Carpathia IV: Episode 256 - Devilgram
Deck 4, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Kit and Amenaru plodded slowly down the Deck 4 corridor on the way back to their quarters. It was a bit awkward for conversation, since Kit was in his normal form while Amenaru took his bridge duty in his cat form. This was all before either of them knew about the situation with Kit's dad. If Amenaru had known, he wouldn't have shown up in cat form or, at least, he would have had a spare uniform available. As promised, Aire had wardrobe make a uniform for his cat form and they did so with remarkable speed, constantly cooing over him and how cute it would all be once they were finished. This, he was sure, explained the speed at which they completed it.
Amenaru: You've been awfully quiet. How are you feeling?
It wasn't easy for Amenaru, keeping one eye on where he was going and, at the same time, looking five feet up at Kit's face trying to ascertain what he was thinking.
Kit: I'm okay, I think. I nearly killed him myself, so I'm not sad that he's gone.
Amenaru's stride became uneven, as he struggled keeping eye contact with Kit while processing what he was feeling.
Amenaru: I remember that vividly.
Kit: It still wouldn't have been right. I could have escaped. I knew I had information that could put him in jail, but I was determined to go through with my plan anyway.
Amenaru: Nobody here faults you for that. Even the kindest people can be pushed too far.
Arriving at their quarters, Kit pressed the door button and it slid open. Both stepped inside.
Kit: Thanks. My feelings are a bit mixed, you might say.
Amenaru jumped to the desk and swished his tail in front of his feet. Before he could say anything, he felt a paper under his paw. This gained his attention, they did not commonly keep papers around. Only in desk drawers and it rarely saw the lights of the quarters.
Amenaru: What's this?
Kit leaned in and gazed at the paper. It wasn't the normal sort, thick and yellow with clear strains of pulp fiber running through it. Upon it was written a gothic script that Amenaru could not read, but only because from his perspective, it was upside down. Kit picked up the paper and skimmed it quickly.
Kit: A letter from Aionaptara, and it's in English this time. I will read it.
My dearest Kit, thou art a gracious soul,
I thank thee much for this most wondrous gift.
'Twill be a treasure in mine heart's deep hold,
And cherished through the years as spirits flow.
Yet now, to weightier matters I must turn,
And seek thy pardon for a breach of oath.
I vowed to thee and thine that I would scorn
My former ways, yet broken is that plow.
When I did hear thy tale, my heart did stir,
And called me back to paths of olden time.
As arbiter of justice did I err,
And took up once again my olden ways.
For years unnumbered, I have lived this span,
A judge, a jury, in my quest for right.
Yet when Lazmaedia brought forth such strife,
I took my claws, sought dark of eventide.
But in this quest for justice, I have found
A spark of joy, a glimmer in the night.
For fifty years, my thoughts did me perplex,
Yet now I see, my purpose finds its mark.
Until Lazmaedia fades from vision,
I'll learn of happiness, its truest light.
I remain forever yours,
Amenaru watched and listened as Kit read, concentrating mightily on the bewildering words. It took him some time to assemble full understanding in his head and found himself amazed when he did.
Amenaru: Kit, you're the only person I know who can soften the heart of a devil.
Kit: It wasn't really me, though. He did say that he has been pondering about this for fifty years.
Amenaru: Still, you gave him that last little push that he needed. I suppose we should take this to Captain Valro.
Kit: Eh, later. You need to change back. First, sit up straight. I want a look at your new uniform again!
Amenaru: Yes sir!
Amenaru stretched his front legs, sitting up to his full height, his little booties on full display.
Amenaru: You should get one made for you too.
Kit hunched over, doing that cute little smile that Amenaru knew so well. The one he made when he felt bashful.
Kit: Oh, you know. Easier for you on your shifts in the command chair. I don't think I could work the comm console as a bunny.
Amenaru: It's not so bad, really. They couldn't give me opposable thumbs, but these little booties are designed to let me use a touch screen without too much trouble.
Amenaru held up one of his little bootified paws and spread out his toes, moving them around much more dextrously than a normal cat would, as he simulated pushing buttons.
