Carpathia IV: Episode 236 - The Big Chair
Andrast Shipyard, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
One might be forgiven for thinking that Amenaru's room the next day was a completely different place from the day before. Usually very tidy, thanks to Kit. Now, tablets were strewn everywhere, on the table, couch, and floor. Plates, utensils, empty glasses, and food wrappers mixed into the mess of tablets. Amenaru himself laid on the couch, covered in snack wrappers and with a tablet clutched to his chest. His head was propped up on a small throw pillow and one leg, along with his tail, dangled down to the floor.
Amenaru shifted slightly in his sleep, causing the the tablet to slip from his chest and tumble to the floor with a clatter. He woke with a start, ears twitching, and despite the long sleep, his head was still swimming with mathematical equations and every known fact about gravity wells swimming around in his mind. He rose from the couch like a zombie crawling out of the grave, if that zombie had been buried in snack wrappers. From there, he shuffled to the bathroom.
After a satisfying pee, all of which made it into the bowl despite his zombiefied, mathematically-addled brain. Through all the fog, numbers, and gravity wells, his mind drifted to other things. Despite all the snacking last night, hunger assailed him. Some food would be good. Perhaps the canteen might have some bacon and eggs. Now, his mind ran, darting from place to place. Brush teeth? After breakfast. Maybe put the snack wrappers in the bin. The tablets. He couldn't remember what he had going on which. They needed to be organized. Some were evaluating his failures. Going around the Sunchaser. Pushing. All more frustrating for him than Joust, it seemed. Joust. Very stern, suddenly. Not usual for him. Something to do with his dead wife? But what did that have to do with anything? Joust never talked about his past.
Amenaru's ears pricked up and his tail swirled high behind his back. Joust was a lot of things, but random, he was not. To anyone who didn't know him, what he said and did may have seemed random, but a year serving under him demonstrated to Amenaru that Joust was anything but careless. Wrong, occasionally, but not careless. He knew he needed to investigate this. Perhaps it was nothing, but, at the very least, he would have to rule it out if it was, in fact, nothing. Amenaru ran to the table, grabbed a tablet, and sat down with his finger on the listen button.
Amenaru: Personnel file, Commander Joust, NCCS Shadowdancer.
Instantly, Joust's file popped up on his screen.
Amenaru skimmed it, which didn't take long, for he scrolled to the bottom with only one finger flick. In this, he learned nothing new. Amenaru touched the listen button again.
Amenaru: Long-form personnel file this time.
Another file appeared, looking identical to the previous one, at least on top. This time, when Amenaru scrolled, the file went on for many pages. As the scrolled, his stomach growled and, as much as he would like to keep reading, hunger must be satisfied first. Reluctantly, he put down the tablet and made his way to the canteen to see what limited options might be available.

With a plate of bacon, eggs, and waffles by his side and a glass of tea in his hand, Amenaru was finally ready to unravel the mystery of Joust's wife. First, he skimmed the document, looking for anything that might catch his eye, but did not notice anything. A keyword search might yield better results. He held the listen button.
Amenaru: Find words, married and wife.
One result, buried deep in the document. Now he had a name. "Ensign Marce."
Amenaru: Long-form personnel file, Ensign Marce, NCCS Furious Spectre.
This time, there was nothing to do but read through the document, for he had no idea what keywords to search for. He skimmed the top and then slowed down towards the end, which was where he expected to find out at least something related to what happened to her. In all, another two hours reading through personnel files and incident reports, munching on his breakfast in between paragraphs.
As Amenaru reached the end of the incident report, his stomach churned and the color drained from his face. He knew what he had to do. With a deep sigh, he tapped his communicator.
Amenaru: Commander Joust, I'm ready.

