Carpathia IV: Episode 4 - Reckless Escape
Space, NCCS Shadowdancer
Nalma tapped at his console and the main viewer quickly zoomed toward one of the asteroids. On it were several jelly-like creatures playfully orbiting the large rock, periodically extending their sticky appendages to keep themselves close to it and each other. More of them squeezed up through cracks and holes where they had evidently been hiding inside.
Azrael: Access Nimbus data files. Are these the same sort of creatures that were chasing the Captain?
Nalma: Accessing.
After a brief time passed, an image from the Nimbus appeared in a corner of the display showing one of the jelly creatures that was chasing Adell before.
Nalma: They're the same, and somehow they seem to be able to get into space.
With the image of the asteroid still plainly visible in the viewer, the crew watched as the creatures continued with their antics and were amazed at how far they could deploy their appendages to go from asteroid to asteroid. It was a speedy procedure. One moment, they were round, bouncy globs and the next, they would shoot out a sticky arm and grab a nearby rock or another creature.
Nalma: This must be why the rocks never formed a moon or a ring system.
The Shadowdancer slowly crept closer and closer to the rim of the asteroids, the crew hoping they could pass by without harassment. This changed, however, when one of the creatures in the display spit a glue glob directly at the ship. Before Azrael could ask for an update, Nalma gave it.
Nalma: Commander, I'm reading over 37,000 small projectiles rapidly approaching the ship.
Azrael stood and placed one hand on the hilt of his sword.
Azrael: Raise shields. Helm, evasive.
Teek: Yes, Commander.
Nalma: Raising shelds, but there's a good chance they will be useless. They weren't designed for this sort of thing. Impact in 2 seconds.
Azrael gripping the hilt of his sword more tightly, as he was wont to do in such situations, and watched as the ship turned, too slowly to evade the projectiles. In the short time allotted to him, he cursed his decision earlier to order such a slow speed, for it made the Shadowdancer much slower to respond at the helm. Finally, the crew could hear the sound of thousands of gluey bits smack into the hull of the ship with tremendous force. A concentrated cluster of several hundred hit one of the port side bridge windows in rapid succession and shattered it sending shards hurtling into the ship for just an instant before being immediately blown out. For less than a second, the decompressive force nearly knocked Azrael off his feet before the emergency door slammed shut over the window, sealing it.
Azrael: Helm, full thrusters. Take us through the asteroids.
Teek: Commander, I'm not going to be able to avoid all of them at that speed.
Azrael: Understood. Do your best. All hands, brace for impact.
Teek gunned the engines and the ship hurtled rapidly toward the tight gap that Nalma indicated earlier. Everyone on the bridge gripped their consoles tightly, except Azrael, who remained where he stood, fixated on the windows as the Shadowdancer rapidly approached the asteroids. As they entered the field, Teek pulled back hard on the wheel and turned to port, dodging the first few, and then pushed forward and to starboard. This time, the port side engine sideswiped hard on one of the asteroids, causing the ship to shudder and warning lights to trip on the forward display. Teek straightened the wheel and pulled back, sending the ship up again, this time crashing the bottom of the ship on another rock. With another rapidly coming into view above the ship, Teek slammed the wheel forward, lurching the ship downward, the asteroid passing only a few meters above the bridge. With that, the ship cleared the field.
Azrael: Steady ahead. Engine room, status.
Lieutenant Calloway appeared on the tactical display.
Minnie: I have to take the port nacelle out of service. Best speed I can give you is Q4, one third of maximum. I recommend returning to Polaris Deep for repairs. What were you doing up there?
Azrael: Underestimating our adversary, it would seem. My apologies, Lieutenant. I shall confer with the captain and I suspect we shall head for Polaris Deep as advised.
Minnie disappeared from the monitor.
Azrael: Helm, best speed to Polaris Deep. Nalma, you have the bridge. I shall be in the decon room to deliver my report to the captain.

