Carpathia IV: Episode 3 - Jelly Creatures
Unnamed Planet
Zigzagging through the trees, the four officers did their best to keep ahead of the strange jelly creatures. A few of them took pot shots at the group with their gluey projectiles, a few of which grazed their hair, but they were otherwise able to outrun them fairly easily. The creatures were only able to hop and roll at a relatively slow pace and they were easily able to outrun them, even with Adell carrying Teren over his shoulder.
Teren, however, turned out to be in more dire condition than they thought and his furious slapping of his paw on Adell's chest brought them to a halt. Adell stopped and rolled Teren off his shoulder and onto the ground, where Teren immediately began wordlessly tapping his face with his paws, which was covered in glue.
Adell: Shit, he can't breathe!
Right away, Kit spun around, skidding to a halt, and darted back to Adell and Teren. Kit dropped to his knees while pulling at knife from his pocket and hastily used it to start picking at the glue.
Amenaru: They're coming!
Before Adell could even look up, a glob of glue zinged right past his head. Leaving Kit to his work, Adell faced the jelly creatures and put his hand on the ground. Almost immediately, several large boulders rose up between them and the creatures, buying them a little time. Amenaru jumped back in surprise at the same time as Teren took his first desperate gasps of air.
Amenaru: What was that? Are there more of them under us?
Adell quickly returned his attention to Kit and Teren just as Kit was ripping a piece of glue from Teren's nose, tearing out all the fur in its wake.
Adell: Doesn't matter. Teren can breathe again. Let's go!
Once again, Adell scooped up Teren from the ground and held him over his shoulder as they darted off again through the trees.
Adell: Kit, send emergency evac notice to the Shadowdancer and request medical.
Without any need for acknowledgement, Kit pulled out his communicator.
Kit: Nimbus crew to Shadowdancer. We are evacuating immediately. Have Dr. Teagan waiting for us!

Space, NCCS Shadowdancer
Commander Azrael sat in his chair impatiently tapping the hilt of his sword, hoping that his captain would contact him soon. It was more of a directive than a command that either the captain or commander had to be on the bridge during a mission, but Azrael would have preferred to accompany Captain Amaranth. Nevertheless, Adell was in the care of his protégé, Teren, which put him somewhat more at ease.
Ramei: Emergency Transmission from the surface, Commander. Putting it through.
Azrael gripped his sword tightly as Kit's voice sounded over the speakers.
Kit: Nimbus crew to Shadowdancer. We are evacuating immediately. Have Dr. Teagan waiting for us!
Commander Azrael rose from his chair.
Azrael: Acknowledged, Nimbus crew. Do you require assistance?
Kit: No time for a rescue, Commander. We are coming to you.
Azrael: Understood, Nimbus crew. Keep this channel open and apprise us of any changes.
Azrael now turned his attention to the helm.
Azrael: Helm, set course to coordinates directly above the Nimbus. Let's give them the shortest route possible.
Ensign Rinc was already pushing buttons on his console before Azrael had even stopped speaking.
Teek: Yes, Commander.
Slowly, the massive ship began to turn as Teek steered it above the position of the Nimbus.