Holosimulator, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Same scenario before with Amenaru in the Captain's chair and a simulated crew and bridge surrounding him. This time, he only had to make five passes over the gravity well before it sucked him in. Next, listen to the suggestions from the crew—going through the motions. All leading up to the hard part.
Amenaru: As first officer, what is your opinion?
Teren: No good options, honestly and we can't contact the Sunchaser with all the interference. If we use the strategy of going around the Sunchaser, we have to hope they don't accidentally get in the way.
Amenaru closed his eyes for just long enough to take a deep breath. This was it.
Amenaru: There is one option that has a much higher chance of success. Nalma, status of disruptors.
Nalma: Functional, Captain.
Almost hoping that Nalma would say no, Amenaru gave a slow nod and moved to the next step.
Amenaru: Teek, set course out of the gravity well and engage at best possible speed. Nalma, arm disruptors and target the Sunchaser.
A moment of silence on the bridge while dawning realization set in.
Nalma: Captain, are you...
Amenaru: JUST DO IT!
Nobody else raised questions and shifted to carrying out orders.
Teek: Plotting a course, Captain.
Nalma: Arming disruptors, Captain.
The Shadowdancer turned, facing the mouth of the gravity well and, necessarily, the Sunchaser, which was a mere pinprick in the distance.
Amenaru: If anyone has any better ideas, you only have a couple of minutes to find one.
The Shadowdancer advanced and Amenaru knew that no better options would be forthcoming. He'd tried them all already. The seconds ticked away in silence while Amenaru awaited his cue.
Nalma: Captain, we are in range.
Amenaru: Target the Sunchaser and transfer fire control to me.
Nalma: Yes, Captain. Targeting Sunchaser and transferring fire control.
A moment later, Amenaru's armrest console lit up with a single button on the touchpad labeled "Fire." Amenaru took one last look at the Sunchaser, intact, and pressed the button. Two shots fired from the Shadowdancer and streaked away, both connecting with the Sunchaser at the same time. The Sunchaser exploded into tiny fragments just before the Shadowdancer flew through the debris cloud. They were free, away from the gravity well, but there was no celebration.
Joust: End simulation.
Mercifully, everything in the holosimulator disappeared, except for Amenaru's chair and Amenaru himself. As Joust approached, Amenaru curled himself into a ball in his chair, fighting back sniffles.
Joust: Congratulations. You passed.
There was no tone of triumph in Joust's voice, for he correctly presumed that Amenaru would be in no mood for it. Silence followed, and Joust patiently waited for Amenaru to respond. He lifted his head slightly and looked at Joust through glassy eyes.
Amenaru: How did you bring yourself to do it?
Joust: Kill my own wife, you mean? I had to make a split-second decision. Radiation was spreading rapidly through the compartment with five people inside, including my wife and it was quickly degrading the door control. If I had waited, I couldn't have been able to seal the compartment and radiation would have killed at least 50 more people before we could seal the next one.
Amenaru: You make it sound easy.
Joust: Easy? No, Amenaru. The solution was obvious, but that didn't make it easier. I think you knew from the beginning what you had to do.
Amenaru: Part of me did, but I suppressed it.
Joust: As a commanding officer, there will be times when you have to make these kinds of choices. Someday, it might be one of your friends. Someday, it could be me. Someday, it could even be Kit. Sometimes, the game just plain sucks.
Amenaru didn't say anything for awhile and again, Joust remained patient with him while he pondered whether he was truly cut out for this.
Amenaru: If you don't mind my asking, what was your version of this test like?
Joust: I never took this test. To be more precise, my invigilator determined that I had already taken it, on account of my wife.
Amenaru: Right. That makes sense.
Joust reached into his pocket and produced a little box covered in purple and green felt with a golden fox emblem on the top.
Joust: Speaking of, with this test passed, you have passed the Command Officer exam. I know you probably don't feel like celebrating right now, but congratulations anyway.
Joust opened the box and held it out with the contents facing Amenaru. Inside, a shiny new rank pin with two chevrons in the middle rather than just the one that he had now.
Amenaru: I thought I had one more exam to go.
Joust: Your last test was to see if you'd be willing to sacrifice yourself for the crew. I discussed it with Captain Valro and we have agreed that you have already passed that test.
Amenaru: That time I died a few months back. I guess that makes sense.
Joust reached for Amenaru's old pin and removed it, affixing the new one in its place.
Joust: There's still much for you to learn, but you'll be a good captain someday. Right now, I'm sure you feel pretty run down, so I'll let you rest.
Joust turned and walked away. Halfway to the door, Amenaru called to him.
Amenaru: Commander. Thank you.

