Carpathia IV: Episode 214 - Dying
NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Over five weeks was what it took to build Phobos and Deimos new bodies under consultation with the hotoh, Artemis, Phobos, and Deimos. Alka helped in spurts, but devoted much of his time to keeping Phobos and Deimos alive long enough for them to complete the build. His efforts could only be described as heroic as he was the only one who could help them beat the cascade failure long enough. Artemis, who arrived on the Shadowdancer two weeks prior, was grateful, of course, though they couldn't help but notice a little hint of irritation that Alka was able to do what he couldn't.
For the most part, Artemis gave free reign to the hotoh on the design, keeping a close watch on everything they did, mostly so that he could learn for himself how to do maintenance on them. The one point of contention was their power cells. Artemis wanted to use something similar to the design he's currently using and the hotoh wanted to use their design. More efficient, they said. Artemis did not like this as he would have to build entirely new charging stations for them using power sources that were entirely incompatible with anything else that Carpathia uses. After some back and forth, Artemis won that particular fight.
It was harmonizing the new design and the Carpathian power source that took the most time. Artemis arrived in Engineering with two cases, a new power core for each. New Phobos and Deimos lay neatly on a pair of waist-high tables in the engineering lab with a small table, for current Phobos, to connect between them. Peaceful, as though sleeping, yet stiff, their open chest cavities as the only indication that they were not organic.
Artemis: Testing is finished. All that's left is to put them in and let the diagnostics run.
Alka: Let's get these right in there.
Artemis opened the first core and he and Alka got to work while Adell, standing on the end of Deimos's table, fiddled with her hair.
Adell: Amazing work. Even though I know it's synthetic, I can't tell the difference.
Artemis: It's more art than science, really. That's probably why I'm not as good at making it.
Adell: Artemis, Phobos and Deimos have been works of art since the very beginning. You don't give yourself enough credit.
While Alka and Artemis installed the cores and Adell marvelled at the hair and skin, Aire stepped just inside the door and held his hand out to prevent it from closing. Following behind, slowly, was Phobos and Baal, with Phobos's arm draped over Baal's shoulders. If he were human, rather nekohuman, one might be forgiven for thinking he was drunk. When he started to speak, however, he sounded more like a corrupted music file.
Phobos: Is it...t...t...t...t...t...t...t...t...t...t... read...d...d...d...d...d...d...d...yyyyyyyy?
Baal: Can we start now? I don't know how much longer he's going to last.
Alka didn't answer right away, focused on clicking the last bits of the power core into place.
Alka: It'll take about a day for the power core to sync up with all the systems and for the diagnostics to finish. It would be far more risky to start now, before the diagostics and integration is finished. All we have to do now is wait. Cyn can monitor the progress.
Cyn: Phobos, you should stay here. I'll monitor your systems while the diagnostic runs. Just a bit more to go. We will make absolutely sure you're still with us by the time we start.
Alka: In the meantime, Captain, I'd like to have a chat with your doctor.
Aire: Of course. You haven't slept much in the last month. I'm sure you must not be feeling well.
Alka: That's part of it. We have much to discuss.
Aire: In that case, I can take you there now if you'd like.
Alka: Ought to do it now, I suppose. Lead the way.

Sick Bay, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Aire called ahead to sick bay and Sorchae waited in the reception room to greet them. Immediately, she ushered Alka into one of the exam rooms, but he hesitated.
Alka: Can Captain Valro come too? Some of this concerns him.
Sorchae: Your choice. Captain?
Aire: Of course I'll go.
Once again, Sorchae ushered Alka into the exam room with Aire in tow this time. Everyone got situated inside, with Alka on the exam table, Sorchae in the cushy roller chair, and Aire in a guest chair.
Sorchae: Now, how can I help you? If you don't mind my saying so, you do look a bit tired, but I don't really know what fatigue looks like in a hotoh.
Alka: I am tired, Doctor. I'm going to have a very long sleep tonight to make sure I'm ready for this and I'd like you to give me a scan to make sure I'm 100% healthy.
Sorchae: I can certainly do that, but we don't really know what hotoh ailments look like. Shouldn't your own people do that?
Alka: I'll have them do that too. Your medical technology is superior to our own, though, so I would like to take the readings to them.
Sorchae took out her scanner and got started.
Sorchae: In that case, hold still.
Alka: I also would like you to be there to monitor my health while I'm working inside Phobos's and Deimos's mind. This will be a very dangerous procedure for both them and me.
Sorchae: Of course I'll help. The safety of all crew and guests are my priority.
Aire: Alka, I didn't realize you'd be putting yourself at risk.
Alka: There is a chance of brain damage doing this. It's not common, but it has happened, but don't worry about me. I'm pleased to help out, but that does bring me to the next issue. I'm 36 years old, by your calendar, and I'll be dead of old age in a few years anyway.
Sorchae stopped in mid-scan, but only for a moment, yet still, Aire could see in her face that she was surprised and sadded at this. He was too.
Sorchae: I'm sorry to hear that. Most species we know live far longer than that.
Alka: We used to routinely live past 100 and that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Since we left, our life expectancy has been dropping bit by bit. We are dying and we don't know why. We think it has something to do with our water. We have done our best to replicate our water as closely as possible to what was on our planet, but I'm afraid we must have missed something. A mineral. An organic compound. There is something that is key to our longevity and we just can't find it.
Sorchae: I can certainly look into that, but I think it would be best if we had some of your own people on-hand so that I have a better idea of what I'm looking for.
Aire: And I can contact Admiral Zhang. We'll need a list of requirements that you have for a planet. I can relay those to her. I can't make any promises. Obviously, we'd have to see if we even know of anything that matches your needs but there are also sticky political concerns if we happen to find something that's in our territory.
Alka: We appreciate any help, of course. We can figure out any obstacles as we find them.
Sorchae folded her scanner and set it aside.
Sorchae: Melatonin levels are higher compared to the last time I scanned you. Other than that, no other significant variations. I'll send the scans over to your people so they can double check.
Alka: Many thanks to both of you. Is there anything else you need to check?
Sorchae: Unless you have a specific issue you'd like to bring up now, I'm finished.
Alka gave himself a little push off the exam table.
Alka: In that case, I should get some rest.
Aire: Your ship or ours?
Alka: I should go back to mine for the best rest.
Aire: Captain to comm.
Kau: Comm here, Captain.
Aire: Signal the other ships that we will be stopping for a moment to transfer Alka back to his ship.
Kau: Understood, Captain. I will contact them now.
Aire: I shall escort you to the shuttle bay, Alka.
Alka: Thank you, Captain.
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