Carpathia IV: Episode 248 - The Crossing
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Kit wrapped up his latest update with data and information on the monument they finished exploring. Now morning at their location below, their next goal was to get near the blackend, fiery hellscape in the distance, a prospect that didn't bring anyone cheer. With strict orders not to initiate contact with Aionaptara unless he comes to them, they set off once again. With that update complete, it was time to turn to another matter.
Nalma: Captain, the furious Spectre is pulling up alongside.
Aire: On viewer.
Aire momentarily forgot about the mission, transfixed by the nostalgic sight before him. The last original Shadowdancer-class ship left in the fleet. The very same ship that brought him to Polaris Deep for his start as Commodore Amaranth's first officer. Nostalgia, and perhaps a tiny bit of guilt for having crashed his old ship.
Mikado: Communication from Furious Spectre, Captain. Admiral Zhang and Captain Yoshida request permission to board.
Aire: Granted. Trex, go greet our guests. I need to stay on the bridge.
With a grin and a nod, Trex stood and gave her uniform a tug.
Trex: Right-o. I shall be there with a tray of cookies presently.
Trex headed to the lift, leaving Aire to wonder if Trex really planned to bring cookies.

The lift doors opened and Aire stood immediately. Out marched Admiral Zhang, bearing a stride and urgency of a woman not keen to waste time and also bearing a half-eaten cookie in her hand. Behind her, Trex and Captain Yoshida followed with a cookie of his own.
Aire: Welcome to the bridge, Admiral. Captain Yoshida, it's been a long time.
Keiichi: It's good to see you again, Captain.
Admiral Zhang: Right, let's get to it, shall we? The Spectre's shuttle already has an ATV loaded and staffed with crew. We should depart without delay. Captain Yoshida will take command of the Shadowdancer until our return, assuming that we do return. Captain Yoshida, if Aionaptara makes any move on either ship, you're under strict orders to flee. You can't save us and you'll only have a minuscule chance to save yourselves. Consider yourself under strict orders to take it.
Keiichi: Understood, Admiral.
Aire knew what came next, and he expected Admiral Zhang not to dally, but this was more haste than he anticipated. He leaned to his console and placed his palm on the screen.
Aire: Computer, voice print and palm scan. Transfer all command codes to Captain Keiichi Yoshida.
A message on the screen, "Command codes transferred. Welcome, Captain Yoshida."
Keiichi: Good luck and stay safe.
Aire: Keiichi, you've met Trex. She'll be your first officer, since Commander Joust is on the surface.
Keiichi: Very good. I'm sure we'll work well together.
Admiral Zhang gave Aire a hearty pat on the shoulder and started to the lift.
Admiral Zhang: You should take a cookie, Aire. It may be the last one you ever have.
Admiral Zhang smirked, leaving Aire to wonder if it was a serious smirk or a jesting one. Nevertheless, Trex tilted her head to the side and held out her hand with a cookie perched on top. Jesting or not, Aire decided to take it just before trotting to the lift door where Admiral Zhang was waiting.

