Carpathia IV: Episode 220 - Electric Sheep
NCCS Shadowdancer-A
At just a hair over two hours, Phobos's first shift was short. With a little rearranging, Aire made his new station next to Amenaru and he made for an enthusiastic work companion, talking almost as much as Deimos. At least it was a different voice and different topics. Topics in which he took interest, particularly Amenaru's upcoming command officer exam. With Amenaru's official duties light, as they were merely on a cruise back to Polaris Deep, this topic dominated the conversation.
Commander Joust dismissed both from their shifts at the same time and, strolling through the corridor, he noticed that Phobos was not going in the direction of his dads' quarters. Most likely, his own. Just as he was about to ask, Phobos threw his arms in the air and opened his mouth wide.
Phobos: Yawn!
If there was one thing that was contagious between androids and biological life, it was a yawn and Amenaru could not stop himself from doing the same.
Amenaru: So, how's sleeping been going for you?
Phobos: Weird. I've only done it three times, but it's hard to get used to it, especially the dreaming.
Amenaru grinned from the joke that appeared in his head, too perfect to resist.
Amenaru: Do you dream of electric sheep?
Phobos stopped and threw a red-eyed glare at Amenaru, who promptly threw up his hands as though protecting his torso.
Amenaru: Sorry! Sorry!
Phobos nodded and continued forward again, prompting Amenaru to sprint a few steps to catch up.
Amenaru: This isn't the way to the Commodore's quarters.
Phobos: No, I already told the dads that I would like to have my own room tonight. I haven't been back since before I moved out of my old body.
Amenaru gasped, prompting Phobos to stop again. He didn't know if anyone had been around to clean up Phobos's quarters with how busy everything had been. He only knew that he wasn't part of any such team.
Phobos: Something wrong?
Amenaru: Oh! Well, the last time I was there, your quarters were trashed. I don't know if anyone has gotten around to cleaning it up.
Phobos: I heard about that. I also heard about what Baal did for me in there. Do you have any idea how weird this is? The Baal I remember was a creepy, skulking, suspicious idiot.
Amenaru: He can be that way when he feels thrown, but usually nowhere near that bad.
Phobos: I remember you and I were planning to scare the hell out of him. Teach him a lesson, you know. I assume we went through with it? How did it go?
Amenaru: Oh, it worked, almost too well. I wouldn't be surprised if he legit peed himself. He was pretty pissed at first and I don't know what happened after he stomped off, but I guess he had himself a think and decided to pursue you.
Phobos plodded on with his head downturned, focused on his footsteps.
Phobos: I wish I could remember, but there's nothing I can do. It's not like I forgot. That part of my brain literally burned up.
Amenaru: That's tough, but we're all glad you're still with us. For now, let's check your quarters. If they're still a mess, I'll help you clean up.
Phobos: If you're trying to distract me, it won't work. My programming doesn't allow for that.
Amenaru's ears sagged while he considered options. His first thought was to bring up the last few months, when he was most certainly distracted. This, however, seemed both uncouth and irrelevant, considering that his brain was quite literally broken at the time. Before that, however, Phobos was right, which was what made him forgetting things like putting on his clothes before going on duty so jarring. Fortunately, Amenaru did not have to say anything. Phobos, after a brief pause, continued.
Phobos: I appreciate the offer. Even if my quarters have been cleaned up, we can sit and talk for awhile. Maybe you can show me how eating and drinking works.
Amenaru: Oh! Well, yes, that we can do.
Only a few more steps before they arrived at Phobos's quarters, but he did not open the door right away. Amenaru watched in anticipation as Phobos sighed and gazed longingly at it.
Phobos: Been a long time. I suppose I should see what it's like.
Amenaru: Hopefully better than we expect.
Pure optimism on Amenaru's part, and he was very cognizant of this. Though he didn't know if anyone had been sent to clean it up and repair the damage, he felt like he'd surely have found out if that were the case. As Phobos reached out with his finger to tap the button, Amenaru braced himself for the catastrophe that was surely within. Phobos tapped the door control and the door slid open with a smooth glide across the tracks. What he saw next made him gasp in shock.
