Carpathia IV: Episode 33 - Somber Arrival
Space, Near Polaris Deep
The doors to the conference room slid open and Teek staggered out, propping himself up against the doorway. The others watched in alarm, wondering what Ryuu had shown him that could be this devastating. In response, Aire turned hastily to Adell.
Aire: Commodore, permission to use your ready room.
Adell: Granted.
Aire wasted no time sprinting from his chair where he gently grabbed Teek by his shoulders to help him stand up straight. Slowly, he guided Teek across the bridge to the ready room while Ryuu poked his head out of the door.
Ryuu: Who's next?
Adell: We'll go by rank from here on out. Sorchae, you can go next.
Sorchae: Yes, Captain.
Sorchae hurried into the conference room with Ryuu while Aire continued to guide a shellshocked, babbling Teek to the ready room.
Teek: My mother is from the Outlands. Her last name is Krieg. She used to tell stories passed down through her family. We all thought they were just stories...
Aire patted Teek on the back as the doors to the ready room slid open.
Aire: It's all right. Let's talk about it in here.
Just before the ready room doors closed, Teek managed to blurt out one more sentence that everyone could hear.
Teek: I can't believe Wishmaster is real!
And the doors slid shut, leaving a bridgefull of wide eyes and raised eyebrows, but none moreso than Teren, Ramei, and Amenaru.
Teren: Commodore, did I hear correctly? Wishmaster is real?
Adell had worried before that someone might reveal details that would be better left shown later, and indeed it happened right away.
Adell: More accurately, he was real. Ryuu and I were part of the team that helped kill him.
Teren: But how...
Adell held up his hand, interrupting Teren's question.
Adell: I understand that you have a lot of questions. It's a long story to tell, and I wouldn't even be able to finish the beginning of it by the time you meet with Ryuu. Once he's shown you what happened, it will be much clearer.
The tension was palpable as the bridge went silent once again, punctuated only by the hum of the engines and the occasional beep from the consoles. Once Sorchae returned from her session with Ryuu, Adell decided to prioritize nekomi and nekohumans next and sent Teren.
One by one, each officer began their session with Ryuu and returned in a daze, though none were quite as affected as Teek. Only Tamati emerged from the conference room seemingly in good humor.

Weeks of plodding through space at one third speed was finally coming to an end as the Shadowdancer approached the Polaris Deep station and the crew prepared for docking gleefully, looking forward to a brief respite.
Adell: Slow to induction and put the station on viewer.
Teek: Slowing to induction.
Amenaru: Putting the station on viewer.
The image of Polaris Deep greeted all as the sight of land to sailors of yesteryear. It wasn't just Polaris Deep that caught their attention, but the sight of a massive new ship attracted a significant amount of gawking.
Amenaru: What is that?
Adell smiled, leaning back in his chair to admire the new ship.
Adell: That is the new Crystal Falchion, the newest class of exploration ship and mobile starbase. There are two more being fitted out right now.
Teek: I've seen the drawings, but I didn't think it was that big.
Nalma: How long will it be here?
Adell: I don't know. The original plan was to have her do her trials in this area, but she doesn't have her weapons installed yet. All I know is that she's going to be sent somewhere else. They should still be doing tours, if you want to have a look.
While most of the bridge crew studied the new ship in awe, a beep emanated from Kit's console.
Kit: Commodore, Polaris Deep acknowledges our approach and gives clearance to dock at Port Three.
Adell: Slow to one quarter induction. Set course for Port 3.
Teek: Slowing to one quarter induction.
The ship slowed and Adell noticed that Teek appeared to be struggling with the wheel. He gripped it tightly and fought mightily to keep the ship going straight.
Adell: Is there a problem, Ensign?
Teek continued fighting the wheel with gritted teeth and sweaty brow.
Teek: I'm sorry, Commodore. Thruster damage is making low-speed maneuvering difficult. I don't think I'm going to be able to dock her on my own.
Adell: I see. It's a bit of an ignominious end to our mission, but there's no way around it. Just get as close as you can. Kit, call for a push shuttle. We'll have to have some help docking.
Kit: Calling for a push shuttle, Commodore.
The Shadowdancer took its time wobbling precariously toward the designated docking port. As they approached, a shuttle with a grappling arm attached to the nose was already waiting for them.
Adell: All stop and shut down all engines.
The ship lurched forward and backward a few times before it finally managed to cease all movement. With the engines shut down, the way was clear for the shuttle to pinch the Shadowdancer's nose with its little claw and drag the Shadowdancer like a dead whale to its cradle.
As with the departure, the arrival of a capital ship like the Shadowdancer was also cause for gathering to welcome the crew home. This time, there was no celebratory mood visible from the windows of the Shadowdancer. The denizens of Polaris Deep gawked open-mouthed at the ship as she was pulled helplessly to Port 3. Though many of the hull breaches were repaired, the scorch marks were still visible and the rushed patch jobs stuck out like cheap bandages. Of course, nobody could miss the gutted starboard quantum drive nacelle.
Teren: We are in docking position, Commodore.
Adell: Begin docking procedures. Secure moorings. Open boarding doors. Cut all running lights.
Adell stood as a chorus of acknowledgements erupted from all around the bridge.
Adell: We're not going to have much time to relax. Captain Yoshida and his crew will be transferring back to the Furious Spectre in the next couple of days. Once they are done, we will transfer to the Sentinel and escort her on her mission to deploy sensor probes around the Void while the Shadowdancer is repaired and refitted. We do not have a definitive date for the start of this mission, but I suspect that it won't be more than a week from now, so don't get too comfortable.
Adell paused, taking a moment to glance around at the nodding heads surrounding him.
Adell: One more thing. I want to thank you again for your efforts. It is thanks to you that the ship survived at all.
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