Amenaru: Obviously, there are disadvantages to this form, especially when it comes to holding things, but there are advantages too. The tailors did make this to stretch and cover my naughty bits if I turn back, but even if it preserves modesty, it still looks really stupid.
Kit: At least you look cute this way.
Amenaru shook his front paw until his bootie fell off, then started working on the other.
Amenaru: I'll get changed and then we can take that letter to Captain Valro.
Kit nodded and reached for the fasteners on Amenaru's back.
Kit: I'll help!

Ready Room Lounge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Admiral Zhang and Aire bid adieu to Amenaru and Kit, fresh off their delivery of the Aionaptara letter. Though it was nothing earth-shattering, it confirmed what they were already sure about. After a short discussion about whether or not they should reply, a discussion that quickly ended when Kit noted they had no way of sending such a thing, Aire sent them off to the newly instated temporary archive department to file the letter. After that, he and Admiral Zhang retired back to the lounge.
Admiral Zhang: Changing the subject to happier things, the cytos are quite enthusiastic about the idea of a race. We're already planning the course. They're going to help move the asteroids around for that.
Aire: That's great! I've also been doing some work on that, namely assembling a team of racers. My first choice was obvious and she should be here right about...
On cue, the door chime sounded.
Aire: Enter!
The door swished open and then closed again with footsteps in between.
Admiral Zhang: We're back here!
Normally, it would only take a few seconds for the visitor to find their way to the lounge, but this one took longer until, finally, Quenya poked her head around the floor plant, looking decidedly uncomfortable.
Quenya: Admiral. Captain. Is it really okay for me to come back here?
Aire stood with a big grin and headed to the bar.
Aire: Of course! Come in. Sit down. Drink?
Quenya tiptoed from around the plant, still entirely unsure if she should be there while Aire stood, expectantly, in front of the bar.
Quenya: Erm... Since I'm not on shift... A beer, if that's okay?
Aire gave a smile and a nod, once again gesturing her toward one of the chairs.
Aire: Not a problem. I'm personally fond of this one, Dieter Red. Sound good?
Quenya, just in the midst of lowering herself into the chair, with agonizing slowness, as though there might be a bear trap in it, nodded.
Quenya: I haven't tried it, so yes, I'll have that.
Quenya's butt finally hit the chair, occupying just the last six inches or so of the end of the cushion, and, surprise, no bear trap. In the meantime, Aire grabbed a bottle opener and, after popping the cap, brought it to Quenya. Afterwards, he returned to his own seat and drink.
Aire: How are things in Engineering, Quenya?
Quenya took a sip of her beer and Aire was pleased that she seemed to like it.
Quenya: Going well, Captain! It's a little busy with make-up classes now that Professor Leingod is fixed, but it's nothing I can't handle.
Aire: Several weeks of lost time, yes. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, because I have a job for you if you're interested. I'm sure you've been hearing rumors around the ship?
Quenya: About the possibility of a skiff race? Sounds like fun!
Aire: And that's why I've asked you here. It's not just about racing. We need to build a team with crew to squeeze every bit of performance as we can from the skiffs. I understand you have experience with a racing team.
Quenya: I do! I mean, it was my mother's boat racing team. I've never worked on a space race team.
Aire: Maybe so, but I think you'll be the perfect candidate for crew chief for Team Shadowdancer. Your job will be to coordinate everything from the racers, to navigators, to engineering staff. All four skiffs. Your first task, of course, is to select all the best people for the job. I'll persuade Minnie to cancel your shifts in Engineering for the time being.
Quenya stared back at Aire, casting a few glances at Admiral Zhang.
Quenya: Me? Really? I mean, I've never done crew chief work before, but... are you sure?
Admiral Zhang: You have experience that nobody else on this ship has. I think Aire has made a good choice.
Hardly in a position to refuse an admiral, Quenya responded with enthusiasm.
Quenya: Yes, I'll do it! I promise I won't let you down! You don't mind if I call my mother for advice, do you?
Aire: Anything that gives us an edge! Now, before I send you on your way to start planning, I'm curious what your first thoughts on potential pilots.
Quenya took a gleeful gulp from her beer and settled deeper into her chair.
Quenya: Let me think...
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