Phobos's quarters. Utterly immaculate, as though opening the door to a swanky hotel room for the first time. He was not, however, left to mull how this was possible, for there were blue hyacinth flowers overflowing upon every conceivable surface. Twice as many as there were the first time.
Amenaru: Baal... He must have used every last minute of his free time to do this.
To his side, Amenaru heard a sniffle and his ears turned first to investigate, followed by the rest of his head. There was Phobos, gazing into the room with tears in his eyes and his hand up to his mouth. His other hand flailed around as though he were trying to say something, but it took ages for any sound to escape his mouth. Amenaru worried that his brain might be breaking again.
Phobos: I'm... so confused. All I can remember is that he's a nosy dickhead. I know he's different but I can't change how I feel.
Phobos threw his arms into the air and wrapped them around Amenaru with a big sniffle. Amenaru hugged back, thinking about what a stellar job the hotoh did with his new body. He wondered if even Baal would be able to detect any remaining androidness in Phobos.
Amenaru: If you want, we can hang out in my quarters. I'm sure Kit wouldn't mind having you around when he comes off shift.
Phobos pulled away and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.
Phobos: Thanks for the offer, but I think I should go in. You can come with me.
Amenaru: Happy to! I can call Kit later. We could all have a card game.
Phobos: Kit is fine. Maybe Teek later too.
Amenaru nodded and stepped inside Phobos's quarters, beckoning him to follow. Phobos took a tentative step inside and looked around while the door slid shut behind him.
Amenaru: Sure thing. By the way, have you met Kau, Commodore Amaranth's communications officer?
Phobos: I've seen him around.
Amenaru: Have you ever met him before?
Phobos: I haven't. Do you think we should invite him? I'm fine with that. He might be a little lonely not knowing anyone here.
Amenaru: I'll do that. Still, I can't shake this weird feeling like I know him from somewhere...

Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer
In the back of the ready room, Aire and Adell each lounged in their chairs, drink in hand.
Aire: I'm glad things are going well.
Adell nodded and tilted his head at the same time. Aire knew that a "but" was coming.
Adell: I wish I could say everything is perfect. Very close, but it's a shame about Phobos and Baal. He seems very nice. Also, he has a very unusual personality for a demon, doesn't he?
Aire: Very much so. I chose him for the crew because he is exceptionally talented. He might be the smartest person on the ship, but he keeps tripping all over his emotions. He's adapting, bit by bit.
Adell: Some take longer than others to adapt to Shadowdancer life. I'm sure he'll get there. Hopefully, when things settle down, he and Phobos can get to know each other again.
Aire nodded with his glass at his lips.
Aire: That would be ideal.
A bleep came from Aire's tablet.
Kit: Bridge to Captain.
Aire picked up his tablet to answer.
Aire: State your business, Kit.
Kit: Is Commodore Amaranth still with you?
Adell: Still here, Kit.
Kit: I have Admiral Zhang on a priority channel she'd like to speak with both of you.
Aire: Put her through to my desk. We will head right over.
Kit: Understood.
Aire tapped his tablet again and stood, drink still in hand.
Aire: Duty calls, Commodore.
Adell, already standing, had a foot pointed towards the ready room desk already.
Adell: Let's see what spacemom has been up to.
Aire and Adell strode quickly to the front of the room, with Aire taking a seat in his chair and Adell occupying a guest chair. Adell scooted his chair closer and Aire turned the monitor so that both could see. With both in position, Aire tapped the screen and Admiral Zhang appeared.
Admiral Zhang: I'm glad I caught you both together. I have some news, but first, you need to know that everything I say is temporarily classified. I have permission to read you in so that you aren't surprised when you get to Polaris Deep.
Aire: Understood, Admiral.
Admiral Zhang: Good. I'll get right to it. Carpathia Medical Research Institute has been analyzing the data from the hotoh on their condition and the data on their home planet. We may have found a potential home for them.
Aire and Adell glanced at each other with raised eyebrows.
Adell: That was very fast. I'm guessing it's a planet we know?
Admiral Zhang: It certainly is and that's why we've got a political situation on our hands. The planet is Andrast.
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