Carpathia IV: Episode 239 - Duties and Perks
Amenaru and Kit's Quarters
On the second day out from Polaris Deep, Amenaru and Kit relaxed, side by side in the bed. Though Kit already had a duty shift, Amenaru had none yet, except from the station departure, but that didn't stop him from going to Engineering to learn about the new upgrades. Other than that, it was a waiting game for his schedule.
Kit: Are you on duty today?
Amenaru: The Captain said he wants to meet with me first and that's in a couple of hours. I guess they're working out some lieutenanty stuff for me.
Kit: The Captain has been very busy with a lot of things. I suppose he needs to get things sorted with Commander Joust first.
Amenaru: That's my guess.
Kit sat up in the bed and raised his arms, arching his back, in a luxurious stretch.
Kit: I'm on in 30 minutes, so I should get ready.
Amenaru: I'll see you up there.
Ready Room
An invitation to the Captain's ready room was sometimes a harrowing experience indeed, but Amenaru knew he would have to get used to it. As a full lieutenant, regular meetings with the Captain would be the norm now and there was quite a difference between meeting with the Captain as a junior officer compared with a senior. As a junior, it could mean trouble. As a senior, it was about taking care of bureaucracy. With this knowledge, Amenaru could push Aire's door chime with relaxed confidence.
Aire: Enter!
Amenaru entered, head high and tail curved jauntily upward. Aire, rather than sitting in his usual chair, stood next to his desk with Joust hanging over it.
Aire: Welcome, Lieutenant Pendergast.
Amenaru: Thank you, Captain! Shame that the way people call me doesn't change. That would have had more punch.
Aire: Ah, well. We do what we can with what we have. Have a seat!
Aire took his chair while Joust remained hanging where he was. Amenaru followed into one of the chairs in front of Aire's desk, the one on the left where he could see both of them the best.
Aire: I was so looking forward to observing some of your practicals, but the Alka situation kept me very busy. Nevertheless, congratulations to you. Joust filled me in on everything.
Amenaru: Thank you, Captain.
Aire: Given the nature of the exam, most don't feel up to a boisterous promotion ceremony, but I would like to invite you to dine with the senior officers tonight. It is a plus one invitation, of course.
Amenaru: I accept, of course, Captain. I'm sure Kit will be happy to join me.
Aire: Very good. Soon, we shall share a drink in the lounge, but first, let's get the ugly business of bureaucracy out of the way.
Joust pulled a tablet from behind and held it out to Amenaru.
Joust: Here is your new schedule. It's much like your old schedule, but with two notable differences. First, you will take command of the bridge on night shift for two days per week. Second, we require you to take part in weekly senior staff meetings. Those are also in your schedule.
Amenaru thumbed through his schedule while Joust read off the highlights.
Amenaru: Bridge command. It all felt so distant before, but this is real.
Joust: As real as it gets! Still, night shift for now. We're generally in the habit of easing new command officers into their positions.
Aire: Have you given any thought to your new staff? You'll have to assemble yourself a command hierarchy now.
Amenaru: I have thought about it and it will be tricky. I will have to start pinching people from other departments, so there's going to be a lot of permission-asking on my side.
Joust: I suggest talking to the other department heads and asking for recommendations. Easier than going up to them and begging.
Amenaru: Good plan. I might do a bit of both, because I do have some people in mind. I'm very interested in recruiting Sylvar from Engineering.
Aire: I guess Minnie will be your first stop, then. The last matter is your new quarters.
Joust: Same tablet, in the accommodations section. Mostly like your current quarters, but you have an office for meetings now. Two doors, one leading to the hallway and the other to your living space, so that people don't have to go through your business to get to you.
Amenaru: That is probably for the best. I've been changing quarters quite a bit lately. Hopefully, not again for awhile.
Aire stood and gave his uniform a tug.
Aire: I think you'll be secure for awhile. Now that the details are out of the way, come join us for a drink and a chat.
Amenaru smiled as he stood, eager to partake in the perks of his new position. The responsibilities could wait until later.

Engineering, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Elsewhere on the ship, tensions were high, for Zilyana was still aboard, travelling on the Shadowdancer to a rendez-vous with a tokki ship. Nobody ever knew when she'd would show up near their duty stations, entirely silent, and just glare around the area, making everyone feel quite uncomfortable indeed.
In Engineering, there was no time to worry about where Zilyana was or what she was doing. There were tests on the new systems to run and adjustments to be made.
Quenya: Thrusters SF3, 4, and 5 are nominal. We might consider putting additional power supply redundancies on them if we can.
Minnie: I'll put that on our very long list. Sylvar, how's the port side?
Sylvar: Evaluation nearly complete, Chief.
Minnie: Keep at it, Sylvar.
The wide, heavy entrance doors, with their oversized motors, delivered the unmistakable sound of someone entering. Minnie turned and, upon seeing who it was, screamed "Oh no" in her head. She approached, doing her best to present her most diplomatic face.
Minnie: Zilyana. What brings you down here?
Zilyana didn't answer at first, instead moving her head all around the cavernous room before her eyes finally landed on Minnie.
Zilyana: I require your deputy.
That could only mean Ramei, but Minnie had to ask to be sure.
Minnie: You mean Ramei?
Minnie was about to say that everyone's busy with a system inspection in the hopes that Zilyana would leave, but Ramei immediately dashed that hope.
Ramei: Did someone call?
Minnie had trained her team well. Too well. Just as he should, Ramei came running immediately to the mention of his name. Now, Minnie shifted from diplomatic face to try to hide her irritation face.
Minnie: Yes, Ramei, thank you. Zilyana was just asking about you.
Ramei recoiled. He knew what it meant when Minnie said "Thank you" without parting her teeth. Zilyana, however, did not.
Zilyana: Ah, yes. He's the one.
Zilyana grabbed Ramei by the shoulder and started to steer him toward the door.
Zilyana: I shall send him back when I'm done with him.
It was not common for Minnie to be rendered speechless, but she was as she watched Zilyana march Ramei out of Engineering. Quenya, equally flabbergasted, sidled up beside her.
Quenya: You don't think she's gonna...
Minnie: I hope not. Call Captain Valro now.
Quenya: On it, Chief!
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