Carpathia IV: Episode 32 - Classified Level 11
Space, Near Polaris Deep
Teek entered his quarters still trying to brush the grime from his uniform. It was greasy and sticky, just like all his uniforms after finishing a day of scrubbing the sento. Finally, this would be the the last time he would have to deep clean his uniform, for he and the others finally finished cleaning the sento and putting it back together. Now was the time to disrobe and enjoy a good shower. While Teek removed his pins and detached his oily chest plate, he checked his messages. There was one from Ramewet from his father. Tossing his chest plate aside, he paused. A hot, steamy shower awaited, but he also knew that he wouldn't enjoy it with this looming over him. Sighing heavily, Teek sat at his computer station and tapped at the keypad.
Teek: Might as well get this over with.
Teek leaned his head into his hand while he scratched his desk impatiently. Finally, his father appeared on the monitor.
Teek's Dad: Teek! It's been awhile since you called your ol' dad.
Teek tapped his claw on his desk and yawned.
Teek: Sorry. I've been very busy.
Teek's dad paused, checking him out from as much he could see on his screen, from Teek's head down to his chest.
Teek's Dad: I can see that. Do they have you scrubbing out the toilets or something?
Teek: No, dad...
Teek's Dad: You haven't been reprimanded, have you?
Teek looked away and picked at his one of his spikes.
Teek: Um... no.
Teek's Dad: You're making nice with your captain, right?
Teek: I'm doing my best...
Teek's Dad: And what happened to your spike?
Teek reached up to the sickle spike on his head to feel the tape that was still holding it in place. Hell bent against his dad asking yet more ridiculous questions, Teek decided not to mention the recent battle.
Teek: Oh... you know... starships can get a little bumpy. The doctor is fixing me up.
Teek's Dad's faux cheery expression suddenly turned grim.
Teek's Dad: Hmmm... So why aren't you a lieutenant yet?
Teek rolled his eyes and his head along with them.
Teek: Dad, it takes three to five years of service, minimum, just to become a junior grade lieutenant. I've only been here a few months!
Teek's Dad: Bah. You can do better than that. You're not getting in good with the captain like you should.
Teek: It doesn't work that way! Also, he's been promoted to Commodore.
Teek did not know why he added that second part and instantly regretted saying it, for his dad's eyes grew wide and twinkly. Teek knew that look. It meant his dad was about to come up with something completely unexpected and invariably stupid.
Teek's Dad: Oh, is that so! I should send him my famous cricket and grasshopper cookies.
Teek cringed and curled up his fingers into tight, painful fists.
Teek: Dad, no!
Teek's Dad: Why not? Everyone likes my cricket and grasshopper cookies.
Teek: Commodore Amaranth is human! He eats human cookies! He is not going to eat bug cookies!
Teek's Dad: Nonsense. They're famous.
Teek: You can't send him cookies! That's not how it works! That is the complete opposite of how things work!
Teek's Dad: Then how does it work?
Teek opened his mouth, but no words came out. In frustration, he flailed his hands around for several seconds before settling on chewing his claw.
Teek: I... it's... I mean... It's complicated!
Teek's Dad: I don't see how it could be. Maybe you're just not good enough. You never were a hard worker.
To Teek's relief, a message appeared on his screen, overlaid on top of his father's face. "Bridge officers and senior staff report to the bridge right away." Teek hastily reached for a fresh chest plate and began fastening it to his uniform.
Teek: Sorry, Dad. I'm being called to the bridge.
Teek's Dad: Hey, we were just getting started! You haven't called your dad in weeks and you're already...
Teek stood, having affixed his chest plate to his uniform and snatched his pins from his desk.
Teek: Sorry, Dad. Call you later.
Teek would have liked to punch the monitor itself, but settled with a hearty slap on the off switch instead. With that finished, he snatched the pillow from his bed and buried his face in it. After a long, muffled scream, he tossed it aside and rushed out the room while still attaching his pins.

The lift doors slid open, revealing the bridge. Teek stepped out, finding nearly everyone already there, including the senior medical staff. Adell stood in the front with Ryuu by his side, which seemed to him that an important announcement would soon take place. Teek rushed to his station, sliding his tail into the seat while the other lift doors slid open at the back, revealing Amenaru, Ramei, and Minnie. Amenaru took up his position at the operations console while the rest stood astride Teren at the security console.
Adell: That's everyone. Thank you for coming quickly. I have received permission from Admiral Zhang for you to see what we've already shown Commander Valro. I'm sure you all have questions about the battle we endured and I regret that I was not able to give you more information until now. You all know that Ryuu is a memory dragon and he'll put the information directly into your mind.
Ryuu: With your permission, I will give you my memories of some events that took place 20 years ago plus some dragon history. It will be abbreviated, which will help your mind acclimate to the new information quickly, but it will be all you need to understand.
Amenaru: Commodore, is this going to hurt?
Adell: Not at all, Ensign. I have received memories from Ryuu a few times myself. It's a bit disconcerting, for sure, but not painful at all. The most you'll feel is a bit of warmth on your head. Any more questions?
Tamati: Can't you just tell us the situation?
Adell: That's not the best method. I attempted to do exactly that with Commander Valro and that didn't go very well. You're just not going to believe any of this until you see it for yourself.
Minnie: How long will it take?
Adell looked to Ryuu for this answer.
Ryuu: Less than 10 minutes each. After that, it will take some time for your mind to make sense of everything you've seen.
Adell: Anyone else?
The bridge was silent, though the air hung thick with curiosity mixed with uncertainty. Few looked at Adell or Ryuu directly for more than a few seconds before their eyes shifted away.
Adell: In that case, there's one more thing. The information you're about to witness is classified level 11, for captains and flag officers only, until now. You are not to discuss any of this with anyone outside this room.
In the back, Ramei meekly raised his fuzzy hand only to the height of his shoulder.
Ramei: Commodore, did I hear you right? I thought there were only 10 levels of classification.
Adell nodded knowingly.
Adell: Yes, you would think that. The existence of level 11 is also classified, so you're not to discuss that with anyone either.
A low murmur went up briefly amongst the bridge crew before subsiding almost immediately.
Adell: If there's nothing else, Ensign Rinc, I'd like for you to go first. As you are from Ramewet, this will concern you the most directly.
Teek's eyes widened and indeed everyone on the bridge had their innards flipping in knots over the little bits and pieces of information they were already receiving ahead of the memory share. Teek's head darted from side to side before he started to rise slowly from his chair.
Teek: Yes, Commodore.
Ryuu took a few steps to the port side and beckoned Teek to follow.
Ryuu: This way. I'll show each of you, in turn, in the conference room.
With that, Ryuu trotted through the conference room doors with Teek following close behind.
Adell: Kit, call up Tayet. We'll have him take the helm temporarily.
Kit: Yes, Commodore.
Adell rounded the helm console and returned to his chair. Once there, he leaned close to Aire and whispered.
Adell: Just so you know, Ryuu isn't showing them anything about Phobos. He doesn't like people knowing he's an android.
Aire: Makes sense. I'll keep it to myself, then.
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