Carpathia IV: Episode 212 - I Can't Eat
Captain's Private Dining Room, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Aire entered the dining room first and stood by the door, ushering the rest inside, Alka, Adell, Minnie, and Ramei. Inside, the chefs were just finishing laying down a fabulous spread, complete with silver trays and a floral centerpiece. Once everyone was in, Aire pulled a chair at one end of the table and ushered Alka into it.
Aire: Have a seat, Alka. I've asked the kitchen to prepare a variety of foods based on what you told me during our tour.
Alka: It smells good!
Alka did not sit right away, preferring to take a moment to marvel at the feast laid out before him. While he did that, Reylen appeared at the doorway, dressed in an elegant, black nehru coat with floral embroidery.
Reylen: Captain! Am I late?
Aire: Not at all, Reylen. Thanks for coming on short notice. I'd like you to meet Alka. Alka, this is Reylen Elai, our ambassador from Tokkastra.
Reylen: A pleasure, Alka.
Alka: Likewise, Mr. Reylen. Ambassador, you say? Am I to understand that the tokki are not part of your Carpathia?
Reylen: We are allies and I'm certain our Queen would be very keen to meet you once word of this gets out.
Alka: Looks like I'm going to do a lot of meeting in the future.
Aire: We can talk while we eat. Care to take your seat, Alka?
Alka nodded and sat in his chair, returning his full, child-like awe and attention to the food before him. The others took seats without any assistance from Aire, though there was a clear pecking order, with Aire and Adell to Alka's immediate right and left, then Reylen next to Aire, and Minnie and Ramei next, further down the table. After everyone was seated, Aire pointed out the various foods that were especially for Alka.
Aire: You said you like mollusks and shellfish, so we have a selection of scallops, mussels, polpa, and shrimp for you. Of course, you can try anything else that looks interesting to you. Feel free to ask.
Alka: Yes, it looks very good! Shall I... erm... how do you prefer to serve?
Aire: I can put some samples on your plate, but you're free to take a serving spoon and help yourself if you like.
Alka: Oh, that suits me just fine!
Alka grabbed the nearest serving dish and, with the serving spoon gripped firmly in hand, began to shovel the contents onto his plate. Each spoonful landed on his plate with a big splat. After nearly half the dish was gone, he grabbed another bowl and did the same. The others tried not to stare, but Alka stopped halfway through after looking up. Despite their their efforts, Alka seemed to notice a mild hint of disapproval.
Alka: Um... sorry. You know, I shouldn't be doing it this way even back on my ship. I think we've lost a bit of... how shall I say... manners over the generations.
Adell: Don't worry about that. I think you just surprised us with your enthusiasm.
Alka slid the serving spoon back into the bowl and daintily reached out for the serving dish with the shrimp, this time taking much more civilized spoonfuls.
Alka: I suppose you could say that. Truthfully, it's not just etiquette. I'm also hungry.
Ramei: I think we all are. Let's dig in.
The chatter ceased and the only sound was the clatter of dishes and serving spoons, each taking a healthy portion of their favorites. Alka, with his plate already full, observed carefully what each chose.
Alka: Mr. Reylen, only plants?
Reylen: That's right, Alka. My species can only consume plant matter. Anything else is incompatible with our digestion.
Alka: Very interesting! You said before that you are not part of Carpathia and yet I see tokki in the Carpathian uniforms?
Reylen: We don't really explore space much, so the tokki who are interested in doing that are allowed to join Carpathia's exploration force.
Alka: An allyship indeed...
Adell: We should eat before the food gets cold.
Alka: Oh, yes, I'm looking forward to trying this!
The others picked up their forks and spoons while Alka watched. After each took one bite, he picked up his own spoon from the table. Holding it awkwardly in his hand, fully enclosed into his fist, he slid it across his plate, picking up some scallops along the way. The big moment, however, happened when the food reached his mouth. Alka inhaled sharply while the flippers on the sides of his head wiggled in complete spastic abandon.
Alka: Oh! Oh!
Once again, all sense of propriety went straight out the airlock as Alka shovelled spoonful after spoonful of food into his mouth, almost faster than he could swallow. The others continued eating, occasionally stealing glances at Alka and each other. Suddenly, after about the tenth spoon in the same amount of time a normal person might have managed two, Alka froze with the spoon midway between his plate and himself.
Alka: I did it again, didn't I?
Ramei: We're just glad you're enjoying it!
Minnie: Alka, if you don't mind my asking, what is the food situation like on your ship?
Alka slowly put the spoon in his mouth and chewed with the solemn expression of one who looked like they'd been caught in a fib.
Alka: I guess it's pretty obvious, isn't it? Our ship's population has increased by nearly 30% in the course of our journey and I've never known a life without rationing. We also don't have the luxury of applying any decent recipes. Sometimes I look through the database at pictures of our classic dishes and wonder what they taste like.
Adell: Well, that is something you're not going to have to worry about anymore. I mean, if you're going to help Phobos, the least we can do is feed you. You have a lot of people on your ship, though. More than we can provide, but that will change when we get to Polaris Deep.
Alka responded with a tone not of excitement, but with the breathless tone of a man overwhelmed by his sudden change of circumstances.
Alka: Wow... That sounds... amazing.
Aire: When you first showed up on our scans, it appeared that you were surveying planets. Were you looking to replenish food supplies?
