Carpathia IV: Episode 192 - Stairs
Shadowdancer slowed in standard approach to Andrast, the brilliant, and indescribably humid, green marble. The nekomi called it Shenah, meaning "tree palace" in their langauge. An apt description, as the abundant trees and moss gave it the vivid color.
Aire: Helm, standard orbit.
Teek: Standard orbit, yes Captain.
Aire turned to Amenaru, sitting at his station for the first time since the incident. Not doing anything, mind, but observing the approach to his home planet.
Aire: Welcome home, Lieutenant.
Amenaru: Thank you, Captain. Please give my regards to Kuro and the people of Ramewet for me. It was an honor to speak with him one last time.
Teren: And we owe you a debt for relaying that to us. I'm not sure if we could call those his last words, since he was already dead, but it'll certainly make the archivists happy, at least.
Aire: You've earned a rest. Don't let a moment's guilt afflict you for being away from the funeral. Now...
Aire tapped at his armrest console.
Aire: Captain to shuttle bay, is our shuttle ready?
Sylvar: Ready to go as soon as you are, Captain.
Aire: We'll be down in a few minutes, Sylvar. Aire out.
Aire tapped his console again, terminating communication.
Amenaru: "Our shuttle," Captain?
Aire: Oh yes, I'll be flying you, Kit, and Sylvar down.
Inwardly, Amenaru began to panic, imagining his father showing up at the landing site dressed in full chain mail or something equally embarrassing. Captain Valro stood, and Amenaru did the same, followed by Kit. Amenaru did his best to put whatever antics his dad might get up to out of his head as he prepared to follow the Captain.
Aire: Amenaru, Kit, you're with me. Joust, you have the bridge.

Library, Andrast
The shuttle made a tight circle around the library before touching down. Through the window, Amenaru could see his dad waiting, thankfully, not in full chain mail armor. There was hope.
The shuttle touched down and Amenaru, Kit, and Sylvar exited with Aire following behind. Amenaru's dad restrained himself from the bear hugs this time, though it was clear enough, from his fidgety demeanor, that it was killing him not do it.
James: Welcome home! How are you feeling?
Amenaru's chest tightened on hearing his dad's voice. Though he didn't remember what happened when he lived his alternate life, he did remember how it felt and this was the first time he heard his dad's voice since then. Somehow, the feelings from that time returned, even if he didn't fully understand why and it was all he could do to keep from bursting into tears.
Amenaru: Hi, Dad. Doing fine, considering what happened.
James took some hesitant steps forward, looking Amenaru up and down as he did.
James: Is a hug okay?
Amenaru momentarily forgot his misgivings and smiled, stepping forward with his arms outstretched.
Amenaru: Just don't squeeze.
James nodded with tears in his eyes and "hugged" Amenaru, but like he was made of the thinnest glass. Amenaru could barely feel it at all.
James: Kit! I'm so glad you're here too.
This time, James didn't hold back as Kit disappeared within James's bulky arms.
When James relented and Kit could breathe once again, he turned his dangerous affections to Sylvar.
James: And bonus son!
And thus Sylvar submitted to the huggy bear monster, leaving Amenaru to wonder what he might do to the Captain when he finally noticed him.
James: Oh, and who's this? Fancy uniform! This must be Captain Valro!
Aire took that as his cue to step forward with his hand extended.
Aire: Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Pendergast.
No hugs this time, but a hearty, tight-fisted handshake. So far, so good, Amenaru thought.
James: Call me James, please, and thanks for bringing by boys down to me, even if one of them is part cyborg now!
Aire: Least I could do. Amenaru provided us with some valuable information, after all.
James grinned and then put his hand on his hips and Amenaru knew what that meant as he prepared to hide his face with his hands. His dad was about to say something deliberately stupid.
James: Now, did you find a cure for chronic fornication while you were up there?
Amenaru winced while Aire smiled.
Aire: Ha! Not at all. I think I would have a mutiny on my ship if I did.
James: Then, against my wildest imagination, there was a place out there suited to Amenaru after all!
Aire: Your son is an excellent officer and we're very pleased to have him. You should be proud.
James: Whatever he decides to do, I'll always be proud. Of all three them, in fact.
Aire nodded.
Aire: It was a pleasure meeting you, but I'm afraid I have a ship to run. We'll see you all again in a couple of months.
James: Thank you again, Captain.
Kit: I look forward to your return, Captain.
Sylvar: Take your time, Captain! I rather like it here!
Amenaru: We'll be waiting for you, Captain.
Aire: Rest up and relax. I'll be in touch.
Aire returned to the shuttle and the four watched it take off and soar into the sky.
James: Into the van we go!

Amenaru's House, Andrast
Amenaru used to love that his parents built their house on top of a hill for all the wonderful views of the town and the sea it afforded. Watching the replica ships come and go. Observing the people milling about below, going about their daily business. Today, he hated it. All the damned stairs. Fortunately, James was strong enough to carry him the rest of the way when he faltered halfway up, cradling Amenaru in his arms like he was a giant, skinny baby.
Amenaru: Thanks, Dad.
James: Reckon I oughta put in an elevator. Your mom and I are doing to get old eventually.
Amenaru turned the corner and made it up the last six steps on his own, and then entered the house. Right away, Meri and Ramses jumped out of their seats and leaped over the living room couch to greet him. Meri first, with a light hug and a little kiss on his cheek.
Meri: Welcome back!
Meri moved on to greet Kit and Sylvar in the same way she did Amenaru while Ramses took his turn. Not with a kiss, but with a playful, light punch to his shoulder.
Ramses: Glad you're back in one piece, bro.
James: Now now, everyone. Let's all go to the couch so Amenaru can have a sit down. I'll get the pizza in the oven.
All nodded and proceeded to the couch where Amenaru, with Kit at his side, lowered himself gingerly into the soft cushion.
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