Carpathia IV: Episode 173 - Elder
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
When the lift door to the bridge opened, Hana bounded out before everyone else. Teren had gone ahead earlier to warn the bridge team and prepare them accordingly. There was, however, no need, for Hana did not seem interested in any of the consoles or equipment. Instead, he launched himself forward, two bounces, over Teek's head, and then another bounce before he finally pasted himself right on the forward curve of the bridge window with a reverberating thunk.
Aire: Teek, slow ahead to Cytosia. One quarter induction.
Teek: One quarter induction, yes Captain.
Aire: Reduce opacity of bridge windows to zero.
Phobos: Setting opacity to zero, Captain.
Aire: Now, let's hope that the other cytos spot him.
Kit, without hurry, stepped toward the front of the bridge, deftly weaving around the consoles while studying his tablet.
Kit: Chances are extremely high, Captain. We only need one to notice, given how quickly they seem to be able to relay information to each other, and they will be looking at us.
By now, Hana had peeled himself off the window and now hopped and waved frantically in the general direction of Cytosia while the Shadowdancer advanced slowly upon them. As they neared the asteroids and started wondering what they might do to navigate through them, Nalma made an announcement.
Nalma: Oh! This is unexpected.
All eyes turned to Nalma and they awaited further elaboration.
Nalma: Confirmed. They are moving the asteroids and giving us a clear path.
Hana, who had been bouncing and waving at the front window since he splat himself there, now turned and gave two hops to the bridge crew.
Aire: Thank you very much for the help, Hana.
Hana gave another bounce and a half roll.
Kit: Hana says "You're welcome" Captain.
Nalma: We are entering the asteroid field. I'm surprised to say this, but all clear ahead.
Aire: Teek, slow to half thrusters.

The Shadowdancer proceeded slowly through the asteroids at half thrusters, taking care that they were not in danger of running over any of the locals. They didn't make it easy, playfully darting in front of the ship at unexpected moments. Unsurprisingly, one landed on the ship itself. Then another. And another. Pretty soon, there were at least a dozen crawling playing on the hull, leaving Aire no choice but to intervene.
Aire: Hana, could you ask the others not to get on the ship? We don't want anyone to get hurt.
Kit showed the tablet with the translation to Hana, making some adjustments to the verbiage to make sure that he understood clearly.
Kit: Hana says he'll try.
Not instant results, but it only took about ten minutes for Hana to get the attention of enough of the cytos and relay the message to the others. Some removed themselves from the ship right away. Others were more reluctant, only leaving in a sulk after peer pressure from the rest of the cytos.

Aire: All stop.
Teek: Helm at all stop, Captain.
Now directly above the location according to Hana's instructions, it was time to meet the cyto council and elder. With Phobos's help providing images of the surface, Hana zeroed in on a location for a landing. Aire decided on a small, but senior team, of course with Kit for help with translation. It would be himself, Kit, Minnie, Trex, and Baal. With his team assembled, they headed to the lift back to the shuttle bay.
The trip to the surface was quiet enough, all things considered, with Hana aboard. He seemed more interested in looking out of the windows rather than any of the systems. A relief for Trex, to be sure.
The shuttle touched down in a lightly forested area full of trees of varying colors with green grass all around, bent and flattened, looking like it was a well-trodden area. The weather was warm, enough to easily break a sweat with some minor exertion, but comfortable while at rest. The team emerged from the shuttle, wondering what this council might look like or this elder that Hana spoke of. It didn't take long, for a team of three cytos emerged through the trees rolling another cyto along in front of them. This one was quite different indeed. While all the cytos they had met thus far had the consistency of firm, supple grapes, this cyto appeared to be well on his way to raisinhood.
The three cytos rolled the elder onto a flat rock and, after a few moments making sure he was steady, backed away. Then... nothing happened.
Kit: We must wait for Elder to wake.
Aire: How long will that take?
Kit: I've asked, but nobody seems to know.
It was not a short wait. Long enough for the team to ask if it would be okay to take a break for lunch and other such necessities, including potties. Finally, just as the sun was beginning to set and the first tinges of orange appeared in the sky, the elder began to wobble, prompting Hana to hop up and down repeatedly.
Kit: Hana says, "Elder wakes!" over and over. I'm not sure about the others. They're definitely excited. If I had to guess, the best I can come up with is "Hallelujah!"
Aire took the hint, if it could be called a hint. Be very careful not to disrespect the elder. Not just a leader, but at least near to a religious figure. Hana stopped hopping and turned to Kit to give more information.
Kit: Hana says to go now and make it quick before he falls asleep again.
Aire: Alright, Kit, let's go. You stand in front of me with that tablet.
Aire stepped closer to Elder with Kit while Hana followed. Quickly getting himself and Kit into position, he wasted no time getting started.
Aire: Greetings, Elder. I am Aire Valro and this is Kit Savea...
As instructed, Aire skipped other pleasantries and went straight to the proposal, asking if he and his crew can build a communication station in the location of their choosing and quickly adding the benefits for both species, all while Elder squinted at the tablet, making his face even more raisiny than it already was. Aire did indeed hurry as instructed, taking less than two minutes for the entire spiel and then went silent, awaiting a response.
Elder wibbled and wobbled, making himself shorter and then sprang up into a geriatric bounce, maybe an inch off the rock. Then, slowly, laboriously, he did it again. After that, he fell asleep almost instantly. The three guardians, or whatever they were, quickly hopped up to Elder and rolled him away, leaving both Kit and Aire more than a little confused.
Aire: I'm not sure if that went well or not.
Kit: Neither do I. He did hop twice, but I don't know if the slowness or the low height was because of his age or if he was communicating another meaning. The translator doesn't know either.
Hana bounced in front of them, seeming quite lively indeed.
Kit: Hana congratulates us on our success. It seems that we got an affirmative response.
Hana wasn't done yet, continuing his little dance while the translator put more text on the screen.
Hana and the other cytos will help us find a location for the station. He also says we're lucky, I think. He said that sometimes Elder doesn't wake for days.
Aire: You know what? I'm not going to question any of this. Contact the Shadowdancer and tell them to start bringing down the materials.
Kit: Understood, Captain. Calling them down now.
While Kit called the Shadowdancer, Aire turned his attention to the other crew he brought with him, the ones who he intended to introduce to Elder and ended up wasting their time.
Aire: Sorry for wasting your time. Looks like I didn't get a chance to introduce you after all.
Trex gave a big grin and held out her hand for a jaunty little wave.
Trex: Think nothing of it, Captain! It appears we were able to bear witness to something very auspicious indeed!
Baal: They're interesting to watch. I have no frame of reference for their physiology, so I can't tell what they're thinking.
Minnie stuck out her elbow to give Baal a playful jab in the ribs.
Minnie: Now don't you go falling in love with them too. You already broke Phobos.
Aire cracked a little smile while Baal blushed.
Aire: Alright, let's get to work, everyone. We need to work with the cytos to scout a location.
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