Alka: Partly. We do farm our own food on our ship, but it's always good to have extra. More importantly, we're looking for a place to live. I'm not sure you could help with that.
On this request, the others suddenly got ever so slightly squirmy in their seats.
Adell: Food we can do. A whole planet is a matter for the government and negotiations.
Reylen: The Tokkastran government tends to be rather territorial, but we do know of habitable worlds outside our boundaries. You might find something suitable there.
Alka: We'll take any help we can get.
A beep from the comm system interrupted their conversation.
Baal: Commodore Amaranth to my quarters right away.
A pause amongst all present, no more than a second, while they put the pieces together in their heads. A pause for all but Adell, who was out the door in an instant. Aire followed immediately after.
Aire: Shit, he doesn't know where Baal's quarters are. Commodore!
And the rest were close on Aire's tail.

Baal's Quarters, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
At the final sprint to Baal's quarters, with Aire leading and Adell close behind, they found the door mostly open, but slightly askew and with no sound coming from inside, which none were sure if that was a good or bad sign. Without breaking stride, they hurtled into Baal's quarters and skidded to a halt.
Inside, they found pure destruction and it wasn't just the furniture, or rather, what was left of it. Baal didn't look so great himself either, with his uniform in tatters, bits of hair missing, bruises on his face, and, most notably, three quarters of his tail laying on the ground and the stump still attached sporting bite marks.
As for Phobos, he was curled up in a ball in the corner of the room, his trembling the only indication that he was still alive.
Baal: I'm sorry to call you away from your dinner, Commodore. All hell broke loose when he disabled his inhibitor. Dr. Leingod and I did our best to handle him, but after he punched out all the monitors and speakers, I figured that I needed help.
Adell: I'm glad you called us. I'd ask what happened, but it seems obvious. He seems calm now.
Perhaps at the sound of Adell's voice, Phobos suddenly woke up, as it were, snapping his head up and he glared in Adell's direction with gritted teeth and narrowed eyes. Adell took a hesitant step forward, like he was trying not to provoke a grumpy lion. With a snarl, Phobos leaped to his feet and charged, crashing his head into Adell's chest and pounding on him with his fists.
Phobos: Why didn't daddy give me tear ducts! I need those! I'm not real without them!
Phobos slinked down Adell's body as his knees gave away.
Adell: Phobos...
Before Adell got any further, Phobos wheeled around, breaking free from Adell's grip. He stomped to the other side of the room, kicking the remnants of a table along the way.
Phobos: I'm not even real. I'm not even real. Where will I go when I die?
And Phobos cried, tearless, for a time. Adell took another step forward, thinking that maybe now he could help, but Phobos's sobs started transforming into an distressing, bitter chuckle.
Phobos: Come from nothing. Return to nothing. That's the way it has to be! Ha ha!
Just as quickly, Phobos turned again, growling as he buried his face into his hands.
Phobos: I'm not ready to die yet!
Aire turned to Alka, wondering if he had any insight, but it was clear from his expression, hand over his mouth and eyes wide, that he was just as surprised as everyone else.
Aire: Any ideas, Alka?
It took some time for Alka to respond and, when he did, it was a muffled voice through his own hand.
Alka: I've never seen this strong of a response from an...
Everyone knew that Alka was about to say, "AI," but he caught himself.
Alka: Anyway, I meant what I said. He must have his inhibitor turned off if this is going to work. Hopefully this extreme response will pass soon, but he should stay in the company of people who care for him. Not too many people. That might be overwhelming for him. Two or three at a time.
Aire nodded and turned to Minnie next.
Aire: Call Quenya. They practically grew up together.
Minnie: I was thinking the same, Captain.
Minnie left to call Minnie while Aire moved to Adell next.
Aire: I assume you're going to stay. Since you didn't get to eat, I can have chef bring you a sandwich.
Adell simply nodded, but Phobos took notice of this.
Phobos: Food! Can a guy get a last meal over here? But I can't eat or taste anything. I CAN'T EAT!
Once again, Phobos commenced to smashing up the remaining bits of furniture. Aire moved quickly, grabbing Baal's shoulder. Baal winced, leaving Aire to wonder if there was any part of his body that wasn't tender given the pounding he must have taken and also thinking that it was a very good thing indeed that Phobos had already been de-tuned to regular human-level strength a few months ago.
Aire: Come on, Baal. Let's get you fixed up in sick bay. You can come back after.
Baal: I'm fine, Captain. I can stay.
Aire: You will be able to help when you're...
Baal: I'm staying!
He was not staying, as his sudden outburst caused him great pain, as he clutched his chest and collapsed to his knees. Aire knelt down to catch him before he fell over entirely.
Ramei: Ramei to sick bay!
Sorchae: Sick bay here.
Ramei: We need you at Baal's quarters right away.
Aire: Bring Tamati, Doctor.
Sorchae: Right away, Captain. Sick bay out.
Aire: Tamati can take a beating better than anyone, so I'll have him stay. Baal, let's get you to the hallway.
Aire threw Baal's arm over his shoulder and gingerly guided him to the door just as Quenya appeared.
Quenya: Phobos!
Adell: Come on in, Quenya. I'll explain.
Aire: Ramei, stay until medical arrives.
Ramei: Yes, Captain.
Aire carried Baal into the hallway while Alka followed, leaving Phobos in the care of his father and two of his friends.
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