Carpathia IV: Episode 219 - On Duty
Engineering, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Tension eased quickly and considerably throughout the trio of ships after Aire's announcement and ship life returned to normal for most. For Engineering, however, it was back to school. Phobos and Deimos had several checkups per day and Alka took the opportunity to educate the entire staff on the intricacies of their design. At first, Phobos and Deimos were just as interested in their anatomy as the rest of engineering but as time wore on and Alka went over the same things with different groups of people, the novelty started wearing thin. Now, Alka poked around at the inside of Phobos's shoulder for what felt like the hundredth time.
Alka: Here we have the joint motor control unit. It's a redundancy in case that part of the neural matrix gets damaged.
Sylvar: Oh, yes, redundancies are good. I built a couple into my earpiece in case something happens.
Alka: I've been wanting to ask about that but haven't had the time. What does it do?
Sylvar: My former master, the one I escaped from, liked to hit me a lot and I am deaf in that ear. I built that device to fix that. Voxx taught me how. I also put a little transponder inside to signal my location if I'm ever lost.
Alka: Fascinating! I want to know more!
Before Sylvar and Alka could continue their tangent, Deimos raised her hand and made conspicuous throat-clearing noises.
Deimos: Ahem! Are we done?
Phobos: Yes, can you put my shoulder back together now?
Alka: Oh! Of course! Yes, you are done. Let me just put that back together.
Phobos turned to Deimos while Alka put his shoulder back together.
Phobos: Deimos, you go ahead. I need to stop by the bridge first.
Deimos: Suit yourself!
Deimos leaped from her chair and put her arms straight out from her sides, zigzagging across the Engineering floor like she was an airplane.
Deimos: Wee!

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
The lift doors opened and Phobos meekly shuffled out. For a brief, peaceful moment, he could see the bridge crew as they usually were, doing their jobs with their backs to him with the stars zinging past the windows outside. That changed, however, when Teren noticed him.
Teren: Ensign Leingod on the bridge, Captain!
All stood and looked back, excluding Baal, who looked, but immediately averted his gaze. Though Phobos knew the situation now, he couldn't quite fully comprehend it, the difference between knowing and understanding, but he knew this would be something he'd have to confront eventually. Now, however, there were more pressing concerns.
Aire: Welcome back, Ensign!
Phobos: Thank you, Captain. Sorry for taking so long, but you said you wanted to see me, so I thought I should find out when you're available.
Aire: We can meet right now, Ensign. To my ready room.
Phobos: Yes, Captain!

Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
As the door opened, Aire bid Phobos to enter first and he instinctively made for one of the chairs in front of Aire's desk.
Aire: Let's go to the lounge, shall we?
Phobos paused. He'd seen the lounge before, but only from looking past the desk. Had he been there? As far as he knew, it could be one of his missing memory fragments. Phobos gave Aire a quick nod and proceeded to the back of the ready room.
Aire: Have a seat. Have you tried eating or drinking anything yet?
Phobos: Not yet, Captain. Deimos certainly has. She has been getting into everything. I've been feeling rather out of sorts, though. Nearly all the memories lost were on my side.
Aire: I see. In that case, I think that's a first time you should share with your parents. You don't mind if I have a bourbon, I hope.
Phobos looked around and decided on one of the chairs rather than the couch.
Phobos: Actually, if it's okay, I would like to share a drink with you. I can have what you're having.
Aire, in the middle of getting ice with his tongs, let the last one slide out of the sawtooth grip and land in the glass with a tinkle. Dawning comprehension took hold and a grin spread across his face.
Aire: I'm honored! But I'm not sure if alcohol is okay.
Phobos: Alka said that any normal drink would be all the same to me. It's just the taste that's different. So I'm told, anyway.
Aire: In that case, I shall pour you the same.
Aire readied another glass and more ice.
Aire: I was going to ask how you're feeling, but you've already said so. I hope that you didn't lose too much.
