Carpathia IV: Episode 206 - Terminated Communications
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Two hours passed, and still no indication that the other ship spotted them, so most of the activity on the bridge was little more than monitor, monitor, monitor. Finally, something happened.
Nalma: The mystery ship has broken orbit.
Aire: Course?
Nalma: One moment, Captain. Attempting to ascertain.
A minute passed with Aire drumming his fingers on his armrest.
Nalma: The ship appears to be headed for the third planet in the system. Still no indication they have detected us.
Quenya: They must not have very good sensors. Preliminary information on the ship type is coming through now. It seems they have a matter/antimatter injector core similar to our own.
Amenaru: Another point in favor of them not being Vashta.
Baal: Their behavior suggests that they're doing a planetary survey.
Joust: Also not very Vashta of them.
Nalma: We're close enough for visual, Captain.
Aire: On viewer.
Nalma was ready on the controls and the ship appeared on the viewer almost immediately.
The bridge crew took a moment to take in the ship and Quenya vocalized what everyone was thinking.
Quenya: Definitely not a Vashta ship.
Aire: At least, not one that we know of. Ryuu?
Ryuu: Markings appear to be hotoh. We have no record of them ever building a ship that big. Of course, it has been 2000 years since we saw them last.
Aire: Out of date information is better than no information. What can you tell us?
Ryuu: Amphibious species. Blue skin with black splotches. They were never known for their shipbuilding prowess, so I'm surprised to see them in something that big. They tend to be a little jumpy when surprised. What worries me is that their world is known to the Vashta. I hope they didn't have to flee.
Nalma: More readings are coming in. There is a lot of water on that ship. At least 300,000 life signs.
Amenaru: That's a lot even for a ship that size.
Nalma: The ship does not appear to be in good condition. That might be why they haven't detected us yet. Weapons, at least the ones I can scan, don't seem to be very powerful. Low-yield phase weapons and a small complement of antimatter warheads.
Quenya: I doubt they could do anything with those warheads. From the looks of things, their launchers are jammed shut.
Aire: Kit, relay this to the Admiralty. Add that first contact is likely.
Kit: Yes, Captain.
Nalma: The ship has stopped. They may have detected us.
Aire: Keep it steady, helm. Let's see what happens next.
Nalma: The ship is now moving away from us at Q4.4.
Joust: Not a quick getaway.
Aire: Helm, increase speed to Q5. Let's see what they do.
Mikado: Yes, Captain.
Shadowdancer increased speed and the crew waited for a response in kind from the other ship, a response that never came.
Nalma: No change in the other ship's speed or course, Captain.
Aire: Steady at Q5. Let's observe.

Two hours later and no change, except that the Shadowdancer closed the distance somewhat between themselves and the other ship. Outside the solar system, there was nowhere to hide and the solar system itself didn't provide any decent opportunities for that either. An hour in, Aire began transmitting friendship greetings, but those remained unreciprocated.
Nalma: The ship is turning, setting course directly for us.
Aire: Condition yellow. Continue friendship messages.
The bridge lights changed to yellow, shields went up, weapons now at the ready. With the two ships now heading toward each other, the distance between them closed quickly until they were nearly close enough to see each other through the windows.
Aire: All stop.
Mikado: All stop, yes Captain.
The other ship stopped too and, for a time, nothing happened.
Aire: Nothing to do but talk or shoot now. Hopefully, they choose the former.
Kit: Receiving request for communication.
Aire stood and pat his uniform.
Aire: About time. On viewer.
The viewer activated, displaying a blue creature, very similar to the description that Ryuu gave earlier of a hotoh. Aire could only see the hotoh from the chest up, but he had a distinctive black splotch right around his right eye and fins running almost the full length up the sides of his head.
Aire: Greetings. I am...
Hotoh man: FUCK!
It all happened so fast. The wide-eyed astonishment. Fins that spread like an umbrella opening on his head, and then the viewer went blank, leaving the rest of the bridge crew blinking at nothing.
Kit: Other party terminated communications, Captain.
Aire: Yes, thank you, Ensign. I can see that.
Quenya: They're powering weapons, Captain.
Aire: Condition red. Shields to full.
Nalma: They're opening fire!
Teren increased power to the sheilds just before the shot hit. The bridge gave a light shudder, barely enough to make the crew sway.
Teren: Direct hit. Shields down to 99.4%
A short period of silence permeated the bridge as everyone wondered if they had heard Teren correctly.
Joust: It would appear that our analysis of their offensive capabilities was accurate.
Nalma: Should we shoot back, Captain?
Aire knew from Nalma's tone, hesitant and with a stronger and more distinct rise at the end of the question, that he did not believe this would be a good idea himself. Aire agreed.
Aire: Absolutely not. We'll wait to see how long it takes them to give up.
Two more shots in rapid succession, each just as pitiful as the first.
Teren: Shields at 98.9%
Kit: They're contacting us again.
Amenaru: Had enough already?
Aire: Let's hope so. Viewer.
The screen activated and nobody was there. Just a clear view of the bridge with a captain's chair, at least what everyone guessed to be a captain's chair, in the foreground. Little by little, a blue face inched into the screen from below, fins wibbling nervously.
Hotoh man: You're not fighting back.
Aire: We're not interested in a fight. I am not vashtari if that's what you were thinking. I am elvish.
Hotoh man: I see... Shall we try again? I apologize for the outburst. I'm Alka.
Aire: It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Aire Valro, Captain of the Carp...
Alka: FUCK!
Again, the screen went blank.
Kit: Other party...
Aire: Terminated communications, yes, Kit. I know.
Two more blasts from the hotoh ship hit the Shadowdancer in quick succession, just as weak as the last ones.
Teren: Shields at 98.1%.
Aire: It appears we have some time for discussion. Options?
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