Carpathia IV: Episode 247 - Mountain
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
On the bridge, it was a waiting game. The meetings were held. The information, studied. Now, the only points of interest were Kit's occasional updates, in which Aire learned a few interesting things. The ATV could not fly, but Ryuu and Joust could. The abundance of stairs indicating that Aionaptara meant for visitors to walk, but he didn't seem to have a problem with the ATV so long as it stayed on the ground. When Kit called up again, he hoped that dull news would prevail.
Kit: We're four hours in and nothing new. We've passed through forests, plains, and an area full of red sand and terracotta. According to Baal, we are nearing the center of the shield area, where we think Aionaptara is. It is slow-going with all the stairs.
Aire: Nothing is good. I presume that pertains to Aionaptara. Have you seen anything of even the slightest interest?
Kit: Hmmm... Possible evidence that there was a civilization here? Nothing advanced. Just some stone formations that seemed a little too geometric to be natural.
Aire: Something to investigate in the future if we have a chance. I presume you did not stop to investigate.
Kit: No, Captain. Commander Joust has ordered no diversions. However, Baal believes we may be approaching one of the structures we detected from orbit. We may stop to examine that if we think there might be clues involved.
Aire: Reasonable, and we have plenty of time. Admiral Zhang is still two days out. Keep us posted.
Kit: Will do, Captain. Kit out.

Aionaptara's Planet
Slow and steady, scraping low-hanging branches and low embankments, Teek kept the car on its path. Aionaptara could have made the road much more difficult than it was. Aside from the stairs, there was little in the way of obstacles and very few turns. On this, the most recent flat spot, Teek squinted into the distance.
Teek: I think we're coming up on something.
Joust, riding shotgun, immediately turned forward to look out of the windshield. Phobos and Baal, in the second set of seats, both leaned into the space between Teek and Joust. Indeed, there appeared to be some sort of structure through the hole in the trees. Bit by bit, it grew larger, revealing a door nearly big enough to drive the ATV through. Columns. It wasn't a building, exactly, but a facade on a cliff face.
Before anyone had a chance to speculate further, the ATV emerged from the trees and the full scope of the structure came into view.
Baal: What is that?
Joust's ears flicked up and his wings would have spread wide if they hadn't collided with the door on one side and Teek on the other side.
Joust: That's... the sword monument! I've seen it in one of the picture books that fell through the portal several hundred years ago! We're absolutely stopping for this!
Speculation ensued. Was it real? A mirage? Made of styrofoam? Somehow moved from Aptaria? Rebuilt? If so, by who? Could Aionaptara have recreated everything from scratch? Kit called down the picture book that Joust mentioned and indeed there were many similarities, but also differences. The bridge was shorter in the picture, with fewer pylons. The sword monument was on the opposite side. The biggest differences were the hills, both nearby and the ones the structure was built on. It was a replica, for sure, built on a vaguely similar piece of land.
The differences only grew more evident as they drew nearer and Joust handed the tablet with the picture book on it back to Kit.
Joust: We'll stop here. It's worth exploring.
Phobos: It'll be dark in a few hours. It would be a good place to set up camp.
Joust: That will give us a little time to explore. Teek, park us near that structure ahead, the one that looks like a doorway.
Teek: Yes, Commander.
Teek stopped the ATV at door and shut off the engine. The doors flipped open and the occupants spilled out, heads craning up, marvelling at the structure before them and the many on the mountain.
Ramei: Looks pretty real to me. I don't think it's styrofoam. What do you think Aionaptara might be trying to tell us with this?
Joust: We should go up and find out. Shep, you stay here with Teek. Keep watch and set up camp. The rest of us will go up.
Tamati: That's going to be a hard climb.
Joust: There are probably stairs on the inside. Not all bats can fly, you know. Birth defects, injuries, old age. We always build for those who can't fly.
Ramei: Makes sense.
Shep: Commander, I recommend we all take as many tools as we can. We may not be allowed weapons, but we should at least know what's coming and some of these could be used for defense. Not that any of them could probably be used against Aionaptara.
Joust's ears fluttered as he pursed his lips, deeply considering Shep's proposal.
Joust: A slight bend of the rules, but they made it through okay. I agree, then.
With a nod, Shep stepped to the back of the ATV and opened the hatch and passed around tools, scanners, spanners, cutters, everything he could find, before rooting around inside for camping gear, food, and water. With the team kitted out, they headed for the door to see what was inside. Rapt wariness engulfed all as Joust gave the door a light push. It creaked open and they peered inside.
