Carpathia IV: Episode 228 - Checkup
Engineering, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
A week since Shadowdancer departed Polaris Deep, and it was time for Phobos's first checkup with Dr. Minnie. For this, Baal accompanied him, and they proceeded through the double doors of Engineering together.
Phobos: I appreciate your coming with me, Baal, but you don't have to do that.
Baal: I've been with you for everything up to now. I don't intend to stop! Besides, Commander Calloway asked me to come.
Phobos's ears twitched, much like a nekohuman's would when surprised, though Baal noted some subtle differences. Differences that non-demons wouldn't be able to detect and that he would have difficulty explaining himself. At the very least, he would say that Phobos's reactions were definitely more natural than they used to be, but still noticably artificial for those who knew what to look for.
Phobos: Really! I didn't know that. I wonder why.
Baal: I don't know. I suppose we'll find out soon.
Soon indeed, for Minnie spotted them and immediately strolled to the engineering lab door.
Minnie: Right on time, but I would expect no less of you. Shall we start?
Phobos responded with a nod and followed Minnie inside. There, Ramei and Quenya were finishing the setup.
Ramei: Your exam room is ready!
Phobos: Exam room? Is that what we're calling this now?
Minnie: Yes, actually. For now. The good news is that I requested and got approval to transform one of the rooms in sick bay to one suitable for your anatomy. Once the refit is complete, you'll go to sick bay just like everyone else for your checkups. Only difference is that one of us will be your doctor. I'm considering training one of the actual nurses to look after you so that you can have the full patient experience.
Phobos: You mean I get to go to the receptionist and sit in the waiting room just like everyone else?
Ramei and Quenya exchanged glances. Baal noticed and thought the same thing as they thought. What a strange thing to get excited about. Of course, for anyone but Phobos and Deimos, it wouldn't make sense.
Phobos: That's so nice of you! I can't wait!
Quenya: You'll be doing plenty of that.
Minnie: Up on the table with you. Let's get started.
Phobos hopped onto the exam table. Quenya and Ramei started hooking him up to the various diagnostic instruments.
Minnie: While they're working on that, Baal, what can you tell me about his behavior over the past week?
Baal reached up and started stroking his horn, making thoughtful grunts.
Baal: He's very much Phobos. Speaking as a demon, I find him a little easier to read than before, but still not as predictable as us fleshy types. Honestly, I was a little worried that his upgrade would be too perfect. His androidness is part of what makes him who he is, right?
Quenya: I always thought so. I mean, it's not like you're android and nothing else, but it is part of who you are.
Phobos: I'm glad you feel that way. I don't aspire to be just like humans or nekomi or whatever. I just want to be around people who can treat me like a person. It helps, since I've always felt like a big accident.
Ramei: You might say that life in general is a big accident. Even if it isn't, it sure feels that way. Why should you be any different?
Phobos: That's one way of looking at it, I guess.
Minnie took out a pen light and shone it into Phobos's eyes.
Minnie: That's the only way of looking at it, if you ask me. For all our technology, there's still too much we don't know. Questions that will never be answered, perhaps. I asked Baal here to give me a second opinion on how you're doing. He'd notice things that you might not.
Baal: Like I said, he's still Phobos. Some things are newer and more natural, but it's all very consistent.
Minnie put her pen light away and started checking Phobos's ears.
Minnie: That's good. You know, I have to give Alka and his team a lot of credit. Not only is this good work, but the design is so natural. I feel like an actual doctor the way I have to check your anatomy. How have you been feeling, Phobos?
Phobos: I'm not sure how to describe it. I know the human expression, "waking up on the wrong side of the bed." Some days you wake up feeling good, some days not so much, right?
Ramei: I think most species are like that.
Phobos: Not me. I feel the same every day. Well, except when my program started to degrade. I don't know if it's because I have to sleep now or whatever, but my mind feels so much clearer every day now compared to before.
Quenya: It should. According to this, you're using only a quarter of your memory capacity now.
Minnie: That's good news. Your body temperature is 43.1 degrees. Normal. Everything is looking good. I'll just send all the data along to Dr. Leingod, but I don't think there is anything to be concerned about.
Phobos: Does that mean I'm finished?
Minnie: Not yet. We need a full battery of data points on all your systems so that we can do a comparative study down the line. Should take about an hour.
Phobos: Poo. Do what you have to do. Maybe I'll just put on a video game in my head while you're working.
Minnie: No games. I need this data in your resting state.
Phobos: Aw.
Baal took Phobos's hand and sidled up close.
Baal: Don't worry. I'll stay here the whole time.

Corridor, NCCS Shadowdancer
Amenaru departed Mikado's quarters, having knocked on the door producing no results. Mikado was not on duty at the moment, so there wasn't much Amenaru could do to find him. He would either have to search some of the common areas or find another time. As chance would have it, however, Amenaru rounded a corner and spotted a pair of long, silver ears at the other end. With excitement, he called out.
Amenaru: Mikado!
Mikado's ears shot up as he did a little jump and a squeak where he stood. Amenaru felt a little guilty, for he did not intend to startle. What surprised him more is that Mikado started to back away, as though he were frightened of him.
Mikado: Lieutenant! Ha ha! Erm, didn't expect to see you.
Amenaru momentarily forgot why he was looking for Mikado in the first place until he ran his fingers across the tablet in his hand. Recollection in hand, he held out the tablet.
Amenaru: I just wanted to give you the schedule for tomorrow's maintenance. You, Darius, and I will meet up on Deck 13 under sick bay to replace sterilization scrubbers and ion filters.
Mikado gave a shaky nod and took the tablet.
Mikado: Right-o! Yes, thanks! But... You could have just posted this on my account.
Mikado still had the body language of someone who wanted to get away. Or, perhaps not get away, but... something. Amenaru wasn't sure what he was looking at.
Amenaru: Did you have someplace to be, Mikado?
Again, Mikado's ears stood up for just a second before flopping back to their normal positions.
Mikado: Ah, nowhere to be! Nowhere at all. Ha ha!
Amenaru: Okaaaayyy... I did want to ask you something. Did you have any plans for when we get to Andrast? Have you ever been on a Carpathian planet?
Mikado: Draconis, but that doesn't really count. I was on Berengaria briefly for orientation, but I didn't have a chance to go out.
Amenaru: Ah, good! Well, not good, but an opportunity, at least. You can come and stay at my place if you like. Dad loves guests. Especially feeding them.
Mikado: That's very nice! Though, I wonder if you might prefer to invite Darius instead. Poor guy doesn't have a home on a planet. He's been living on Polaris Deep for the last five years.
Amenaru: Really? I didn't know that. Both of you would be great, actually. My older sister's old room would do fine. It has a double bed and my parents just finished converting it into a guest room.
Mikado: Erm... A little time to think, then? I can let you know after the maintenance tomorrow.
Still, Mikado seemed unusually evasive, Amenaru thought. Not wanting to make him uncomfortable, Amenaru decided to give Mikado a way out.
Amenaru: If you have something else going on, that's absolutely fine. Consider it an option, if you like.
Mikado did a little bow, his ears flopping forward as he went down and then back up.
Mikado: I will, and thanks again.
Amenaru: I won't keep you, then. Enjoy your day.
Mikado: See you tomorrow!
And he darted away, leaving behind a slightly confused Amenaru.
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