Carpathia IV: Episode 240 - Gymnastics
Amenaru and Kit's Quarters
Grumbling all the way, Aire marched down the corridors on Deck 5 to the sparring room underneath the atrium dome. For diplomacy's sake, he'd tolerated Zilyana's intrusive behavior up to now, but this was too far and it also cut his casual time with Amenaru short. Grumpy, for sure, but he also spent the walk working out what he would say to Zilyana in his head. Stern, but still diplomatic. At least this would be easier than dealing with the Vashta. Hopefully, anyway.
It didn't take much sleuthing to find out where she took Ramei and he was relieved that it wasn't to her quarters. She had expressed interest in learning more about Carpathians and their fighting techniques, so the sparring room made sense. With a tap at the door control, it slid open, and Aire stepped inside, finding Zilyana and Ramei as expected, but also Teek.
Zilyana: Good afternoon, Captain. It is agreeable to see you.
Aire: Madam Zilyana, I was hoping I might have a word, please.
Zilyana: Of course, Captain.
Aire and Zilyana retreated to a quiet corner of the sparring room while the others looked on, each having a pretty good idea what this would be about.
Aire: Madam Zilyana, I'm afraid I shall have to ask you to refrain from abducting my crew without their consent and especially while they're on duty.
Zilyana's eyes widened at first, and then her face contorted into many shapes. Aire waited patiently for a response while wondering what she was thinking. Finally, she seemed to compose herself and looked Aire right in the eye.
Zilyana: My apologies, Captain. I have spent so long with everyone outside of the Queen at my beck and call that I forgot myself. I shall acquire permission from now on.
Aire: I appreciate that, Zilyana. I shall call Minnie and let her know that I can send Ramei back.
Aire opened his communicator.
Aire: Aire to Minnie.
Minnie: Go ahead, Captain.
Aire: I'm sending Ramei back to you now.
Minnie: Actually, Captain, I would love for Phobos to get a look through the modifications if you can spare him. I'm okay with it if Ramei would like to stay.
Aire: I can certainly spare Phobos. I'll see what Ramei wants to do.
With his communicator still open, Aire took his leave from Zilyana.
Aire: One moment.
Zilyana: Of course.
Now, to the other side of the sparring room, where Ramei and Teek awaited.
Aire: Ramei, Minnie has given permission to stay if you like. Phobos can take over your part in Engineering. She'd like him to get familiar with the new modifications.
Ramei: I'm interested, but I'm not quite sure why she wants me. She didn't have a chance to tell me before you arrived, but I get the feeling she wants to fight. I do rhythmic gymnastics, not martial arts.
Aire: Good question. You'll have to ask her. Teek, are you here by choice?
Teek: Not exactly, but she had me bring my scythe. If she wants to practice with me, I think that will be fun!
Aire: In that case, as you were.
Silently, without a hint of presence, Zilyana approached from behind Aire. He turned with a start, wondering if she always moved like that. His guess was that she did, except, at least, when she wanted to make a spectacle of herself, such as when she arrested Rhalma.
Aire: Oh, Zilyana!
Zilyana: Indeed, I do not intend to test your combat skills, Ramei. The aptitude in rhythmic gymnastics intrigued me. I would like to see the limits to the nekohuman movement capabilities.
Ramei gave a gleeful grin, showing off all four of his pointy canine teeth.
Ramei: Oh, I should go into the changing room and get dressed! I can't do that in this uniform.
Aire: Off you go, then!
Ramei scurried away while Aire turned his attention to Zilyana and Teek.
Aire: Teek, I see you have your scythe. Is that what you're hoping to see, Zilyana.
Zilyana: Indeed. It is an intriguing weapon. I heard about it from Reylen. I would be interested in a demonstration if Teek is willing.
Teek unfurled his scythe and activated the blade, giving it a swing before his body.
Teek: Sounds like fun! Did you want a lesson or did you want a sparring match?
With one hand, Zilyana held her spear out horizontally in front of her. In the other, she took a cork from her pocket and stuck it to the pointy end.
Zilyana: Nothing like jumping right in. Let's get started!
Interesting as this might be, Aire was more keen to get back to his little sit-down with Amenaru. If there was one thing he learned from Admiral Zhang, it was that there was much to gain from casual time and relationship building with his team. Now that Amenaru had risen to be amongst his closest advisors, he didn't want to waste any time working on that.
Aire: I'll leave you to it, then. Zilyana, when you're finished, we're having a little promotion ceremony on the bridge later if you would like to observe.
Zilyana: Thank you, Captain. Let me know when it begins.
Aire: I'll send down a communique. Have fun!
With a jaunty wave, Aire left, confident in his opinion that Zilyana would drag Teek's little green butt all over that sparring room. Indeed, he would learn later that Zilyana did, in fact, drag Teek's little green butt all over that sparring room.

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Aire had an idea before about what motivated Amenaru, though generally on a more superficial level. After an hour and a half of conversation, he started to get at least a bit of a sense of what made him tick on a deeper level. Naturally, a full picture would take time, a lot of it, but he was in no rush.
One new thing Aire learned was that Amenaru had clear distinctions between things that are fun and things that are work. Music was fun. Operations was work. Fulfilling work, but work nonetheless. Not that Amenaru said this, exactly, but it was the sense that Aire got. Normally, he would think that Amenaru had good instincts, but he knew this sense was born from brutal experience.
With the chat finished, it was time to introduce the newly-minted, full Lieutenant Pendergast to the bridge. Aire and Joust lead Amenaru out of the ready room and down the stairs, where the others awaited. Most interestingly, perhaps, was that Ramei was still in his fundoshi and covered in sweat. Clearly, he underestimated how long Zilyana wanted to observe and spar. With a shrug, he descended down the last step. Nothing new for the Shadowdancer, really.
Aire: Though I'm sure you all know right now, it would be remiss of me not to make a formal announcement. I would like to congratulate Lieutenant Amenaru Pendergast, who has recently passed his Command Officer Examination.
A round of applause permeated the bridge while Amenaru did a slow spin to wave at everyone.
Ramei: Welcome to the command officer's club!
Amenaru stopped and scoped out Ramei from top to bottom with a befuddled look on his face.
Amenaru: Commander, this isn't another test, is it? Am I supposed to smack Ramei around a little?
Joust: That won't be necessary, Lieutenant. Besides, I think he'd like that too much anyway.
Aire: Amenaru will be taking over bridge duty from time to time. There will also be other changes. I will meet with Minnie and Amenaru later to determine how best to shift some of the engineering responsibilities to Amenaru's new team. For now, Amenaru, you can take your usual seat.
As Amenaru made his way to his chair, Minnie intercepted him for a quick word.
Minnie: If you're free for dinner tonight in my quarters, I think we should have a discussion about that before we meet with the Captain.
Amenaru paused for a moment before responding. Dinner without Kit? But, yes, that would happen sometimes with this new position and he made a mental note to chat with him about that after his shift.
Amenaru: I'll be there, Chief.
Meanwhile, Aire made his way to Zilyana, who observed the proceedings.
Aire: Join me in my ready room, Zilyana? You have two days before we rendezvous with the tokki ship. You can tell me if there's anything else you want to see and, hopefully, I can make arrangements.
Zilyana: That would be agreeable, Captain.
Aire: As you were, everyone!
Bridge activity returned to normal as Aire and Zilyana climbed the stairs to the ready room.
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