Carpathia IV: Episode 203 - Porn Funnel
Holosimulator, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Teek: Stand still, you little shit!
Mikado: Go on! Hit me!
Teek did not hit him. Not for lack of trying, swinging his scythe everywhere he could, but Mikado leaped, dodged, and pirouetted away from every strike. Mostly leaped, leaving Teek more frustrated and getting progressively wilder with each swing. Sylvar, standing by the back wall of the holoarena, observed and he was glad of the practice mode on the scythe. If that had been activated for real, Teek would have hurt himself by now.
Teek: Why are you dressed like that, anyway?
Mikado: I move better in this.
Teek: Bowties help you move better?
Mikado: No, bowties are cool.
Teek grumbled and made another charge, which Mikado deftly dodged again, with a jump and a turn. Before Teek even knew what happened, Mikado was already halfway to the other side of the arena.
Sylvar: Okay, that's enough for now.
Teek let his scythe drop to the floor and he bent over, letting out a prolonged sigh.
Teek: I've never fought someone who didn't try to fight back before.
Sylvar: You're getting pretty good with swinging and thrusting, but your flips need work.
Sylvar held out his hand and Teek immediately knew it was time to hand over the scythe. Like a good student, he gave Sylvar the scythe along with the power pack, which Sylvar hooked to his belt.
Sylvar: Remember, these bends in the handle are not just for show.
Sylvar placed one hand on the high end and one on the low end and rotated it like an old-timey manual drill, flipping the blade of the scythe rapidly over and over.
Sylvar: This is how you do fast transitions between attack types. You master all three of these things together and you'll be unstoppable.
Sylvar made a dramatic turn toward Mikado and flashed a devilish grin.
Mikado: Uh oh.
Teek couldn't be sure if Sylvar lunged first or if Mikado ran away first, for everything appeared to happen instantly and quickly. Teek watched, agog, at Sylvar's scythe skills and did his best to focus on the flips that he mentioned before, but it was hard to keep up with them. Mikado bounced and flailed around and seemed to be having trouble keeping his distance. No matter where he went, Sylvar was always ready for a strike at any moment. This went on for five solid minutes when Sylvar suddenly stopped and tapped the blunt end of the handle on the ground with the blade arcing over the top of his head.
Mikado: Ha! Give up?
Sylvar grinned again and held up a little black bowtie.
Sylvar: Nope. I got what I came for.
Mikado: Ack!
Instinctively, Mikado's hands went up to his collar and he felt around. This was the first time that Teek noticed that his bowtie was missing.
Mikado: My bowtie!
Sylvar: Meh, a clip-on. That's disappointing. I was hoping to use my scythe tip to unravel it little by little.
Sylvar clutched the clip-on bowtie between two of his fingers and flicked it back at Mikado. With a fumble at first, he managed to catch it before it hit the floor.
Mikado: I haven't had a chance to learn how to tie those yet.
Sylvar: Anyway, that ends today's lesson. Next lesson, you'll be the one unarmed, Teek. Wear what you like!

Cadet Quarters, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Darius slithered into his quarters with a yawn and a stretch. After peeling off his chest plate, he removed his tunic and, as always reached for a brush to get the wrinkles out of his fur. This took a half hour, as his fur was more wrinkled than usual. Once he was back to his glorious, fluffy sheen, he threw on a t-shirt.
His shift in sick bay had been abnormally quiet, yet stressful at the same time. As Dr. Teagan put it, the last time they interacted with the Sunstone Nebula, things went badly and sick bay spent the entire shift on red alert for this go around. Eight straight hours in sick bay, everyone on edge, doing what they could to pass the time. Cleaning, organizing things that were already organized, and more cleaning, all while anticipating an emergency call at any second. An emergency call that never came. Good, of course. Very good, but tribute must be paid in stress.
No Mikado. He must be on shift or enjoying one of the ship's amenities. Darius wondered where he got all the energy. Darius had little energy left, but still too wound up to go to bed. Best, he thought, to engage in some mindless scrolling on the network. Some games. Some news. Some... what's that? A tokki. A tokki posted a selfie on a Carpathian site. Not rare, but not common either. This tokki... Slender frame. White hair.
Darius: Almost thought that was Mikado, but this one has green eyes.
Nevertheless, interested, titillated even, Darius fell down a rabbit hole of tokki. Tapping, following, one image leading to another, then a video, then some art, and links to art displays. Eventually, it wasn't only tokki, but a mixture of species. After an hour, he couldn't say where he started anymore, but he was in deep now. The brain in his head shut off. His "other brain" was in charge now.