Aionaptara's Planet
Teek brought the ATV to a stop, unable to go any further. Ahead, Aionaptara's island, of that they were all fairly certain. Only a rickety swing bridge connected the mainland to the island, far too flimsy and narrow for the ATV to traverse. The doors flipped open and all gazed upon the barren, fiery hellscape that stretched before them.
Ramei: Well, that's not intimidating at all.
Kit: Message from Admiral Zhang. They have entered the shield and expect to be here tomorrow morning.
Joust: Right, let's scout this area. We'll back off later and make camp. Do not step on the bridge.
After a chorus of acknowledgement, the team spread out in pairs to explore the area. It wasn't long before Teek found something near the bridge.
Teek: We got another sign, Ryuu.
Ryuu's ears perked and he galloped toward Teek, coming to a skidding halt by the sign while the rest followed behind.
Ryuu: Yon lies Aionaptara's sacred realm,
Enter, but mind thee well, danger dost dwell.
Step naught on living sand, thy life's at stake,
Keepeth to wooden path with constant care.
Baal: I don't want to know what he means by "living sand."
Joust: Best not to find out. Kit, keep Admiral Zhang informed of our findings here.
Kit: Yes, Commander. If you don't mind, I would like permission to explore the ruins that we just passed a minute ago.
Joust: Granted. Take someone with you. I don't want anyone going anywhere alone. What is your opinion of them so far?
Kit: Probably a stone-age civilization of some sort. The structures are worn down to almost nothing, probably centuries old. I'm not sure I'll be able to learn more than that with this equipment, but I still want to see.
Shep: I'll go with you.
Kit and Baal stepped away leaving the rest to see if there's anything else interesting nearby.
Phobos: We didn't detect signs of civilization from orbit. Do you think Aionaptara might have killed the inhabitants?
Ryuu: Impossible to tell. Our information on Aionaptara, like most demigods, is only a partial picture. We don't have any evidence that he's ever committed a genocide.
Tamati: Commander, a word if you please.
Joust: Of course.
Tamati: I was thinking about the sword monument we explored. We didn't find any clues about Aionaptara there or any indication of why he built it, but I was thinking, and I have a theory about it.
Tamati hesitated, scratching the back of his head.
Joust: Go on.
Tamati: I don't want to presume, particularly considering the subject, but I did take some basic psychological training. I think the sword monument itself is a sort of message. Put simply, I think he's sad. Some people might cuddle their favorite teddy bear. Aionaptara is trying to rebuild the glory of his home.
Joust: Hmmm... Sad and angry. Maybe scared too. Still a dangerous combination.
Tamati: I think that would make him more easily offended.
Joust: Thank you for the assessment, Tamati. I think we should take that into consideration.
From there, the team spent several hours examining the immediate area and speculating about the things they could see on the island. As night fell, at least, nighttime as their tablets told them, they piled back into the ATV to make for a safer place to camp.

Aionaptara's Island, The Next Day
Kit kept Admiral Zhang and Aire updated on what they found and surmised. Aside from Tamati's observations, it wasn't much. The nearby ruins were equally mysterious. When they awoke the next day, Admiral Zhang's ATV was a mere hour away. Just enough time to pack and head back to the island. When they arrived, they found that the sky was not quite as dark as it was, though it was still foreboding. More evidence that Aionaptara already knew that they were here.
As usual, Admiral Zhang wasn't keen on wasting time. To visit the island with her, she selected Aire, Joust, Ryuu, and Phobos.
Admiral Zhang: The rest of you, get yourselves out of here if there's trouble. You won't be able to save us. Save yourselves.
Dour, somber faces all around, for the knew Admiral Zhang was very serious.
Tamati: I will make sure of it, Admiral.
Unsure of who would be the most difficult adversary, the others acknowledged the order and returned to the ATV. Now, the team of five approached the swing bridge.
Phobos: With your permission, Admiral, I'll go first. I'm the heaviest, so if it supports me, it will support everyone.
Admiral Zhang: Granted, Ensign.
Phobos approached the stairs leading up the bridge. Bracing himself with both hands on the bannisters, he lifted his foot and put it on the first step, very lightly at first, gradually adding in the rest of his weight. The wooden plank creaked as he added more pressure, but did not break. With his first foot firmly in place, he raised the other to the next step, using the same technique.
Phobos: The stairs are sturdy.
Next was the bridge itself. Again, Phobos started with a light step. The wood creaked and the bridge swayed slightly, but it held. Phobos continued forth until he reached the first pylon.
Phobos: I think we're good. I'll get to the other side and the rest of you can come.
With greater, more confident speed, Phobos passed through the next two bridge supports and to the steps at the other end. Now safely across, Admiral Zhang followed next. One by one, each came across safely, to the little island. One more bridge to go before Aionaptara's island.
Surrounding them was sand, presumably the very sand that Aionaptara warned them about in his message. It certainly seemed ominous enough, with varying degrees of light and dark brown, giving the impression of screaming faces lying just beneath. Joust took a stone from his pocket and moved to the front of the line, taking care to keep his feet on the wooden path.
Joust: I picked this up before I crossed. I want to check something.
Joust tossed the rock into the sand, making sure it went at least some distance, hoping that it was far enough to avoid calamity. The rock landed in the sand with a little piff and, for a moment, nothing happened. Then, quite suddenly, the sand erupted into something that resembled a tiny volcano. In short order, the rock was gone, replaced with a smooth surface just as it was before he tossed it.
Aire: Right, then. No stepping on the sand indeed.
The team made for the next bridge. Again, Phobos went first. Finding this bridge just as sturdy as the last, he made his way to the other side quickly. Then followed the rest of the team. Now, they were on Aionaptara's island, each bracing themselves for whatever might happen next.
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