Carpathia IV: Episode 235 - Destruction
Space, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Amenaru: Right, Teek, plot a course and take us out.
Teek nodded and took a deep breath before answering.
Teek: Yes, Captain. Plotting course.
Amenaru: Use a speed that gives you the best feel for maneuverability, Teek. Nalma, call out any movement on the Sunchaser and be ready on grapplers when we pass.
Nalma: I'm on it, Captain.
The Shadowdancer gave a mighty lurch as it advanced once again. The tiny speck that was the Sunchaser grew larger, but more disturbingly, swayed in the front window as the Shadowdancer fought the gravity currents. At first, Teek used console controls to maneuver the ship, but soon switched to the yoke. Though he struggled with the yoke, the swaying lessened.
Teek: If anyone has any predictive algorithms of these gravity eddies, they would sure be useful right now.
Amenaru: Phobos, you got anything?
Phobos: Negative, Captain. If there is a pattern, it's very complex. I will keep on it.
Amenaru: Start data sharing. We only have a couple of minutes and the more eyes on it, the better.
Phobos reached over to his side without looking and tapped two buttons on his console.
Phobos: Data sharing active.
Amenaru: Kau, shipwide channel.
Kau: Shipwide channel open, Captain.
Amenaru: Attention crew. If you're not working on anything now, Ensign Phobos is now scanning the gravity eddies for a pattern and is sharing the data. If you're not working on anything right now, look at the data and relay findings to him. Amenaru out.
Kau: Channel closed, Captain.
Waiting. Would this be the hardest part of being Captain, the waiting? It certainly seemed so in this moment. Amenaru had a strong inclination to keep yapping at the crew, asking how is this or that, barking course corrections at Teek, but he kept it all inside. In this case, he thought, the best thing to do was what he's already done. Divide tasks to those most capable and then shut up. The shutting up part he found surprisingly difficult.
However, the Sunchaser grew near enough to see the windows and, more distressingly, cracks in the hull. Amenaru had to say something.
Amenaru: Anything, Phobos?
Phobos: Some suggestions, but none of them went anywhere.
Teren: Structural integrity at critical. We have to go.
Amenaru: Teek, you're going to have to wing it. Nalma, ready on that grappler.
Teek muttered a barely-audible acknowledgement.
Teek: Will do my best.
Teek angled the Shadowdancer away from the Sunchaser, aiming to skirt the wall of the gravity well. Directly ahead, stars. Look down just a bit, Sunchaser. Look up, disconcerting, inky blackness, the wall of the gravity well blocking out all light. It felt too close, but Amenaru knew the stakes. 80m of clearance, making 40m on the top and bottom, all things equal. The Shadowdancer still swayed in the gravity eddies and Amenaru gripped his armrests once again. This was it.
The Shadowdancer lurched and, directly ahead, where once there were stars, was now darkness, with the bridge enveloped in the wall. Teek corrected in a panic, pushing the yoke down, but the bridge remained in the wall. The transparent aluminum windows cracked and the bridge shuddered. Teek pushed the yoke all the way down and the Shadowdancer sprung out of the gravity well. Nose down, ass up, the Shadowdancer plowed straight into the Sunchaser, destroying it instantly and severely crippling the already weakened nose.
The Shadowdancer spiralled out of control and Amenaru knew that there was nothing left to do. Teek tried valiantly to wrestle back control, but it was not to be. Escape pods had no chance of survival. A call to abandon ship would be a waste of time. Amenaru closed his eyes and waited for the end.
Joust: End simulation.
Everything in the bridge disappeared, consoles, chairs, even the crew, except for Amenaru's chair. All at once, every prickly bit of anxiety singing the ends of his nerves exploded out of him.
Amenaru pounded on his armrest, squirming in his chair, shouting every curse he knew while Joust watched with a serene look on his face. He only spoke when Amenaru finally calmed down, hunched forward in his chair.
Joust: That was your sixth attempt at this test. I don't think I have to tell you the result.
Amenaru: I've tried everything I can think of. I tried pushing the Sunchaser. I tried going around it. I tried waiting in the gravity well to see if the situation improved. I tried keeping a longer distance from the opening. I tried tinkering with the tractor beam to get it to work...
Joust: This is the second time you've tried going around the Sunchaser. Is there any reason you thought it would work this time?
Amenaru leaned back in his chair and sighed.
Amenaru: I thought I was micromanaging Teek too much. Go this way. Go that way. Watch out for this. Watch out for that. Even though I failed this time, I still feel more confident in the way I handled the situation. I won't try that one again since I'm sure there's nothing left to try.
Amenaru's ears twitched and he leaned forward abruptly.
Amenaru: This isn't one of those no-win situations, is it?
A shake of Joust's head told Amenaru that he did not, in fact, have a game-breaking epiphany.
Joust: No, Amenaru, this is not a no-win situation. There is a solution. You just haven't found it yet.
Amenaru: Dammit. Just when I thought I had it figured out. Maybe next time, I'll try...
Joust shook his head again, this time more ominously.
Joust: No more firing the idea cannon at this one. I'm giving you one final chance to get this right. After that, you'll have to wait a year before you can apply again.
Amenaru gasped, ears fluttering everywhere, but he couldn't find any words. At least, not words that he could say out loud to his commanding officer.
Amenaru: But... But...
Joust: Go study and let me know when you're ready to give it your last try. You have until the refit is complete.
With a sniffle, Amenaru slumped in his chair while Joust turned to leave the holosuite.
Amenaru: I... I don't know if I can do this in just one more try.
Joust stopped, halfway to the door, and turned, an expression of grim solemnity darkening his face.
Joust: Amenaru, I swore on my wife's grave that if I ever rose to this position, I would never allow anyone who wasn't ready pass this test. No more Mr. Nice Bat. You have one more chance. Go study.
Amenaru's ears flicked up straight as he watched Joust walk away and he was through the door before Amenaru had a chance to respond. Nevertheless, even by himself in the holosuite, he responded anyway.
Amenaru: Yes, Commander.

Amenaru plodded down the empty corridor to his quarters. The uncanny quiet of the ship only seemed to put an exclamation mark on his failures, for the sensory deprivation kept his mind on the test. Already, his mind was replaying the scenarios he tried over and over, wondering if maybe he was on the right track but missed a key detail. First, he needed a small distraction and as he entered his quarters, he immediately made for his desk and activated the communication system. Kit's face appearing on the screen was a welcome sight indeed.
Kit: Oh, finally! I was getting worried.
Amenaru: Long day.
Kit tipped his head to the side, his expression softening.
Kit: You look terrible. Are you okay?
Amenaru: I failed my test six times. Commander Joust is giving me only one more chance.
Kit: Oh, that must be a hard one. I'm so sorry to hear that. When do you think you'll be back? It won't be long before dinner and we can have something ready for you.
Amenaru: I think it might be best if I stay here. I have to study and there are too many distractions at home. Most of the work on the ship is being done on the outside, but there's still a skeleton crew on the Shadowdancer, so the canteen should have something for me.
Kit's ears sagged little by little as Amenaru spoke.
Kit: I see. I guess you have to do what you have to do.
Amenaru: I'm sorry. You'll be okay down there? How is everyone?
Kit: Pretty lively. Darius and Ramses are getting on really well. Meri is using Mikado and me as clothing models. Sylvar has been doing a lot of kitchen things and going out.
Amenaru: I see. Plenty going on, then.
Kit: I'll be fine. Keep studying. I love you.
Amenaru: Love you too. Hopefully, I'll see you soon.
The screen went dark and Amenaru gathered up his tablets and moved them to the couch, a more comfy place to study, and prepared for a long night.
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