Amenaru trudged back into his quarters and immediately began to disrobe, first pulling off his chest plate and tossing it aside and then loosening his tunic. He had to call Kit, to at least let him know he's okay, so he flopped onto the couch and dialed his tablet. Kit appeared on the screen, momentarily excited, but his face sagged immediately.
Kit: Oh no, you look terrible. Is everything okay.
Amenaru nearly burst into tears at the sight of Kit's face and the sound of his voice, but he held it all back. Badly, mind, for he could see in Kit's sinking expression that he knew something was wrong.
Amenaru: I'm fine Kit, thanks. It's done. It's all done. I'm a full Lieutenant now.
Kit: I suppose that's good news? We can have an early dinner for when you get back if you want.
Amenaru: I appreciate it, Kit, but I really need some quiet right now. I'll be back early afternoon tomorrow. Could you do me a favor?
Kit: Anything!
Amenaru: You can tell the others that I passed, but please make it clear that I don't want any celebrations or anything.
Kit's eyebrows parted and slid down the sides of his eyes. Amenaru would tell him about the test, but he couldn't bear to do it now. He could barely carry on this conversation any further.
Kit: I'll tell them.
Amenaru: Thanks, love you.
Amenaru closed communication and then set do not disturb. With that finished, he removed the remainder of his clothing and crawled into his bed.

Amenaru's House
Kit sat on the edge of the bed, a blank screen on the tablet before him. At this moment, there was no question in his mind what he had to do. First, he contacted Commander Joust.
Joust: Hello, Ensign. What can I do for you?
Kit: I need a shuttle to the Shadowdancer.
Joust: Yes, I thought you might, so I've already taken the liberty of sending one down. It'll be at the pad next to the library in about a half hour.
Kit tipped his head from side to side. It appeared a consipiracy was afoot, but with Joust, that was normal enough.
Kit: Um... thanks?
Joust: No sweat! Joust out.
Again, the screen went blank. Kit slid the tablet into a cover and then grabbed a backpack, hastily throwing whatever he thought he might need inside, and headed down the ladder and then to the stairs. On the main floor, he found Amenaru's family and Mikado milling about.
Sylvar: Hey, Kit. Seems you're going somewhere.
Kit: I'm headed to the Shadowdancer and I'll probably be back tomorrow. Amenaru wants you to know that he passed the test, but...
Mikado: That's great!
Kit, in the hurry that he was, wasn't having any interruptions.
Kit: BUT! He was very clear that he doesn't want any celebrations when we get back.
Ramses: Oh. I guess we'll be normal, then.
Meri: Normal for us, anyway.
With everything needed to say said, Kit hopped to the front door.
Kit: See you tomorrow!

Amenaru's and Kit's Quarters, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Kit arrived at the landing pad just as the shuttle arrived. The pilot, after confirming Kit's identity, took off immediately and flew away. After a short ride, he arrived at the Shadowdancer and made straight for his quarters. Upon opening the door, he found everything dark and silent, aside from some heavy breathing coming from the bedroom.On the couch and table, tablets and food wrappers strewn everywhere Kit put his backpack next to the door and tiptoed inside. There, he found Amenaru curled up on the bed. He didn't even bother to put the covers on top of himself.
Kit stood in the bedroom doorway for several minutes, watching Amenaru sleep. Even now, he looked as though he were in pain. Kit stripped himself down to his underwear and carefully crawled into the bed, slipping in behind Amenaru.

A tickle came to Amenaru's ear as something brushed up against it, sending it to flutter. Not an uncommon occurrence, so it didn't even wake him up. Then it happened again. And again. He slept through many, but the constant stream of tickles eventually woke him. Groggily, he waved his hand over his head and it brushed up against something fuzzy. A pillow? He grabbed the thing and found that he could wrap his hand all the way around it. Not a pillow. Pulling it in front of his face, he found that it was an ear. A long, blonde ear. As if he didn't already know to what this ear was attached, Kit leaned up behind him and put his hand on Amenaru's shoulder.
Kit: Are you okay?
Amenaru smiled and sunk his head back into his pillow.
Amenaru: Mmm... Everything's fine.
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