Phobos: Not much, but just enough to make me feel paranoid. This room, for example. I know I've seen it before, but I don't know if I've been back here. I don't remember it, but that doesn't mean anything. And then, of course, there's Baal. I really don't know how I feel about that.
With the ice finished, Aire poured the bourbon, a quarter glass each.
Aire: I can imagine that would be disconcerting. As for Baal, I'm afraid I have little advice, but he's a good person, if a little flighty. Just let things unfold as they do.
Aire handed Phobos his glass and then had a seat on the couch. With a little sip from his glass, he sank a little more into the cushion, relaxed at last. Phobos watched him intently and then mimicked Aire, taking small sip just as he did, the result causing him to make all manner of contorted faces. Aire watched with great interest.
Aire: How is it?
Phobos held up his glass and smacked his lips together, taking his time to find the right words.
Phobos: I don't really know. This is entirely new to me and I don't know how to describe it. Maybe...
Phobos raised the glass to his mouth again, this time tipping all the contents, including the ice, into his mouth. Aire, realizing what Phobos was doing only an instant before, put up his hand, but did not have a chance to say stop before the glass was empty. In rapid succession, his ears twitched, then they flattened on his head, and then...
Aire froze entirely. Phobos's ears popped right back, perky and straight, and he had a look on his face like he'd just been slapped by an invisible hand.
Aire: So, Ensign, are you able to fart now too?
Phobos folded his ears down and backward as he responded.
Phobos: I'm so sorry, Captain.
Not angry in the slightest, Aire, in fact, grinned like a kid.
Aire: Phobos, I only wish I had a penchant for recording things like Commodore Amaranth does. That is a moment I wouldn't mind reliving. Still, perhaps we can forego the drinks for now.
Aire leaned forward and put his bourbon glass on the coffee table and then leaned back while Phobos nodded.
Phobos: That might be prudent.
Aire: In that case, I suppose this meeting will be short. I wanted to see how you were doing. Mostly, since your family circumstances have changed, I also wanted you to know that I'll understand if you would like to submit a transfer...
Before Aire could finish his sentence, Phobos was already shaking his head.
Phobos: Thank you, Captain, but no. I prefer to stay here. Deimos and I have been together without a break for 18 years and I think we would both do well with some time apart.
Once again, Aire could not repress a smile.
Aire: Whatever the circumstances, we'll all be very happy for you to stay!
Phobos: More than that, Deimos just does not ever shut up. I thought she was noisy in my head, but that's nothing compared to this. I'm happy for her and I understand entirely why she is how she is, but I don't think I could take it long term.
Aire: I can understand that. I imagine she'll calm down eventually.
Phobos: Hopefully. For now, I think she's entitled to some craziness. Speaking of, she is ridiculously horny right now. Can't say I blame her, but it's not like she can get pregnant or catch a VD or anything.
Aire: She'll fit right in, then. What about you? How are you feeling? I couldn't help but notice that your ears and tail move around more than they did before.
Phobos: Still getting used to my new body, but I feel good... mostly.
With a slow blink and a nod, Aire tipped his head to the side.
Aire: Baal. What's the last thing you remember?
Phobos: I remember planning a prank to teach him a lesson. After that, everything is blank. I'm told he's been very kind to me up to now, but I don't remember a thing.
Aire: I see. That must be confusing for you. What would you like to do next?
Phobos: I'd like to return to duty, Captain, but you should put me under supervision. There might be issues that haven't manifested yet.
Aire reached over and tapped the comm panel.
Aire: I have just the thing for you! Aire to bridge.
Joust: Joust here, Captain.
Phobos: Ensign Leingod will be returning to light duty under Amenaru's supervision. Send Amenaru up and get Phobos back on the roster.
Joust: Good to hear, Captain! I will get on that right away. Joust out.
Aire: You'll work under Amenaru for the time being and you can help him prepare for his command officer exam. Baal has chosen to delay his exam, so Amenaru will be the only one taking it this time.
Phobos: That sounds good, Captain.
Moments later, Aire's ready room door slid open and Amenaru sashayed inside.
Aire: Have a seat, Lieutenant.
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