Several minutes later, Decontamination Room
Azrael delivered his report swiftly and directly to Adell, who listened intently with Kit and Amenaru by his side. When he finished, Azrael stood stiffly as though he were expecting some sort of admonishment.
Adell: I see that underestimating these creatures is becoming almost a sport.
Azrael: I apologize for letting you down, Captain. I shall do better in the future.
Adell cradled his chin in his hand for a moment.
Adell: It's okay. Remember that Carpathia is still relatively new at large-scale space exploration, so here's what we should do. This incident has shown us that we need to coordinate better information and communication sharing between ships, teams, and shuttles. Amenaru and Kit can work together on that and you two can put together whatever team you need. I'm sure some of the on-board scientists would love to help out. Azrael, you may return to the bridge. I'll be there shortly.
Azrael: Yes, Captain.
Azrael left, leaving Adell to address his two junior officers.
Adell: You both did a good job down there and I intend to put a commendation for all of you in my log. Kit, it's good that you had a knife handy in your pocket instead of having to root around in your pack for one. I intend to recommend that as standard procedure for all exploratory missions.
Kit squeezed his limbs tightly together and fidgeted with his fingers while Amenaru beamed proudly and patted him on the back.
Kit: I'm just used to it. I had to carry a knife all the time on Tokkastra.
Adell recoiled a little in surprise, knowing Tokkastra as a peaceful place. Though he'd have liked to know the story behind Kit's statement, it would have to wait.
Adell: Nevertheless, your quick thinking saved Teren. Good work.
Adell looked around the room for a moment, the thought of Teren reminding him that he wasn't there.
Adell: Speaking of Teren, where is he? I hope his condition wasn't more serious than Sorchae thought.
As though summoned, one of the doors to the room slid open and Dr. Teagan emerged.
Adell: Oh, good! Is Teren okay?
Dr. Teagan's eyes widened as she pursed her lips and nervously wiggled her fingers.
Sorchae: He'll be fine. The problem... well, removing a bit of glue from hair such as yours was easy. Just a little solvent and out it came. That much glue on thick, nekomi fur, however...
Dr. Teagan didn't have to say any more, for Teren emerged from the door behind her, wearing no uniform from the waist up. More amusing, however, was the fact that he was also naked from the shoulders up to his ears. Completely naked, with only little tufts of fur dotting his exposed skin, including a jaunty little fluff on top of his nose, and he looked ever so grumpy about it.
Kit smiled, covering his mouth as he looked away, but Adell and Amenaru had less restraint.
Adell and Amenaru: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Sorchae: Unfortunately, some of it seeped into his collar and down his shoulders.
Through gritted teeth, Teren spoke.
Teren: Captain, permission to take a brief leave of absence.
Adell did his best to compose himself, wiping his eyes and clearing his throat, but incapable of wiping the grin from his face.
Adell: Permission granted.
With more to say, Adell stood and put his arms around Teren's now clammy, dry skin and patted him on the back.
Adell: Glad you're okay, buddy.
Though appreciative of the sentiment, Teren wanted nothing more than to make a hasty exit, but before he could leave, Kit jumped up and blocked his way.
Kit: Um... Mr. Teren... sir... thank you for taking those shots for me.
Teren stopped, his face suddenly far less severe as he looked upon Kit with kinder eyes.
Teren: And thanks to you as well, young one, for helping me to breathe again.
Kit squeezed himself tightly together again and lowered his head while Teren reached out and ruffled Kit's ears playfully. Without another word, Teren left the room, leaving the other three. Adell stood and rubbed his hands together.
Adell: Well, still work for the rest of us. Let's get to the bridge and find out what sort of repairs we're going to need. I think I'll need a shower first, though, and if you want to do that too, go right ahead.
Adell and his two junior officers left the decon room and headed to the bridge together.
Commissioned art in this episode from:
All city pictures from SimCity 4