Carpathia IV: Episode 255 - Daffodils
Joust's Quarters, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Joust had a crowd in his quarters, all gathered around while he hung upside down at his usual position at the head of the game table. The usual group was there, Minnie, Ramei, Nalma, Tamati, and Trex. Missing, of course, was Teren, now serving aboard the Chrono Blade. This gave Trex an opportunity. With her bat character dead, savagely murdered by Adventure Master Joust, there was room for a heavy. For her second go, Trex kitted herself out with a nice, beefcake human, with all the usual accoutrements. Sword. Shield. Armor.
Not that there was anything for her to do. The group watched as their little holographic characters on the game board strolled casually through a vast field of daffodils, nothing but flowers and a few trees as far as anyone could see. Flowers, and cute little field critters. Around them deer pranced, bunnies hopped, squirrels leaped through tree branches, and birds sang cheerful tunes. The only thing that could complete this saccharine picture was if the animals all started singing. A deer casually strolled up to the tokki on the board and sniffed his hand.
Ramei: Erm, I guess I'll pet the deer.
Joust: Roll for petting!
The others looked at each other while Ramei shrugged and tossed the die on the table.
Joust: Seventeen! You reach out and gently stroke the deer's head. It licks your hand.
Indeed, the holodeer did precisely that.
Tamati: Adventure Master, we've been strolling through this field of daffodils for an hour and a half now and the most exciting thing that's happened was when a squirrel piddled on my foot.
Minnie: Not to mention that nobody has rolled anything less than fifteen for the entire night.
Nalma: I know it's not above you to have a slow boil to a surprise, but this has been going on forever.
Joust: You dare mutiny against the Adventure Master?
Trex: I'm afraid I have to agree. What gives?
Joust clenched his teeth, glancing around at all the consternated faces staring back of him, some with concern, some with confusion. Regardless of each individual feeling, It was clear to him that all were against him. Finally, he let his tablet drop to the table and rubbed his forehead.
Joust: Okay, okay, fine. I rigged the game so that it's nothing but happy things and gave you the trick die.
Minnie: But why?
Trex: This has something to do with Aionaptara, doesn't it?
Now, all the tension bled from Joust's body and as the stiffness oozed from his muscles, he sagged several inches lower from his previous position hanging from the ceiling, to the point where some thought he might fall off.
Joust: Aside from what happened to Captain Valro, reading about it seems like it was just a bit of a tense conversation. It's one of those things that you can't understand unless you were there.
Tamati: It was scary enough just being nearby.
Joust: Anyway, Captain Valro asked me to arrange some sort of pick-me-up for the crew. Some entertainment on the way back to Polaris Deep. Frankly, I wasn't feeling up to it, so I put Amenaru in charge of arranging something.
Ramei: Amenaru recruited me and Nalma to help.
Joust: I'm sure you'll come up with something good.
Nalma: Absolutely! We're going to...
Joust raised his hand, immediately silencing Nalma.
Joust: I trust you and, for once, I want to be surprised. If I know too much, I'll end up getting involved and I just need a rest.
Nalma: Ah, well, we've been working with Admiral Zhang for the past two days making arrangements and the announcement will be made tomorrow.
Joust: In that case, I will look forward to it. Shall we continue?
Minnie: I'll give the deer a little smooch on the forehead.
Joust grinned and picked up his tablet.
Joust: Roll for little smooches!

Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Admiral Zhang spent most of her time either hermiting in her quarters or enjoying the facilities. Particular favorites, according to where the crew spotted her, were the gym, the atrium's sidewalk cafes, and the sento. These periodic forays outside of her quarters delighted the crew and, even in the short time since they left Aionaptara's planet, "Admiral Spotting" was already becoming the Shadowdancer's newest sport.
She spent minimal time, the least she could manage, in contact with the Admiralty. There wasn't much to say outside the report and the recording and the details could wait until later. Instead, she treated the voyage like a cruise with some light work elements. The one bit of work, however, that she threw herself into was planning activities aboard Shadowdancer for the journey back. This delighted her, not just the planning, but watching Amenaru slowly transform from a stiff, wooden plank in her presence to the wibbly, gregarious man she knew he was.
