Carpathia IV: Episode 285 - Infiltration
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
With the lights dimmed and little sound emanating from the engines, the bridge felt like something akin to a large tomb. Dark. Silent. Somehow an appropriate prelude for the upcoming mission. In the viewscreen, the gas giant that Nalma found came into view, a mere pinprick in the distance, almost indistinguishable in the starfield around it. A starfield that somehow seemed much more vivid with the lights dimmed, not blackness, but a dark, royal azure, the ambient light of stars and nebulae contributing to a soothing glow.
None of this, however, decreased the tension on the bridge. Those present spoke little and when they did, it was in soft whispers, as though Lazmaedia herself was listening right outside. The gas giant grew larger as they approached, revealing its varying hues of vibrant purple with wispy stretches of white clouds mixed in.
Aire: Slow to thrusters. Nalma, bring the new shield modifications online.
Nalma: Yes, Captain. Applying shield modifications.
Aire: Any Vashta ships in the vicinity?
Nalma: None within scanning range.
Aire: Helm, take us in.
Phobos: Setting course for the hidey hole.
Ramei: Slowly, Phobos. I want to monitor the shield harmonics as we move through the atmosphere.
Phobos: Will half thrusters do, Lieutenant?
Ramei: With Captain's permission, half thrusters should be fine.
Aire: Make it so.
There was no clear entry into the gas giant, more of a passing into its sphere of influence. At first, this just meant the occasional purple wisp whooshing by the window and they rapidly gathered in number and strength, until it was impossible to see anything else.

Bridge, 3 hours later
The lift doors on the bridge slid open and Aire plodded out, spotting Ramei's ears poking out from over the headrest of the first officer's chair. He was just in time to see the shuttle car as it circled around from the shuttle bay and passed the bridge, swiftly disappearing into the purple cloud.
Aire: There they go.
Ramei turned, focusing on Aire as he wistfully observed the shuttle car fly away.
Ramei: Something is troubling you, Captain.
Once frozen in place, Aire stirred, sinking deep into his chair and letting out a sigh.
Aire: As Captain, I'm not supposed to show anything but the utmost confidence. I do have every confidence that our team has a better chance than anyone of pulling this off. However, I don't think I'd be spilling any great secret if I said I am worried that I've just sent them all to their deaths.
Ramei: It's the right thing to do, Captain. We have to try. If I'd been the right person for this mission, I'd be right at the front of the volunteer line, odds be damned.
Aire: And our job is to increase those odds. There's not much we can do, but we're going to give them all the support we can. Be ready.
Baal: We'll be ready!

Space, Shuttle Car
The shuttlecar streaked away from the Shadowdancer, cruising at just above Q1, first to put some distance between themselves and the Shadowdancer and second to give the new engines a good test. Behind them, the Blood Agony approached, still 20 minutes away from the planned intercept.
Teek: Engines feel good. How is the new tokki energy signature?
Amenaru: Also looks good. To them, we should look like a small, inconsequential spatial anomaly. The real test will be when we pass into their quantum bubble.
Teek: One thing at a time. Let's get these engines run in first. I don't like running on untested tech.

20 minutes later
Shep: Blood Agony approaching at Q2.1
Teek: Adjusting speed to Q2.19. Send me exact course and speed. I'm going to position us just off their port.
Amenaru: At that speed, ready for maneuver in two minutes.
Teek: Passing into the quantum bubble and switching to thrusters is going to get bumpy. It's the one time they're most likely to notice us, but if we do it fast, it shouldn't be anything they'll care about.
Trex: Remember, everyone, when we're in, total silent running. Control your breathing. Do not move. Do not speak above a whisper and only if absolutely necessary. They can detect vibration.
Silence fell in the cabin, without even a rumble from the new engines, smooth as if the shuttle car was gliding across a stick of softened butter. Amenaru's voice came in a faint whisper.
Amenaru: 40 seconds to intercept.
Teek: Adjusting position.
The seconds ticked by. Though silent, each one still felt like a drumbeat in Teek's head.
Amenaru: Ten seconds.
The pointed tips of the Blood Agony entered view from the starboard windows of the shuttle car.
Teek: I'll count down. Switch engines over to thrusters on my mark.
Amenaru: Got it.
Teek began the sideslip maneuver, starting the countdown when the shields began to contact the Blood Agony's quantum bubble.
Teek: 3... 2... 1... mark.
Teek put his wheel hard over while Amenaru cut the quantum engines. A shake and a shudder, all of which unnerved both driver and passengers, but only lasted a second or two.
Teek: Any chance they've seen us?
Shep: Too early to say, but there's no reaction from the ship so far.
Joust: Head for the vent opening before they get any ideas.
Teek: Already on the way.
Teek turned the shuttle and made straight for the heat sink opening. Though they had schematics of the Blood Agony, it was anyone's guess what was the same and what might have been changed, either during construction or later. One accuracy was that there were, indeed, no windows anywhere on that part of the ship, the nearest ones being the command tower, over 15 kilometers away. Even if someone had looked out the window directly at them, they'd seem like little more than a lighted pinprick at that distance.
Teek swooped around to the heat sink opening and engaged the wheels, keeping one downforce thruster active to hold the shuttle car firmly in place until they reached the gravity plating.
Joust: This is the critical part of our entry. There are dormant sentry bots in there and they react to vibration. We have the tokki engines and shielding along with the treadless tires. The only variable left is us. Don't move. Don't speak. If you have to cough, hold it in. Let's go.
Teek: Amenaru, turn off the thruster as soon as we pass through the force field.
Amenaru: I'll be ready.
Joust: It's a little over ten kilometers to the end. Any questions?
No questions, only shaking heads.
Joust: Take us in.
With a nod, Teek steered the shuttle car into the gaping maw of the heat sink. Only a few meters in, Amenaru turned off the last thruster, and the car remained, gliding along silently across the placid, metal floor. Teek steered deftly though the wide tunnel, paying close mind to machinery, massive fans, and exhaust ports that littered around the tunnel. Fortunately, most were clearly marked, glowing red, perhaps to warn anyone inside to do maintenance of hazards. Then again, almost everything glowed red, starkly contrasting the black metal that surrounded them.
After thirty tense, but uneventful minutes, they reached their destination.
Joust: Okay, we should be outside of the trigger zone for the sentry bots. Get the cutter out and let's get ready.
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