Carpathia IV: Episode 227 - Away With You Fairies
Amenaru's Quarters, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
On Shadowdancer's final night at Polaris Deep, Amenaru and Kit hosted a game night in their quarters, a multi-crew game night, with three of the Chrono Blade bridge officers in attendance. With so many people, Stellar Sorcery was out, and they settled for simpler games. Games easy to play with varying numbers of people and didn't take long, so people could switch up if they wanted to try something different.
Ultimately, not much game-playing occurred, and the games that took place tended to drag on much longer than they normally would with frequent breaks for snacking, drinking, and chatting.
Amenaru: Mikado, I gotta know what happened in that room between Riku and Nalma. Are there rules for that sort of thing?
Before Mikado could answer, Riku threw his hands up into the air.
Riku: What happened is that I won!
Mikado: I think you've done this before, Riku. You already seemed to know the rules.
Riku: Not the first time I've been challenged.
Mikado: First, I had to scan each player to make sure there are no... ahem... performance enhancing substances present. After that there are rules during the game. No playing with your butt. Players must face each other. No touching the other player. Loser has to clean up.
Kau: Oh, so that's why it took longer than an hour before Nalma ran off.
Mikado: It took longer because Nalma was grousing the entire time.
Teek: Speaking of sore losers, I've heard that Captain Valro was not happy at all that Nalma lost and Captain Tyler has been ribbing him about it ever since. If anyone asks, we were just here for socialization and no games happened.
Kit: Do you really think they'd keep score of this?
Sena: I hope not, but I don't want to risk it. The last thing we need is for one of our game nights to be scrutinized by the Captains. I got enough to think about besides explaining why I lost at Uno.
Sylvar: I agree. Let's keep this to ourselves. Anyone not in favor?
Eyes darted around the room in search of anyone with objections. None were forthcoming.
Quenya: That settles it. What happens in Amenaru's quarters stays in Amenaru's quarters.
Amenaru: Not the first time I've heard that.
Teek: Something I want to know is what the command officer exam is like.
Kau: I wanna know that too!
Amenaru demurred, partially because he had to but mostly because he didn't know very much yet.
Amenaru: Not much to say. I've only just gotten my schedule and done my first practical test. Don't ask me for answers. I don't think any of that would matter anyway. From what I understand, every command officer exam is bespoke.
Sena: I suppose that makes sense. Otherwise, getting test answers would be easy.
Riku: Which do you think would be more difficult? Having Commander Joust design your test or Commander Unas?
Darius: Tough one. At least with Commander Unas, you'd have an idea what to expect.
Quenya: Yeah, unforgivingly difficult.
Tuomas: For all we know, Joust will give you a butterfly net and drop you on a planet all by yourself.
Sylvar: Don't come back until you've caught at least a hundred different types of bugs!
Amenaru: The uncertainty really is the hardest part. I have an idea of some things, but there are several "think on your feet" modules. Joust could do anything. By the way, if I pass and make full lieutenant, that means I'll be involved in disciplinary proceedings sometimes. I just want everyone to know right now that it's nothing personal.
Darius suddenly buried his face into his cards with only his two trembling and rapidly reddening ears poking up from behind, a conspicuous thing to do for all present since hardly anyone else paid anything more than cursory attention to their own cards. If one were to ask whose turn it was, that would be another 20 minutes of debate before the game started again.One by one, each head turned in Darius's direction, either because they noticed what he was doing or they noticed others staring at him.
Tuomas: Darius, are you okay?
Teek: Oh, Amenaru, you already had to do a discipline, didn't you? What did he do?
While Darius buried his face even deeper into his cards, Amenaru started to panic, for this was not at all what he wanted to happen.
Amenaru: Guys! Guys! That's private!
Darius: I... I used a camwhore service.
Riku: Really? Which side of the camera were you on?
Mikado: That thing where everyone kept telling you to show them your dick?
That, at least, answered the question, but Amenaru was next to have his hands up to his face. This had gotten out of control and he needed to end it.
Amenaru: Seriously, stop. This is between me and Darius only.
Teek: You of all people disciplining someone for getting their dick out?
Kit: He said to knock it off!
