Carpathia IV: Episode 204 - Bridge Baal
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Not uncharted space. Little charted might be the best term for it. Until now, the only ships that had been out in this direction were scout ships, gathering preliminary data. If Carpathia wanted to expand the sensor net out here, a more detailed exploration would be needed, which was what Shadowdancer was there to do.
Aire: Baal, we're in position. You tell us where to go and what we need to investigate.
Baal: Thank you, Captain. Our job is to make sure there's nothing around to interfere with the planned position of the sensor net. Look for anything that might do that and we'll make adjustments to the planned position as we go along.
Aire: Very good. Quenya, Mikado, you'll take your instructions from Baal.
Quenya: Science station ready, Captain.
Mikado: Helm ready, Captain.
Aire stood gave his uniform a little straightening tug.
Aire: Baal, the chair is yours. Kit, call Shep to my ready room.
Kit: Yes, Captain.
Baal swivelled his chair around and blinked several times before he could muster the ability to speak.
Baal: M... Me?
Aire: Don't worry. Joust will be here to make sure you don't take any joyrides.
Baal: Yes, Captain!
Like a kid given the opportunity to sit in his favorite team's racecar, Baal rushed to the Captain's chair and plopped himself inside, crossing his legs and giving his butt a little wiggle to settle himself in.
Aire: I'll leave you to it.
Aire headed up to the stairs for his ready room. Along the way, he heard Baal give his first bridge order.
Baal: Helm, course 029 mark 317, full induction. Science, ready scans.
Mikado: Setting course, Lieutenant.
Quenya: Beginning scans.

Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Aire leaned over his desk, elbow on the surface and with his chin perched in his hand while he studied Shep's personnel file. It did not take long for his door chime to sound.
Aire: Enter.
The doors parted and Shep stepped inside.
Shep: You wished to see me, Captain?
Aire: Yes, Corporal. Have a seat.
Shep nodded and did as he was told, rounding one of the chairs and sitting.
Aire: I've received word from the admiralty that the fleet is shifting more resources to preparing for what we believe is an imminent vashta invasion. That means that frontier exploration, the sort that you did, will be curtailed for the time being.
Shep gave a solemn, but knowing, nod.
Shep: I expected that something like that would happen.
Aire: There is good news, however, if you're interested. The next time we pass the Chrono Blade, Teren will be transferring to take the position of First Officer. I've already asked Trex to take over the Chief of Security position. That means we will have an opening for Deputy Security Chief. I think you two would complement each other nicely.This will essentially turn your temporary position into a semi-permanent one.
Shep: I agree, Captain. But what of my team?
Aire: Your team will be invited to join, of course. I'm not sure how long it will be before things get back to any semblence of normal. No matter what happens, I doubt things will continue on exactly as they did before. For now, I think this will be a good fit for you and your team. Though we generally have long stretches of little in the way of excitement, you've seen for yourself that things can get hectic very quickly.
Shep nodded slowly, perhaps, Aire thought, thinking about not too long ago when the young vashta man blew himself up in the atrium.
Shep: Undoubtedly true. I am inclined to accept, but I would like to talk with my team first.
Aire: Understandable. We still have some time before we're scheduled to pass the Chrono Blade. However, there is one more thing. I see on your file that you have extensive tactical training on starship weapons.
Shep: Yes, Captain. A necessary skill when on a small craft out in the frontier.
Aire: The Admiralty has issued a directive to increase increase staffing on weapons. If you stay, I'd like to to also consider doubling for that post. You can recommend anyone in your team who may be interested too. We are also going to be cross-training for rapid repair of critical systems, like shields and propulsion. We have many opportunities opening up if your team wants to take advantage.
Shep: This sounds like it may be the next best thing to what we were doing. I will relay the information.
Aire: Right, then. If you have any questions about any of the positions, let me know. For now, dismissed.
Shep: Yes, Captain. I appreciate the opportunities you're offering. We might be in a very different situation indeed if you hadn't rescued us.
Aire: You're a talented crew member, Corporal. We'd like to keep you around.
Shep rose to his feet and gave Aire a smile and a nod.
Shep: You'll have our answer soon, Captain.
With a turn, Shep exited through the Deck 1 door to the lift, leaving Aire to his paperwork.
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