actually glad to see you.
Sassinesa put on his grumpiest face and folded his arms across his chest, which had the effect of cloaking him almost like a bat with the giant webbing that ran between his arms and feet.
Sassinesa: Hmph. Whaddya mean, "actually"? I'm here to ask for a meeting with Teri.
Aire raised an eyebrow, momentarily unsure of who he was talking about.
Admiral Zhang: I'm certainly not one to tell a demigod not to use my first name, am I? Anyway, I've agreed to a meeting and I'll meet you and Teren at Chez Ramewet at 19:00, if that suits your schedule. My treat.
Aire: That would be lovely, Admiral. That will give me time to send a runabout to retrieve Sylvar and the others.
Admiral Zhang: In that case, I'll meet Sylvar for drinks later and you're welcome to come. I want to let him know that his effort and success have been greatly appreciated. Let's see, busy busy. I'll meet with Sassinesa first, then Teren at 15:00, then you and Teren, and Sylvar at 21:00. I'll have my staff forward a schedule.
Aire: I will let him know, Admiral. I'm sure he'll be pleased.
Admiral Zhang nodded and turned to the side, with an eye now on Sassinesa.
Admiral Zhang: Shall we, Sassinesa?
Sassinesa: Hold hands?
Admiral Zhang: Why not?
Both Admiral Zhang and Sassinesa held out their hand/paw at the same time and clasped them together. As they strode away, Sassinesa turned his head around nearly 180 degrees, looked Aire directly into the eye, and stuck out his tongue.
Kuro: I think he likes you, Aire.
Aire: You know, he's a good guy, but he does tend to show up at high stress moments. This time excepted, of course. Shall I see you off, Kuro?
Kuro: Thank you, Aire, but that won't be necessary. I just wanted to thank you for your hospitality. Reylen is going to introduce me to some tokki cuisine while we chat about what to expect when Zilyana gets here.
Reylen: I thought visiting the tokki pod on the station would be a good way to have a crash course in tokki culture before the meeting.
Aire: Good thinking, Reylen.
Kuro: I think Ryuu would be welcome in this endeavor. I know he has much familiarity with tokki culture, so I think he could help too.
Ryuu: Happy to help!
With a nod, Kuro stepped onto the gangway and departed with Reylen and Ryuu, leaving Aire alone with Teren.
Aire: Teren, I'm so happy to see you up and about.
Teren: It is not without difficulties, Captain. Fortunately, on Polaris Deep, there are further treatments that will expedite my recovery. Dr. Teagan felt it would be prudent to schedule me for my first appointment as soon as we docked. It's in a half hour.
Aire: In that case, I'll walk with you to the medical bay. No worries. I won't go in with you or anything.
Teren: I don't want to trouble you, Captain.
Aire: No trouble at all. I know you have been keeping up with reports and I want to know what you think of everything that's happened since the explosion.
Teren: Let us proceed, then.

Chez Ramewet
Aire had dined with Admiral Zhang before, but this was the first time she had ordered razorbear haggis in his presence. Teren had the same, leaving Aire the odd one out, with a seasonal meat and vegetable dinner. As with Adell, long ago when he dined with him for the first time upon becoming his first officer, Admiral Zhang wielded her pair of two-pronged forks with considerable aplomb to shred her meat. Teren, by contrast, despite being rameweti himself, sliced his haggis with a knife as one would a steak. Not that he could use the forks in the same way as Admiral Zhang, with his oversize paws.
Admiral Zhang looked up while she was shredding her haggis with a sly grin on her face.
Admiral Zhang: I had a good teacher.
Aire: Commodore Amaranth, I presume. I have to admit, he caught me off guard when he ordered the same thing after we met.
Admiral Zhang: And now that you know his history, it's hardly a surprise anymore. Teren, how is yours?
Teren: Not quite like my mother's, but it is good.
Admiral Zhang: Glad to hear it. You deserve it after what you've been through.
Conversation at the table weaved around between subjects, both semi-serious and inconsequential, though nothing heavy. At Admiral Zhang's direction, it was a relaxing dinner, a good way to forget the last few days, if just for a moment.
Admiral Zhang: Teren, what is your assessment of Trex? Has she settled in well?
Teren nodded while he finished his bite of haggis.
Teren: Competent and inventive. She has transitioned from research to an active role well, I think.
Admiral Zhang: That's good to hear. Do you think she'd make a good security chief?
Teren: She would bring unique qualifications to the role, so, yes, I believe she would.
Aire listened, the piece of meat on the end of his fork entirely forgotten.
Aire: I'm getting the sense that the purpose of this dinner isn't entirely for relaxation.
Admiral Zhang: My apologies, Aire, but I just realized I forgot to ask an important question in our previous meeting. We're doing some shuffling of senior staff on the Chrono Blade. Commander Tyler has already accepted promotion to Captain and she'll be assigned there. I intend to recommend Teren as her first officer and I wanted you to hear that from us rather than after the fact.
Teren: Dr. Teagan and Dr. Neilson on Polaris Deep both suggested that I consider a career outside security, considering my most recent injuries.
Aire laid his fork on his plate and gave a solemn nod.
Aire: I can't say I didn't see this coming. I'd be lying if I said I'm entirely happy about it. I hate to lose you, Teren, but, at the same time, having you as first officer of the Chrono Blade would do me proud.
Teren: Thank you, Captain. However, I do not intend to consider the matter seriously unless I get a formal offer.
Aire: Sensible. Admiral, our next mission is to Cytosia to construct a communication station there. Perhaps we can have one more mission if the offer indeed comes through?
Admiral Zhang: I'd say you should continue as normal until there is an official offer. Whatever happens, we'll deal with it when the time comes.
Aire: Excellent! Teren, ready for another visit?
Teren: Only if I don't have to get shaved again.
Even though Aire hadn't been party to that incident, it was still very fresh in the crew's mind by the time he arrived and he heard the stories. At this, neither he nor Admiral Zhang could suppress at least a few giggles.
Admiral Zhang: Now, no more talk of business. Let's enjoy our dinner.
Which they did, immensely, finishing their meals and lingering over some port wine and Rameweti cheese plates until Admiral Zhang had to depart for her meeting with Sylvar.
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