Carpathia IV: Episode 191 - The Facade Cracks
Nalma's Quarters, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Nalma's normal day involved very little time spent in his quarters. So little, in fact, that he hardly remembered where he kept anything. Always out and about, relaxing in the sento, lounging in the atrium, and chatting with anyone who had a minute to spare. Quarters were for sleeping, maybe a little paperwork, and fostering closer relationships with other crew members, though he only needed the bedroom for the first and last one.
For the last week, however, Nalma spent much of his off time in his quarters. Something about what happened on the planet robbed him of the desire to socialize. Though the desire gradually returned, he still spent more time than usual in his quarters. Mostly, he read, an excellent way to pass the time while he has his ears in the massager. Fortunately, nobody bugged him during his relaxation.
Until today.
The sound of his door chime, unexpected as it was, sent a twitch through his entire body. After a delay, taking time to put his book down and re-orient himself back to reality, he answered.
Nalma: Come in?
The door slid open, revealing a very meek Tuomas on the other side, head down and spine curved, tail dragging upon the floor. He stepped in, but only just enough for his floofy tail to clear the door. Nalma popped out of his chair, tossing his book aside at the same time.
Nalma: Tuomas!
Tuomas didn't say anything, at least, at first, only standing where he was, twiddling his fingers together.
Tuomas: I wanted to say thank you. If you hadn't noticed that vine coming after me, I'd have ended up like Amenaru, if not worse.
Nalma gave a relieved sigh and scratched the back of his head nervously.
Nalma: Well, you know... I saw a situation and I reacted. I wouldn't want you or any of the crew getting injured or killed.
Tuomas: I have to admit that there's a part of me, deep down, that thought you might have just watched in a situation like that.
Nalma: Old me probably would have. Have a seat. Let's talk.
Tuomas nodded and, without a word, shuffled to the chair nearest to Nalma's. Together, in awkward silence, they sat, until Nalma cleared his throat conspicuously.
Nalma: That's quite something you can do with the fire.
Tuomas: It's been with me most of my life. It took me years to learn how to control it. I set my bed on fire a few times. I've done a lot of training with dragons and I'm really good with it now.
Nalma: Sounds like a lot to deal with. You seem to have it under control now.
Tuomas did not answer. He said nothing at all as he hung his head and took a long, loud sniff, what appeared to be a prelude to a cry.
Nalma: I'm sorry. I didn't...
Nalma stopped when Tuomas started shaking his head.
Tuomas: You're fine. I can control the fire, but I'm afraid I can't control myself. You know I watched you run away that night when you and your friends made me fall. I wanted to kill you so very badly and I could have done it right up until I blacked out.
Nalma was shocked, yet unsurprised at the same time, knowing what he knows now about Tuomas's fire abilities. He didn't know it at the time, but it was clear now that he dodged a bullet...or a fireball, as it were.
Tuomas: I'm sorry I yelled and threw things at you. Truth is, I lashed out partly because I'm terrified of myself sometimes. I really could be a lord of evil if I wanted to.
Nalma: That's a lot to deal with and I don't know what to say. If you don't mind my asking, the doctor seems to have a habit of asking everyone why they're out here. Has she asked you yet?
Tuomas shook his head.
Nalma: She will, eventually. Don't tell her I warned you. She'll get mad at me and Dr. Teagan is scary when she is displeased.
Tuomas: What was your answer?
Nalma: Heh, you know, Dr. Teagan says most people change their answers later, but mine never has. I want to be a different person to who I was. To do that, I decided to join the Exploration Force.
Tuomas: It seems to be working.
Nalma: You think so? I hope so. What about you? Why did you come out here?
Tuomas paused, bringing his hand up to his chin and stroking it back and forth.
Tuomas: I thought being in space would inspire my art more.
Nalma: Hmmm... I won't say I don't believe you, but give that a little more thought. You might find that you're here for reasons you don't even realize yet.
Tuomas did not respond. Nalma took note of how blank his face appeared, like he was deep in thought.
Nalma: Just something to consider. I want to thank you for coming and telling me your story. More complicated than I would ever have guessed.
Tuomas: I'm sorry I judged you so quickly. I just thought...
Tuomas's voice trailed off, so Nalma finished his sentence for him, probably not in the way that Tuomas intended.
Nalma: That there was something dark behind my cheerful facade? You were right about that. Sometimes I think I overdo it. Meeting you makes me think I'm right about that.
Tuomas smiled for the first time since he walked in the door.
Tuomas: You might be right about that. You could try being more yourself.
Nalma: I'm a little afraid of that. I know what I was. It's almost lunch time. Want to go before the duty shift changes? Before the canteen fills up?
Tuomas nodded and together, they stood, strolling side by side to the door and then down the hall to the canteen.

Amenaru's quarters
Not an easy thing, having three senior officers milling about one's quarters, and Amenaru had that right now. Thank goodness for Kit, who made sure everything was clean and presentable, since Amenaru struggled to do that himself. Kit's penchant for tidiness showed, as his quarters hadn't looked this good since the day he took possession.
With the cleaning out of the way, Kit's next duty was guard dog, standing sentry next to Amenaru while Sorchae and Tamati did their scans and he demanded a look at every single device before it was used, like a dog needing to sniff a stranger's hand... or crotch. Aire did not have to worry, as he was only there to deliver information.
Aire: Looks like we'll be at the funeral for about two months. I don't know the precise end date yet, so I'll let you know.
Sorchae: That'll be more than enough time to fully recover, more or less, at your home. I've asked one of my old colleagues, Dr. Raad, to come to your home and do checkups. Every day, at first, and his discretion from then on.
Amenaru: That's fine. I don't think I'm going on any excursions while I'm there.
Meanwhile, Tamati put one of his devices away and pulled out another, which Kit greeted by immediately putting his face within an inch of it.
Tamati: This one checks for any aberrations in the power delivery systems. I won't even have to touch him.
Kit sniffed with an air of suspicion.
Kit: Proceed.
Amenaru: Kit, Tamati knows what he's doing. Please don't get in his way.
Kit stepped back and wrung his hands together.
Kit: I'm sorry.
Tamati: No worries, Kit. After what happened, I'm not surprised you're feeling a little overprotective now.
Instead of doing his scans, Tamati held his device out to Kit.
Tamati: Would you like to try? I'll show you how to use it.
Kit recoiled, if only for a moment, blinking repeatedly, before finally giving a shy nod.
Kit: Okay.
Amenaru watched in awe of Tamati's diplomatic prowess, which made even his own polite request seem downright cruel. Tamati handed over the scanner and started instructing Kit how to hold it.
Sorchae: I'll leave you in Tamati's and Kit's capable hands. Just follow your prescribed medication and activity levels and you should be alright. I'll make sure Dr. Raad is on speed dial for you if you have any emergencies.
Amenaru: Just one question, Doctor. I have this shiny new heart, right?
Sorchae: Yes?
Amenaru: So, does that mean I can start smoking aga...
Like a flash of lightning, impossible to tell where it came from and leaving little trace when it was over, Amenaru felt a sharp pain on his cheek. He never saw it coming, he never saw it end, yet he knew that Sorchae gave him a hearty slap across the cheek before she turned and stomped away, grumbling to herself. Amenaru was too stunned to say anything for several seconds. Even Kit, usually with quick reflexes on his own, stood by, flabbergasted. Aire, by contrast, did not seem so surprised, evidenced by his shaking head, as if to silently say, "You idiot."
Amenaru: T'was just a little joke.
Aire: Never joke around with Sorchae about things like that.
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