Carpathia IV: Episode 218 - Family Time
Engineering Lab, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Sepration complete, but the work was not finished yet. Even before Sorchae got Alka's vitals stabilized, he was already making plans for tests, tests and more tests. Tests right now, in fact, for Cyn already had them plugged back into the system through thick cables running into ports on each of their stomachs.
Cyn: Everything is looking good so far.
Deimos, especially, was not satisfied with this information, wriggling impatiently in her chair.
Deimos: Aren't we done yet? I wanna go!
Alka: In a moment! I promise this won't take long. We did our best to make your new bodies feel as natural to you as possible, but there are some differences. First, you have to sleep. Six hours a day is preferable, but like anyone else, you can do more or less as your situation demands. You can eat and drink now, though it isn't necessary. Artemis and Sorchae helped us in designing a nekohuman and human palates for each of you. Some of your basic motor functions are contained outside of your neural matrix and it will take a little time for your brain and your bodies to learn each other and synchronize. You also have tear ducts now, along with several other minor improvements.
Phobos: I'll finally find out what food tastes like!
Deimos: I want to find out what everything is like! It's been so long, I've forgotten everything.
Cyn: You can start now, then. Diagnostics complete. You are functioning as you should. You may remove your cables.
Phobos and Deimos gleefully removed their diagnostic cables and closed their little belly doors. Deimos was the first to leap to her feet and she immediately began to wobble.
Deimos: Whoa! I didn't have this much trouble when I woke up before.
Alka: You'll get used to it. It does tend to come and go in waves.
Adell rushed to Deimos and put his arm around her before she fell down.
Adell: Don't worry. I'll help you to our quarters. Captain, I'd rather like to stay on Shadowdancer for the time being.
Aire: Of course, Commodore.
Just then, Baal darted past them all, tears in his eyes and conspicuously looking away from them as he passed. The rest watched, some knowing, some not, their heads swivelling around as he passed.
Phobos: What was that all about?
Transfixed on Baal, nobody noticed Artemis strolling up behind them. He stopped at Phobos and put his hands on Phobos's shoulders.
Artemis: I'll explain in a bit. How is the diagnostic?
Cyn: Everything is as it should be. Their systems are still synchronizing. Most will be sorted in a day or two. Some of the finer details might take a couple of months, but they're both in good shape. Phobos will have an easier time of it since he's used to having a body.
Artemis: That's good. I never really thought about what we should do with the old body.
Adell: I was thinking of mounting him on the wall behind my chair in my ready room.
Phobos rolled his eyes.
Phobos: Dad, be serious.
Adell: You think I'm not?
At the risk of a court martial, everyone shook their heads.
Adell: I'm getting too predictable.
Alka: You guys go on ahead. I think you've earned some family time. Cyn and I will stay and teach your engineering staff maintenance and repair procedures.
Minnie: Ramei, Sylvar, Quenya, class time. Go get the conference room ready.
Ramei: Right away, Chief!
Before any of them could rush off to do Minnie's bidding, Deimos wrenched herself from Adell and cried out.
Deimos: Wait!
Starting with Minnie, Deimos rushed over and gave each a hug in turn.
Deimos: Thank you so much!
Deimos finished with Cyn and Alka while Phobos took a less dramatic approach, a handshake for each.
Deimos: You guys came along at just the right time.
Alka: Our pleasure. Sorry to say that we haven't had a chance to help out anyone in centuries.
Adell: For what it's worth, you've made friends here. Hopefully the first of many.
Phobos: Now that the heavy stuff is out of the way, I hope we can learn more about you.
Alka: Happy to share! First, you should have some quality time with your family while we get things sorted here.

Corridor, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
A walk that should have taken just ten minutes went on for two hours. Deimos insisted on hugging every crew member she passed and chatting up several of them. They hardly took a single step before stopping again for more social time. Phobos took advantage too, receiving many warm congratulations as he went. The star, still, was Deimos, and Phobos didn't mind. He was more than satisfied with receiving well-wishes and letting Deimos be the center of attention. She deserved it.Of course, it would have been hard for Phobos to compete with Deimos anyway. Not long after they entered the corridor, she splat herself against the wall and started feeling all the textures with her entire body. It was as though someone brought a neanderthal onto a spaceship for the first time and she was in awe of everything.
Upon arrival at Adell and Artemis's quarters, Aire took Phobos aside for a moment.
Aire: Phobos, when you have a little time, I'd like to meet with you in my ready room. No rush. Visit your family first.
Phobos: Yes, Captain.

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
The lift doors opened and Aire strode directly to his chair while the rest of the bridge crew looked on in high anticipation.
Aire: Kit, shipwide channel.
Kit: Yes, Captain. Channel open.
Aire: Attention crew of the NCCS Shadowdancer. I bid you good news. The procedure to separate Phobos and Deimos into their new bodies was mostly successful. They, along with Commodore Amaranth and Dr. Leingod are spending family time together, so I ask that nobody disturb them while they are in their quarters. When they are out and about, you may extend your well-wishes. Aire out.
All faces on the bridge were pleased indeed, but Amenaru got himself caught on one particular word.
Amenaru: "Mostly" Captain?
Aire: What I'm about to say does not leave this bridge. Phobos doesn't know yet or at least he's being told right now and I do not want a lot of whispering going on before he knows. During the procedure, part of old Phobos's neural matrix was damaged. He has no memory of his relationship with Baal. He remembers Baal, but only from before Baal found out he's an android and started courting him. There might be other things he doesn't remember too.
Now the faces on the bridge turned glum.
Teek: I'm glad he's still with us, but that's so very sad.
Amenaru: We need to set them up ag...
Aire: Amenaru, don't you dare. So help me, if I get even a hint that you're up to something vis à vis Phobos and Baal, I will crush you. Phobos needs time to be with his family and get used to his new body and Baal needs time for this new reality to sink in. That goes for all of you.
Amenaru's ears flattened on his head, cowed completely by dad-like scolding, and turned back to his console.
Amenaru: Yes, Captain.
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