Carpathia IV: Episode 172 - Cytosia
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
The Shadowdancer proceeded at a leisurely pace toward Cytosia, keeping the planet in view. A leisurely pace, indeed, for two hours had already passed between the time they started at one quarter induction and now, not even halfway to the outer rim of the asteroid belt surrounding the planet. Not exciting, but not everything worthwhile had to be exciting, and the slow and steady approach attained results. Panning the area with the viewer, they spotted several of the cytos happily bouncing around from asteroid to asteroid. And then, one of them noticed the ship.
That's when things got interesting.
Nalma: At least one of them has seen us. Adjusting viewer.
The image on the viewer slid to the side until it focused on a single cyto. The last time, the cytos all gathered and stared at the ship like a cluster of gelatinous cheshire cats. This time, the lone cyto wiggled, jiggled, and extended appendages in all directions.
Kit: That cyto is trying to get the attention of the others.
This became abundantly clear when several cytos joined the one. Again, they did not stare, but alternated between stealing glances at the ship and jiggling at each other.
Kit: I think they're debating the similarities and differences between this ship and the old Shadowdancer. I can't be sure. The Xenolinguistic Institute has made a lot of progress deciphering their language, but there's still a long way to go.
Aire: Let's just keep on as we are and watch. Every minute is valuable data.
If they were looking for data on the cytos' communication, they were getting plenty of it as they slowly crept forward toward the planet. After another hour of their tip toe approach, a red cyto appeared front and center amongst the others. This one launched itself directly at the Shadowdancer, just as before.
Aire: Could be our friend again. Prep Shuttle Bay 1 and have Ryuu prepare to escort him inside. Welcome committee, report to the shuttle bay. I will join you once we've acquired our friend.
Teren: Understood, Captain. Team, with me.
The team, Joust, Amenaru, and Kit, were out of their chairs before Teren even spoke. The other members, all from Engineering, would meet them there.
Aire: Teek, half induction. Let's close the gap until we're within 1000 kilometers and slow to thrusters.
Teek: Half induction, yes Captain.
Shuttle Bay, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Teren and his bridge team arrived first, followed soon after by Minnie, Ramei, Quenya and Sylvar. All that was left was the waiting. This did not take long and they knew it was time when the subtle vibrations in the ship's plating slowed and the near-constant engine hum ceased. This was Teren's cue.
Teren: Open the bay door.
Amenaru nodded conspicuously and took a step to the console. After a few button taps, a warning blared for a second and lights activated. As the door opened, revealing the starry space outside, they could see that the Shadowdancer was in mid-turn, lining up the shuttle bay in anticipation of the cyto's landing.
It didn't go quite to plan. The cyto, as it turns out, can make subtle adjustments to his flight path even in space, just enough for him to miss the shuttle bay door.
Ryuu: I'll go fetch him.
Ryuu slipped on his magnetic booties and galloped to the shuttle bay door. Just when everyone thought he might fling himself through the door, he came to an abrupt halt and tiptoed outside.
Minnie: I swear he does that on purpose to give us all heart attacks.
The others nodded in agreement while they waited for Ryuu to return with the cyto. It didn't take long for Ryuu's face to poke out from around the doorway. He carefully climbed back inside the ship and the cyto followed him, bouncing exuberantly when finally under the influence of gravity once again.
To Teren's relief, the cyto did not bounce around and destroy half the tool cabinets with his intense curiosity, but instead scanned the room. The moment he spotted Kit, he extended an appendage from his body and waved.
Teren: That's your cue, Kit.
Teren gave Kit a gentle nudge and on he went, with the cyto bouncing happily in a zigzag pattern toward him. If there was any doubt as to whether this was the same one as before, everyone put that idea to rest. Though Kit had his special cyto translation tablet, with screens on both sides so that the cyto could see the movements and Kit could see the translation text. Kit didn't use it at first. Instead, he greeted the cyto with a series of wiggles and grunts.
Red Cyto: Hullo!

Red Cyto: Hullo!
Aire grinned as he stepped into the shuttle bay. His first sight was Kit doing his wiggly greeting to the cyto and his deep-voiced response. Strolling up behind Teren, Aire gave him a pat on the shoulder and stopped, keen to simply watch for now.
Aire: Same one, it seems.
Teren: Quite certain, Captain.
Aire: Either way, I'm fine to just wait here for as long as it takes and just let Kit do his thing.