At last he caught sight of a nekohuman with simply the caption "Live" over the image. He clicked on that and it took him to another place. Not the nekohuman, at first. This time, an age verification. He agreed and let the system scan his retina and, just like that, he was in.
Darius watched, transfixed, now completely oblivious to his surroundings, or even where he was. Indeed, it was a live stream and the nekohuman was already down to his underpants, which sported the most spectacular bulge he'd ever seen. The chat box next to him offered cash tips and suggestions of what they wanted him to do next. He watched, for a long time, but this nekohuman was a master of the tease, always seeming like he was just about to show something more, but backing off at the last second. Darius found this a bit irritating, but the chat ate it up.
Getting bored now, Darius's eyes drifted around the screen, spotting a button at the top right. "Get started!" it said. "Other brain" thought this was a capital idea and he tapped this. A form came up. Username. Password. Other boring stuff. Not once during this process did he question any of it. Again, "other brain" was in charage.
After several annoying questions and verifications, a process that took far too long, he was in. His own face, his wide eyes, staring back at him on the screen. Now what? Just sit there and hope someone shows up? In fact, that was exactly what he was supposed to do. Darius didn't know if people were interested in his profile selfie or if there was a some sort of new user feature to access, but people started trickling in, each message appearing with a little bling sound.
Hello Tunneltushy69!
Oh, a nekomi!
So fluffy!
Ha! He looks scared.
Take your shirt off!
Darius looked down at his shirt and a shiver flowed up through his body from his feet all the way to the tips of his ears. He'd never been so scared and excited at the same time.
Darius: Umm...
Take it off!
With the commentariat getting antsy, Darius reached down with his trembling paws and grabbed the bottom of his shirt. Normally, taking off a t-shirt did not take much thought. Pretty much all instinct, but today, his instinct failed him and he got stuck right as his shirt went up over his head.
Darius didn't see the barrage of messages, but he did hear the constant bling bling of new comments coming up and he could only imagine what they were. With some struggle, he got his shirt off and tossed it aside.
Pretty pattern!
Orange and black with pretty cream chest!
Show us your dick!
A lump formed in Darius's throat. That last comment was like a shock to his system and, suddenly, the brain in his head took charge again.
Darius: What the hell am I doing?
The door to his quarters slid open and Mikado stepped over the bulkhead inside.
Mikado: I'm beat!
Darius: MREYOW!!!
Mikado could only watch as Darius shot from his chair and pinballed around the room, finally coming to rest on the other side, curled up into a little fuzzy ball between Mikado's desk and lounge chair. From there, he saw that Mikado was dressed like... well, he didn't know what he was dressed like, but he was wearing the hell out of it. Some kind of weird sexy butler thing, but without a bowtie.
Mikado: Are you okay?
Darius might have stopped, but the chat did not.
Where he go?
One second there, the next gone.
Mikado: What's this?
Mikado turned and leaned into Darius's screen.
That outfit tho
Show us your dick!
Mikado tipped his head from side to side, sending his ears flopping over with each turn. Then, without any pomp or ceremony, dropped his bikini.
Aw, that's no fun.
Take it off slower!
No romance with tokki, is there?
Mikado: Weird thing. How do you turn this off?
Darius did not answer. He only wished he were dead as he listened to Mikado fumble around with the screen. Eventually, he just powered down the entire console.
Mikado: Was that one of those live sex things I've heard about? Don't know why anyone would go there. Just ask the person next to you.
Still, Darius did not respond, remaining as he was, curled up on the floor.
Mikado: Are you okay?
Darius unfurled himself in a flourish, flopping his legs straight out in front of himself and plopping them on the floor.
Darius: No, I'm not okay! I'm horny!
Mikado's eyes tracked down from Darius's face, across his chest, and to the bulge in his pants which seemed about to tear with the strain. Mikado smiled and stepped forward until he was looming over Darius, his feet between his legs.
Mikado: You sure are. How long has it been?
Darius: Erm... A few weeks.
Mikado's ears twitched in disbelief.
Mikado: Weeks?
Mikado bent down and put his hands under each of Darius's arms. He did not resist as Mikado lifted him to his feet.
Mikado: I can help you with that if you want.
Darius nodded.
Darius: It's my first time with another person.
Mikado inched closer until he was close enough for Darius to feel his breath on his face. Mikado reached up and ran his hand from Darius's whiskers to the back of his head.
Mikado: In that case, we'll go slow.
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