Carpathia IV: Episode 286 - Cutting In
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
The crew on the bridge watched the main viewer, tension stiffening their entire bodies, as the shuttle car made its maneuvers. Passing through the shield. Flying to the heat sink opening. The long journey to the end. Along the way, they monitored every system, every reading, transmitted back to them. Neither Aire nor anyone else dared contact them during this time, for fear of breaking their concentration.
Nalma: The team has reached the entry point. No evidence of sentry bot activation.
Aire: Good news. Keep monitoring.
Baal: Communication from Commander Joust, audio only. Putting it through.
Joust: Relatively uneventful so far, Captain. We're cutting in now. Scans show nobody in the cargo hold below us.
Aire: Good. Radio silence for as long as you're in there, except for emergencies. Good luck.
Joust: We'll get them back, Captain. Joust out.
The comm went silent, leaving the bridge team to watch their tiny avatars make their way through the enemy ship.

Blood Agony
Joust pocketed his communicator and turned to his team.
Joust: Three sunstone grenades each. Weapons on silent. Check everything and check again.
Amenaru and Kit approached, with Amenaru holding two pairs of underwear in his outstretched hand.
Joust: What's this?
Amenaru: We're going to change into our animal forms. Who should hang onto these in case we have to change back? Of course, we'll only put them on if we have the time.
Joust: Right, erm...
Joust took a moment to have a little think before settling on a choice.
Joust: Tamati will be your best bet.
Tamati: Did I hear my name?
Joust: Yes, Tamati. Amenaru and Kit are going to transform to cat and bunny. Hang on to their undies in case they need to change back.
Tamati took the underwear and tucked them into his bag.
Tamati: They will be safe with me.
Trex: Commander, we're almost finished cutting over here. We'll need the ladder soon.
Joust: Mikado, fetch the folding ladder.
Mikado: On it, Commander.
By the time Joust had turned around again, Amenaru and Kit were already in their animal forms and Tamati was graciously folding their uniforms and placing them inside the shuttle car.
Tamati: If you two would like to ride on my shoulder, I can take you down the ladder.
Amenaru acknowledged with a jump, clawing his way to Tamati's shoulder, but Kit stayed put.
Kit: I can only jump about halfway. You'll have to catch me.
Tamati bent his knees, giving Kit a better chance, and held out his hands. Kit gave a little stretch and a jump, landing deftly into Tamati's muscular hands. From there, Kit made another leap to Tamati's shoulder.
Joust: You two ready to be our stealth masters then?
Amenaru: Ready, Commander!
Joust: Nothing to do but wait for the cutting to finish.

Cargo Hold, Blood Agony
First it was Shep through the hole into the cargo hold, followed by Trex. Joust kept sentry while the rest entered and was the last to climb in. Inside, the space was cramped, though vast, which he could see by the lights stretching out into the distance those of a discount superstore. Shelves were arranged similarly, like aisles ready for shopping. This was no supermarket, however, for the shelves were wide and carried an array of weapons and weapon parts, everything from small arms to antimatter warheads.
Trex: The schematics said this was food storage, but these ain't potatoes.
Tuomas: Too bad. I could have cooked something if we got hungry.
Joust: Anyway, what have you found out?
Shep: The exit is over there. It's not locked from this side, but that wall is ray-shielded, so we can't scan the other side. There could be a dozen guards or none at all.
Shep pointed to a wide doorway, a double sliding door with a latch in the middle.
Joust: Okay, everyone flank the door. We'll have the element of surprise. Amenaru, hang back and hold up your toe beans to tell us how many you see.
Amenaru: Got it.
Amenaru squashed himself flat on the deck, creating as small of a profile as he could muster with a view straight out the door while the others took positions on either side.
Joust: Open it.
Shep nodded and tapped the control pad next to the door. With a clank and shudder, it slid open revealing an empty corridor beyond. Amenaru raised his paw and squished his toes together, indicating he saw nobody. However, they did hear someone.
Who's there?
Two vashtari appeared from either side of the doorway, two flanking guards. As they rushed inside, neither stood a chance, each taking a shot to the chest and collapsing to the floor, dead.
Joust: Anyone else?
Amenaru: Nothing I can see or hear.
Joust: Good. Throw these two behind something where nobody will find them.
The team moved quickly, scooping up the bodies and dumping them behind a stack of crates.

Blood Agony, Holding Cells
Alone in her cell, Quenya mulled over the previous day's interrogation. Unable to bear watching Sylvar being tortured, she answered all of The Hand's questions in far too much detail, in her opinion. That didn't stop The Hand from making liberal use of the electrocution prod. Most of the time, probably, because she simply enjoyed using it. With little hope that she could see, Quenya contemplated the only way she knew to avoid giving the Vashta any more information. She could pull water from the sink or toilet to drown herself? Try to break her own neck somehow? All of her ideas seemed both painful and, worse, time-consuming.
Before she could attempt anything, the door opened, revealing Elara.
Elara: Stand up.
Quenya bit her lip and did as she was told, slowly scooting herself to the edge of her bed. Once on her feet, she stared blankly ahead in Elara's general direction, too weary to muster up a steely gaze of defiance.
Elara: Turn around.
Again, Quenya did as she was told, unsure of what would come next. Maybe Elara would bash her from behind and end it all quickly, but instead, she felt a pair of handcuffs wrap around her wrist and clicking shut with an electronic beep.
Quenya: Now what?
Elara: Mistress believes you haven't been as forthcoming as you could be, so you and the other one will be taken to another level where we have better instruments of persuasion.
Killed while trying to escape would be a good way to go, Quenya thought, though she would want to make a good fight of it at least. The only problem was Sylvar. She thought he might feel the same way, but there was no way to know for sure, as it was not like they could have a conversation about it. Elara grabbed Quenya's arm and steered her out of the cell door, leaving her to consider her next move.
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