Aire patiently waited with the others, not that it was taxing to do so. The rapport between Kit and the cyto was always entertaining. After the initial greeting and a few more words between them, Kit switched to his tablet, holding out in front of him so that the cyto could see it clearly. Whenever Kit spoke, the tablet cyto would translate whatever he said into their language, complete with all the wiggles, jiggles, squirts and other assorted antics while translating the cyto's language back to Kit with text on his screen. From where Aire stood, it seemed to be going well enough, which meant that the research over the past year had been fruitful.
The wait wasn't long, but perhaps felt shorter to Kit, for when he looked back, he seemed a little surprised and a touch embarrassed to find Aire already waiting for them. The cyto bounced up to Aire and extended an impromptu arm at him. Aire took it and shook.
Aire: Good to see you again.
Kit stood between Aire and the cyto with the tablet in the proper position again. The tablet cyto translated Aire's words with its usual acrobatics, which relayed back to Kit's side of the tablet in English.
Kit: He's glad to see you too and is curious to know how the funny white rock got bigger.
Aire smiled and allowed himself a small chuckle.
Aire: This is a new one! Sadly, our old one broke. Do you like our new one?
The cyto gave another series jiggles and squirts while text scrolled onto Kit's tablet.
Kit: He likes it. He says it's much prettier.
Aire: Have we figured out what to call him yet?
Kit: Last time, I couldn't figure out a suitable translation, but with the new research, we might have better luck. Let me try.
Kit turned to the blobby and held out the tablet more steadily than before.
Kit: Can you tell us your name again?
The cyto did a flip and a wave with an accompanying whoosh noise. The tablet came back with a single word.
Kit: "Flower." I hope. It's a bit different from the last time he showed me that word, but they may have many words for that. Most languages do. Can I call you "Hana"?
The cyto did a double bounce, indicating the affirmative.
Aire: Hana?
Kit: Japanese was the first second language I learned. That's their word for "flower." He seems to like it.
Aire: Fantastic! Hana, would you like to meet my crew?
Hana gave two hops and accompanied Aire to his team.
Aire: Everyone, this is Hana.
Hana gave two hops again, plus a wave. From there, Aire introduced the rest of his crew in attendance while Kit performed all necessary translations. Hana did his best to reproduce the names of each crew member, sometimes with amusing results, pronouncing Minnie's name as "Ninny."
Aire: Hana, we would like to ask you a question.
Hana tipped onto his side and, to everyone's surprise, formed elf ears uncannily identical to Aire's, except they were red, out of his squishy body.
Kit: Interesting. I've had trouble explaining to him how ears work but I think he at least has the idea.
Aire: That's the important part, at least.
Hana: Mrph!
Aire and Kit turned just in time to see Hana suck in his elf ears and replace them with a pair of tokki ears, perfectly matching Kit's, popping out of his body.
Kit: Better get on with it, Captain. He's getting impatient.
Aire: Right. Hana, we would like to build a communication station on your planet. All of you can chat with our people any time you like and we can learn how to communicate with you better. It won't use much space. About the size of this room. If you ask us to remove it later, we will remove it.
Hana's face contorted and, for a time, he simply maintained that expression while tipping from side to side. Kit's tablet produced no text while this happened. After a solid minute of rocking, did an elaborate dance and, this time, the tablet produced results.
Kit: Okay, we didn't quite get all of that, but I think he's saying he needs to take this proposal to some sort of council or something. I think he's saying he can take us to the right place.
Aire: You would like to ask others if it's okay?
Hana confirmed with two bounces.
Aire: Can you show us how to get there?
Hana confirmed with two even more exuberant bounces.
Aire: That's a plan! Would you like to come to the bridge to show us the way?
Hana watched the tablet for the translation but appeared perplexed at the end, tipping onto his side until he appeared about to roll over.
Kit: The translator isn't getting "bridge" right. It's a place where leaders work and we can see in front of us.
Hana watched the translation again and replied with two bounces.
Kit: I think that's enough to go with. He'll get the idea when he sees it, I'm sure.
Aire: To the bridge, then. Teren, go ahead of us and make sure there's nothing to startle Hana or the crew when we come by.
Teren: On my way, Captain.
Before setting off to the bridge, Hana rolled around, making a wide circle on the deck and then bounced forward next to Aire, ready to go.
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