Instant silence but for the hum of the ship's systems while all heads turned to Kit, who now wore a stern, matronly expression. Teek was the first to look away from Kit, having caught his gaze for only half a second, and stared at the floor.
Teek: Sorry, Lieutenant. I won't bring it up again.
Some moments passed in awkward silence before Tuomas changed the subject.
Tuomas: Does the Chrono Blade have an on-board artist?
Kau: Not that I know of. Maybe we will.
Riku: Oh, oh! Sena! Tell them about Revenant!
Sena scrunched up his face, looking very much like this wasn't someone he cared to talk about.
Quenya: Sounds like a demon name.
Sena: He's at the station next to mine, and yes, he's a demon. I think he's from a mystic sect. I don't know much about him. He's very gloomy and doesn't talk much. He's the Blade's science officer.
Quenya: A mystic scientist. Unusual combination.
Kit: Alright, everyone, it's time to finish up the game. Amenaru needs to study.
Kau: Yeah, we need to get back to our ship soon too.
This time, the game continued in earnest with a reminder of the promise at the end not to tell any of the Captains about it.

The Next Day
Captain Valro, Minnie, and Phobos stood just outside the gangway to the Shadowdancer. Before them, Admiral Zhang, Alka, Adell, Artemis, and Deimos, there to say their goodbyes before departure.
Artemis: You take care of yourself, Phobos. Minnie is very competent and you'll visit her once a week for checkups. She should be able to handle anything that might happen.
Minnie: High praise from you, Dr. Leingod. I thank you. He is in good hands.
Both Artemis and Adell approached Phobos with arms outstretched and they all had a big hug. Deimos stood back, awaiting her turn so that she could have him solo.
Adell: You take care of yourself, son.
Phobos: I will, dad.
Deimos, tip-tapping between her two feet looking about to explode, rushed forward after Adell and Artemis backed away and squeezed Phobos in bear hug.
Deimos: Oh, Phobos! I'm so glad I can do this for real now! Nobody here has any idea what it's like being trapped in the wrong body!
Minnie: Ahem.
Smirks and wry smiles all around while Minnie leaned onto her left foot and glued her right hand to her waist.
Deimos: Oh no, Minnie! I'm so sorry!
Deimos pushed Phobos away and rushed into a Minnie hug. Finally, Minnie cracked a smile and a giggle.
Minnie: Just teasing you, Deimos. I hope we meet again soon.
Alka: Same with me, Captain. For the first time in my life, there is hope for us.
Aire: May we meet again as well, Alka.
Admiral Zhang: Alright, off you go, Captain, or we'll be here all day.
Aire grinned and straightened his back.
Aire: Aye aye, Admiral!

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
The bridge, abuzz with activity while all departure preparations were finalized. Every station staffed, besides the Captain's chair and the science officer. The lift opened and Aire strolled in, followed by Phobos who rushed past and took his position next to Amenaru.
Trex: Captain on the bridge!
All stood with their hands behind their backs while Aire rounded the security console on his way to his chair.
Aire: As you were, everyone. Status!
Joust: Ready for departure, Captain. Only docking clamps remain.
Aire: Very good. Kit, open a shipwide channel.
Kit: Yes, Captain. Channel open.
Aire: Crew of the Shadowdancer, once again, our regularly scheduled mission was cut short by unexpected events and I commend you all for pivoting to the needs of the moment. Phobos is back with us on full duty and we wish Commander Unas well in his new assignment on the Chrono Blade. Speaking of...
Aire spun his chair around to face Nalma directly.
Aire: Naturally, there shall be rivalry between our two ships. If there are to be any competitions between our two crews, I intend to win. Aire out.
Nalma slunk down in his chair while Aire spun back around to face front.
Aire: Release docking clamps and ahead 30% thrusters.
Amenaru: Releasing docking clamps.
Teek: Ahead 30% thrusters, Captain.
Shadowdancer proceeded forward as though carried on a wave, and those on the bridge watched as Polaris Deep slid by in the windows until it was no longer visible.
Nalma: We have cleared the station, Captain.
Aire: Set course for Andrast Shipyard, Q7.
Teek: Setting course for Andrast Shipyard, Q7, Captain.
Aire: Hit it!
To the people watching on Polaris Deep, Shadowdancer was there, and then it was simply not, speeding to its new destination.
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