Unknown Planet, NCCS Nimbus
Back on the planet, Amenaru hit the remote access switch for the shuttle door and it slid open.
Adell: Amenaru, take off and head to the Shadowdancer as soon as you're able.
Amenaru: Yes, Captain!
Amenaru broke into a final sprint to the Nimbus while the others followed. Once inside, Adell gently laid Teren on the floor while Kit shut the door.
Adell: Kit, grab me one of those rolled-up sleeping bags.
Kit sprinted to the storage area of the shuttle and grabbed a sleeping bag as ordered and brought it to Adell. Now, they could hear the engines powering up and an occasional "thunk thunk" noise, which they assumed were more glue shots from the jelly creatures hitting the side of the shuttle. Adell took the sleeping bag and slid it under Teren's head.
Adell: You doing alright, Teren?
Teren struggled to speak. Though the glue was clear enough for him to breathe, it still hindered the movement of his mouth.
Teren: Ah fthill can'ch ofen mah ahes.
The shuttle shuddered slightly as it lifted off the planet. Adell breathed a sigh of relief both over Teren and that they seemed to have escaped successfully.
Adell: Just rest. We'll get Dr. Teagan to fix you up. What's important is that we're safe on the shuttle now.
Just as Adell thought he might be able to relax, Amenaru's voice calling down from the pilot seat shattered all sense of safety.
Amenaru: Captain, they can fly!
Adell only had time to grumble before jumping to his feet.
Adell: Kit, stay with Teren. I'm going up to the flight deck.
Kit: Yes, Captain.
Adell rushed up the stairs to the flight deck and found Amenaru at the controls, steering the Nimbus up through the sky.
Adell looked outside to see the jelly creatures, now shaped like giant frisbees and flapping their bodies, surprisingly able to keep pace with the shuttle.
Adell: Need a hand?
Amenaru kept a close watch, alternating his eyes between the instruments and the window, trying to concentrate on flying but clearly distracted by the jelly creatures.
Amenaru: If you can keep an eye on tactical and let me know their positions, that would be perfect.
Adell took the co-pilot's seat and started studying the positions of the creatures.
Amenaru: I want to keep them away from the rear of the ship. I think they've gummed up the engines already, because we're way down on speed.
With clear instructions, Adell scanned the tactical display, checking for the positions of the jelly creatures all while glue shots continued to splat against the hull.
Adell: Strafe left. There's one behind us.
Amenaru tapped the buttons on the control pad and the shuttle slid to the left. Immediately after, he turned right, positioning the shuttle's side toward the creature.
Amenaru: Speed is increasing. I think the gunk is getting blown out of the engines. We should be able to outrun them now.
Indeed as Adell watched the screen, the jelly creatures fell further and further behind as the shuttled passed through the layers of atmosphere into space. Finally, a large blip appeared on the screen, the Shadowdancer. Adell activated the communications.
Adell: Azzy, we have you on our screen. Open the shuttle bay doors.
Right away, the response came in.
Azrael: We see you. Opening doors now.
Adell kept his eye on the tactical screen, but the rest of the flight was uneventful. Amenaru steered toward the Shadowdancer shuttle bay and entered, setting it down quickly. Through the window, Adell could see Dr. Teagan already waiting with her team. Amenaru began the shuttle shutdown sequence while Adell rushed down the stairs to wait for the signal that the shuttle bay was pressurized before opening the door. In a few seconds, the light on the door turned green and Adell opened the shuttle door. Dr. Teagan rushed in soon after and identified Teren as the one who needed assistance.
Adell: Is he going to be alright, Sorchae?
Dr. Teagan scanned a bit more before answering.
Sorchae: He seems fine aside from this goop that's all over him. We should be able to get that off.
Sorchae looked up at Adell for the first time and noticed a few globs of glue in his hair as well.
Sorchae: I see you got some yourself. Just head over to the decon room and we'll take care of that right away.
Satisfied that the danger had finally passed, Adell contacted the bridge.

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
Adell: Azzy, we're all safe here. Take us away from the planet.
Azrael kept an eye on the tactical display as he answered Adell.
Azrael: Acknowledged. Nalma, coordinate with helm to find the best route through the asteroids. Take us out slowly.
Nalma: Yes, Commander.
A few moments passed with Nalma scanning the asteroid field while Teek steered the ship to point away from the planet.
Nalma: I'm sending coordinates for a small, winding gap in the asteroids. If you take it slowly, you should be able to get through.
Teek tapped a few buttons on his console and then grabbed the ship's wheel.
Teek: I see it. Setting course to the hole at one half thrusters.
Slowly the ship started to move toward the hole in the asteroid field surrounding the planet. However, series of bleeps emanated ominously from Nalma's console.
Nalma: Commander, I'm picking up anomolous readings from the asteroids.
Azrael squinted one eye and turned his attention to the tactical screen.
Azrael: Pick one and put it on viewer.
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All city pictures from SimCity 4