Now, she was in Aire's ready room, more for a social call than anything else. Aire brought her a glass of pineapple juice and sat down in the chair opposite the couch.
Aire: I'm going to have to pick up a full supply of pineapple juice at Polaris Deep at this rate.
Admiral Zhang: I'll make sure you get plenty! I've decided to go sans alcohol for the remainder of this trip. I'll probably cut back even after. I feel pretty good now.
Aire: I'm glad you're feeling well. How are you finding the ship?
Admiral Zhang: Delightfully weird, as usual, but, and I've never mentioned this before, not in the way that you're probably thinking.
Aire tensed just a bit, hoping Admiral Zhang didn't notice, wondering what new crazy thing happened.
Aire: Oh?
Admiral Zhang: It's the only ship I've ever been on that has no fear of the Admiral. Amenaru, yes, for awhile, but I think that's because he was just promoted. Technically, there are protocols for how to behave around an admiral, but I never much cared for them. I'm very good at letting it be known when I'm serious. Still, it is amusing when your crew comes right up to me asking for a selfie.
Situation normal then, Aire thought. Just Shadowdancer being Shadowdancer.
Aire: I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, then. What activities can we look forward to?
Admiral Zhang: Oh, I'll give you the list! Our signature event is going to be a skiff race. I'm going to rope Captain Yoshida into this and we're planning to contact Cytosia to see if they wouldn't mind if we use their asteroids as a course.
Aire: That sounds like fun!
Before Admiral Zhang had a chance to elaborate on details, the door chime sounded.
Aire: Apologies, Admiral, but this must be important for someone to bypass the do not disturb notice. Enter!
The door opened while Aire stood to see who it was. Reylen plodded in, gazing at Aire's empty desk.
Aire: Back here, Reylen! Have a seat!
With a nod, Reylen broke into a little jog to the lounge area. After bidding a greeting to Admiral Zhang, he took a seat in one of the empty chairs.
Reylen: I'm sorry to disturb you, Admiral. Captain. I have some news that you'll want to hear.
Admiral Zhang: I see. Don't keep us in suspense, Reylen.
Reylen: My contact with the Toski Kari gave me a call. She told me that Rhalma Savea, Kit's father, is dead.
Not shattering news, Aire thought, but it was unexpected.
Aire: I see. He was still in jail, right?
Reylen: He was. He was murdered in his cell.
Not that Aire was keen to hear of anyone's death, but he knew he wouldn't lose any sleep over this one. His first thought was of Kit and how he might have reacted to this news.
Admiral Zhang: Does Kit know?
Reylen shook his head.
Reylen: Not yet. I thought I should tell you first because, you see, there's more. Before I say anything else, I want to tell you that the Tokkastran government is keeping these details confidential, at least for now. Classified information, you can say. My Toski Kari contact said that I should tell you, however, since it was Kit's father. I have permission to tell you two, Kit, and Amenaru. Nobody else.
Aire braced himself now. This was it. The news so far did not warrant bypassing a do not disturb message, but he was certain that what came next would.
Admiral Zhang: Understood, Reylen.
Reylen: He wasn't just murdered. He was shredded to pieces. Possibly tortured too. The most interesting part is that even though there were many guards stationed in that cell block, they all claim that they heard nothing.
Aire and Admiral Zhang turned, exchanging glances, each instantly understanding what the other was thinking.
Aire: Aionaptara. I saw the reports. They all said the conversation turned to Kit's upbringing for at least a little while.
Admiral Zhang: Reylen, I'm sure you guessed the same as we did. Did you tell your contact this?
Reylen: I didn't. I told her that I would pass along the information to you. I figured you should decide.
Admiral Zhang: They're under no obligation to share anything about his murder with us. That's an internal affair, after all, but they are going to put the puzzle together when our government shares our data on Aionaptara.
Aire: Should Reylen tell his contact what we know so that they have a heads-up?
Admiral Zhang stood, looking down at Reylen.
Admiral Zhang: I think we should discuss this. I don't know what would work best for Tokkastran culture. Care for a drink?
Reylen: I don't smell alcohol in yours, so I'll have what you're having.
Admiral Zhang: Pineapple juice it is.
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