Carpathia IV: Episode 205 - Unidentified Ship

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Day three of the survey mission in the frontier and Aire took the opportunity to catch up on the bureaucracy of ship's business. Namely, paperwork. Reading reports. Writing reports of his own. Though Baal was never in command on the bridge—there was always a senior officer there to make sure he didn't plow the ship into any rocks—he still liked to get out of his chair on occasion, have a stretch, and peek out his window overlooking the bridge to see how things were going.

Aire couldn't see Teren from his window, but he knew that he must be there, standing behind the security station with his arms folded across his chest and his usual glower on his face. An amusing image to him, for sure, but perhaps not so much for Baal. Teren's eyes had a way of piercing through a person's soul even when they had no idea he was in the room. If that bugged Baal at all, he didn't show it. Demon composure, Aire reckoned.

Back to work. Though pleased with the backlog of paperwork that he plowed through in the last three days, concentration became more difficult the longer it went on. After keeping at it for another two hours, he finally had enough and started thinking about other things he could do. First, a session on the squash court. The sento next, perhaps, and a good book after.

While he mulled over the best way to spend a little free time, twirling his stylus in his hand, the console beeped, bringing all his dreams of relaxation to a crashing halt.

Teren: Captain to the bridge.

Must be urgent, he thought, and only allowed himself a quick sigh before rising from his chair and heading for the door.

Bridge, Earlier...

Over the last three days, Baal settled in and became quite comfy taking the captain's chair. If it weren't for the fact that there was a senior officer with him, who was really in command at all times, tempered any possibility for Baal to become a tyrant. Not that he wanted to, but the temptation was there. It was, after all, fun being in the big chair.

Baal worked well with his team, with Quenya filling in for Phobos and Mikado filling in for Teek, coinciding with his hibernation schedule.

Quenya: Lieutenant, it seems that the planned route for the sensor net passes a little too close to the oort cloud of solar system P7Z-5.

Baal: Helm, set course for P7Z-5 solar system. Q4.

Mikado: Q4, yes Lieutenant.

While Mikado altered course and accelerated, Baal tapped at his armrest controls and picked up his tablet.

Baal: Quenya, send me your coordinates of P7Z-5.

Quenya: Right away, Lieutenant.

In due haste, the coordinates for the solar system arrived on Baal's tablet and he immediately began comparing the old and new readings.

Quenya: P7Z-5 couldn't have moved, could it?

A silly question, but Baal noted that Quenya's tone clearly showed that she didn't believe it herself.

Baal: Everything in the galaxy moves, but not that far. Probably something distorting the sensors passed between the solar system and the survey team when they scanned this area. Could have been a freak ion storm or something like that. It happens. That's why we're here to confirm. Quenya, go ahead and put a flag on this area. We'll keep going for now and get better scans.

Quenya: That makes a lot more sense than what I said. I'll get a flag on that system.

Baal: Keep that handy. If my theory is right, then we'll be putting in a lot more flags around here.

As the Shadowdancer sped to the solar system, Quenya continued scanning and Baal put up new flags for stellar phenomena that were misplaced on the map. All went to plan, until Nalma spoke up.

Nalma: Commander, I'm reading a ship in P7Z-5.

Teren: One of ours?

Nalma: Not one of ours. I can't get a visual yet, but it's massive. At least five times bigger than the Shadowdancer.

Teren did not need to hear more and tapped his comm button to the Captain.

Teren: Captain to the bridge.

Baal dutifully vacated the captain's chair as soon as the door to the ready room opened. Aire started barking out orders before he was at the first landing.

Aire: Report.

Nalma: Unidentified ship in solar system P7Z-5. It is not one of ours. Size is considerably larger than us. We are not in range for visual. No attempt at communication has been made yet.

By the time Nalma finished, Aire had reached his chair and sat.

Aire: Kit, get Admiral Zhang. Priority one.

Kit: Yes, Captain.

Aire: Have they detected us?

Nalma: Unknown, but they have not moved since we detected them. They are in orbit around the second planet in the system.

Aire: Speed and heading.

Mikado: On course for P7Z-5 at Q4.

Aire: Keep steady for now. Nalma, any indication that this could be a Vashta ship?

Nalma: Scans show no indicators of known Vashta parameters. However, we don't have much information now. We're still too far away.

Kit: I have Admiral Zhang, Captain.

Aire: Put her on. Nalma, relay all data to Polaris Deep.

Aire stood as Admiral Zhang appeared on the viewer.

Admiral Zhang: Captain Valro.

Aire: Sorry to disturb you, Admiral. We have detected an unidentified ship in P7Z-5. It is not Carpathian and preliminary information indicates that it is possibly not Vashta either. They do not appear to have detected us. We're forwarding all data to you now.

Before Aire finished, Admiral Zhang began examining something off screen.

Admiral Zhang: Understood. I see Commodore Amaranth on the Sentinel is the nearest ship to your location. I will order them to join you. In the meantime, gather as much data as you can, keep me apprised, and get out of there quickly if you need to, but do not let them out of your sensor range.

Aire: Understood, Admiral.

Admiral Zhang: Zhang out.

Aire: Steady on course. I want a visual and let me know if that ship twitches.

Nalma: Still in orbit around the second planet, Captain. I will let you know if that changes.

Aire: Kit, call Ryuu to the bridge.

Kit: Yes, Captain.

Aire: And now we wait.

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