The hall was surprisingly well-lit and they saw nothing inside, not even cobwebs or dust. To the right, they saw a branching hallway. Directly ahead, another door just like the one they just entered.
Joust: That door must come out the other side. We'll go right.
The team inched their way down the hallway, longer than the previous, but still just as pristine, and they kept watch for anything unusual, craning their heads around. The marble, and it was indeed marble, just as it appeared, was cold to the touch with a smooth, glassy texture. The path banked to the right at the end of the hall, up some stairs that wound to and fro, as if they were built into an existing cave network. After climbing the many stairs, up, up the mountain, they finally entered into a temple-like structure with daylight pouring in through the top.
Outside the temple, high above where they started, the team gazed around at the structures surrounding them.
Joust: I don't believe it. It really is the aviary. Ever since I first saw that picture in the book, I imagined hanging in it.
Ears pert and his tiny little tail wagging, Joust gave a mighty flap of his wings and soared to the aviary, occasionally turning back to glance at the team and point at it, as though they understood the significance.
Ramei: What's an aviary?
Tamati: It's a place for bats to rest. Covered, to keep them out of the rain, and with little poles hanging from the dome for them to hang on. It's good for their health to be upside-down for at least a few hours every day. I get his excitement. For humans, this would be like finding a replica of the Great Library of Alexandria.
Kit: I can understand why he's excited.
Joust perched on one of the rods in the aviary and shouted down to the team.
Joust: Look around, but stay in pairs, at least!
Baal: What about you?
Even from that distance, the team could tell that Joust started to squirm whilst hanging from the pole.
Joust: Ah, right. Ryuu!
Ryuu: Yeah, I suppose it's gotta be me.
Phobos: Or me.
Ryuu: Oh, I never asked! You have rockets in your new body?
Phobos: I do! Would you like to go or shall I? I'm fine either way.
Ryuu: You go. I'm going to fly a circle around the area.
Ryuu spread his wings and, with a few strong flaps, soared into the sky. Phobos bent his knees and, with a little hop, activated his rocket feet, and blasted straight to Joust, leaving the rest to decide between the tower or the strange little temple on the other side.
Ramei: I'm interested in the little temple. No stairs, but I don't mind climbing.
Baal: I can go with you.
Tamati: I don't suppose there's an elevator in that tower, but I can handle the stairs. Kit?
Kit: Stairs are good. I can't climb with all this communications gear. I don't want to drop anything.
Ramei: Right, those are our teams. Let's go!
Indeed, no elevator. After a long climb up the sprial staircase inside the tower, Tamati and Kit found that their efforts were worth it. At the top, they were greeted with a pair of gates on each end of the bridge and a magnificent view around them. While Tamati took readings, Kit recorded their journey as they strode through the first gate.
Tamati: I wonder how the little ones float like that. We should get readings.
Kit: I'll record all I can!
Ramei finally reached the top of the other side of the mountain and wiped the sweat from his brow. Baal watched with a smile, having arrived first and greatly enjoyed the moment.
Baal: You need to exercise more!
Ramei crouched with his hands on his knees, as if this would help him remain standing.
Ramei: Oh, piss off. I'm an engineer, not a mountain climber. I really thought that would be easier than the stairs.
Baal: Well, when you're ready, noodle legs, I'll be at the temple!
Baal trotted off while Ramei, with a deep sigh, plodded along behind him. The temple was a curious place. Small, with an entrance flanked by two suits of armor and, in the center, a sword embedded into stone. He took out his scanner and focused on the sword. As he examined the readings, he forgot about all the stiffness in his muscles.
Ramei: This alloy is incredible! Strong, lightweight, and flexible! I can already think of a hundred things we can do with this, Baal!
No response, and Ramei looked around, eventually spotting Baal at one of the gaps in the temple wall, gazing out into the distance. With a weary gait, Ramei stepped up beside him.
Ramei: Baal?
Without a word, Baal, turned his head, briefly looking Ramei in the eye, before returning his gaze to the distance. It was clear what had Baal's rapt attention. Though it was still sunny and bright where they were, far into the distance, stood a barren wasteland, shrouded in darkness, pockmarked with twinkling flames, and the road headed directly towards it.
Ramei: That's our destination, isn't it?
Baal gave a slow nod and uttered his acknowledgement in a voice barely above a whisper.
Baal: Yeah.
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