Carpathia IV: Episode 213 - Hacking In
NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Despite Alka's assurances, approval from the hotoh council did not go smoothly for Phobos's new body construction. Most were in favor, but there was just enough dissent that it took nearly three days to gain approval. The problem wasn't that Phobos is, as they put it, an AI. It wasn't that they had only just met the Carpathians. No, the dissent centered entirely around Aire's last name. To gain approval, it took a great deal of exhausting persuading and wining and dining to convince them that Aire was not one of "those" Valros, a process greatly assisted by Adell and Admiral Zhang.
With the approval gained, Aire disappeared into his quarters, rarely coming out for the next two weeks. He did his job, and did it well for sure, but mostly within the confines of his quarters. Visitors came and went, mostly Adell and Alka, and he did venture out on occasion to check in with Phobos and Baal. They were fine to leave him be, but Joust did not like this uncharacteristic aloofness one little bit.
Joust showed up at Aire's door with tablet in hand. He rang the door chime. There was quite a pause before he got an answer in a tone of exasperation.
Come in.
Joust hit the door control and peered inside before stepping in. The first thing he noticed was the quiet classical music playing, heavy on on the harpsichord. The lights were dim, the sort of ambiance one might find at an after-dinner cocktail gathering. What little light there was reflected somberly from the woodgrain veneers of the furniture and enhanced the star field zinging by outside the windows. Joust stepped in and the doors closed behind him.
Aire did not greet him and, at first, Joust had no idea where he was, until he saw his blonde head sticking up from behind a couch, so still that he wasn't even sure that it was really Aire. Joust shuffled slowly towards him.
Joust: Bach, Captain?
Aire: Jacquet De La Guerre. Humans have an interesting history, Commander. Throughout their entire tumultuous history, somehow they not only managed to produce works of great art, but even managed to preserve it before they had widespread means to disseminate it.
Joust rounded the couch and stood near the Captain, taking care not to block his view of the window and the stars outside. Aire did not look up, staring straight ahead.
Joust: I would agree, Captain. Possibly it is because of their tumultuous history that they created great art. They also appear to have lost much.
Aire: The history of our own world after the portal gate is short. I wonder what art we may discover if we arrive at the vashtari homeworld.
Joust: I hope someone has preserved something of the aptarans.
Aire: I'm certain that Lazmaedia has destroyed much of the creations of my own people too, but not as much as yours, sadly. Given her penchant for corruption, I wonder what my family may have been before she arrived. Scholars? Artists? Surely not an infamous galactic stain.
Joust: I find it likely that they were renowned explorers.
Aire: Perhaps. Not that it matters now, but I wonder if a name could be redeemed. Even after hundreds of years, humans still have names that are untouchable, synonymous with brutality. Caligula. Stalin. Hitler. Will Valro join that list? Maybe it already has.
Joust did not have an answer and struggled to find reassuring words.
Aire: What brings you here, Commander?
By now, Joust had nearly forgotten about the tablet and had to look into his hands to make sure he still had it. He did, and held it out to Aire.
Joust: Daily reports from the senior staff, Captain.
Aire looked away from the window for the first time and straight at Joust, completely expressionless. No surprise. No gratitude. Nothing. Just a dead-eyed stare as he reached out and took the tablet.
Aire: Thank you, Commander. Next time, just drop it into my file. Dismissed.
Joust: But...
Aire: Dismissed.
Joust wasn't about to risk three times and as he bit his tongue and departed Aire's quarters.

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Joust arrived back on the bridge and instead of taking his usual position on the ceiling, he plopped into his chair and drummed his fingers on his armrest.
Joust: Lieutenant Pendergast.
Amenaru jumped from his chair and rushed to Joust's chair.
Amenaru: Yes, Commander.
Joust: You saw Captain Valro a couple of days ago with Baal when you were getting approval to take the command officer exam. How was he?
Amenaru: He seemed fine. Maybe not as warm as he usually is. Very matter-of-fact. We were only there for a few minutes. It was mostly just a formality and he did say we won't be starting anything until Phobos's situation has been sorted.
Joust: Yes, we won't be doing much of anything until Phobos gets better...
Joust ran his bottom lip across his teeth several times while still drumming his fingers. Finally, he stood and marched toward the ready room stairs.
Joust: Come with me.
Amenaru, a bit perplexed, followed Joust up the stairs to Aire's ready room door.
Joust: Can you get this door open?
Amenaru's mouth flopped open and he took a step back. Only one. Any more and he'd have tumbled right down the stairs.
Amenaru: Well, I mean, I have the ability, but I can't break into the Captain's ready room!
Joust: There's something important I need in there and I don't want to bother the Captain. Get to it. If we get into trouble, I'll take all the heat.
Amenaru hemmed and hawed, shifting his weight back and forth between his feet. Finally he sighed and pulled out his multitool.
Amenaru: I'm not comfortable with this.
Despite his misgivings, Amenaru plugged his multitool into the door panel and started working.
Amenaru: I just have to enter the Operations universal code into the door and it should unlock.
Just a few seconds later the door slid open and Joust darted inside. Amenaru followed, but only just inside the door and watched as Joust rounded Aire's desk and started poking at his computer terminal.
Joust: Can you hack into this?
If Amenaru was taken aback before, he was doubly so now.
Amenaru: I'm sorry, Commander, but I just cannot be a party to something like that!
Joust rolled his eyes and continued poking at Aire's terminal.
Joust: Fine. I'll do it myself. You may go.
Amenaru did not need to be told twice and he bolted from the ready room immediately, back to his station.

Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Trying to hack into a computer system without the assistance, or special key codes, of the Chief of Operations turned out to be trickier than Joust thought. Four hours of looking for a back door of some sort and he felt like his eyeballs were turning inside out. Finally, unexpectedly, his efforts paid off and he had access. With renewed vigor, he flipped through the documents until one caught his eye.
Notice of resignation.
Joust opened the file and read.
I, Aire Valro, do hereby resign my commission as Captain of the NCCS Shadowdancer. It is clear that my race and name are a hinderance to diplomatic functions and effective execution of my duties. I cannot in good conscience...
Joust: Oh no...
Joust tapped his communicator.
Joust: Joust to Kit. Call all department heads to the bridge. I'll be down to explain in a minute.
Kit: Yes, Commander.

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
All hands on deck, at least, the department heads, with one notable absentee.
Joust: Chief Calloway is busy with Phobos, I presume?
Ramei: That is correct, Commander.
Joust: Understandable. Let's do this. Captain to the bridge!
A pause. Longer than normal for such a declaration, but an answer came eventually.
Aire: This had better be important, Commander.
Joust: It is, Captain!
Another pause and then a curt reply.
Aire: Fine.

The lift doors opened and all officers on the bridge stood to face Aire when he emerged. A moment later, he did, with the unusual addition of a messenger bag dangling by his side. After only two steps from the lift, he halted, noticing all the officers and department heads facing him.
Joust: Captain on the bridge!
Aire's eyes narrowed as he gazed around the bridge before making his way to his chair. Before he sat, he placed his messenger bag on the floor, propped up against his chair at his side.
Aire: Hello, Sorchae. How is sick bay?
Sorchae: Everything is routine, Captain.
Aire: Good to hear.
Aire sat in his chair and stared straight ahead.
Aire: Commander.
Joust: Captain.
Waiting in complete silence for the Captain to say or do something would make seconds feel like minutes, and that's what everyone on the bridge experienced at this moment.
Ramei: Um... Shall we return to our stations, Captain?
Aire: Not just yet, Lieutenant.
More seconds passed and then Aire spoke up on his own.
Aire: Commander Joust.
Joust: Yes, Captain!
Aire: You broke into my ready room.
Joust: Yes I did, Captain!
Aire: You hacked into my terminal.
Joust: I sure did, Captain!
Aire: You looked at my personal files.
Joust: Just the one, Captain!
Aire: And you told everyone to come here to cheer me up and talk me out of it.
Joust: You're darned-tootin' Captain!
Aire: I appreciate the sentiment, Commander.
Joust: We all want you to stay, Captain!
Aire: You do realize I never had any intention of sending that letter.
Joust: That's right, Capt... What?
All at once, every pointy bit on Joust, from his ears, down to his wings and his dinky little tail, sagged. For the first time since he sat down, Aire turned his head, toward Joust, with a slight smile of pure evil on his face.
Aire: Sometimes when I'm feeling a little down, I write out hypothetical situations just to show myself that I don't actually want to do those things. I was about to delete that letter, but it seems you found it first.
While Joust flailed about, his ear and wings jittering everywhere, the rest watched, most not looking directly at him, but out of the sides of their eyes with their hands over their mouths simultaneously trying not to giggle and wondering what horrid fate was about to befall him. A Joust defeat was rare indeed, and this one was total. Utter humiliation.
Joust: How many toilets, Captain?
Aire reached down and grabbed his bag, plopping it on his lap.
Aire: Oh, Joust. My dear, sweet Joust. Don't think you're getting off that easy. I'll figure out what to do with you after I've reviewed Operations security with Amenaru. For now, toilets are a grand way to start.
Aire unzipped his bag and pulled out a large abacus.
Aire: Shall we begin?
Joust: Aw, crap.
Aire: That's one for swearing.
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