Carpathia IV: Episode 41 - Defection
Space, NCCS Sentinel
The bridge was in shambles. More than half the bridge crew was either entirely incapacitated or injured. Aire was in command, but he didn't even get the tiny thrill of sitting in the Captain's chair, for it was destroyed. While waiting for the quantum drive to come online, Aire knew the most pressing issue was medical.
Aire: Doctor, what's the status?
Sorchae: Teren is mostly okay, but he might be dizzy for awhile. He got a bump on the head and some cuts and scrapes, so I gave him some medicine for that. I've given Adell a sedative, so he won't be waking up for awhile. Some nurses will be here soon with a stretcher to take him to sick bay. Tamati can tell you more about Kit and Amenaru.
Right away, Tamati took over where Sorchae left off.
Tamati: Kit is stable, but he's lost a lot of blood. He'll have to be on fluids for a few days. I'm going to get Amenaru sorted with the help of Artemis right now. I'm setting up a stabilizer right now.
Aire: And Ksenva?
Tamati: She's dead, Commander.
There was still a part of Aire that wished that were not so, determined as he was to learn more about the current state of elfkind, even if it was rather terrible. Nevertheless, he had to acknowledge reality.
Aire: Just as well. It's not like we could keep her constrained with that teleporting ability she had. Ryuu, Commodore Amaranth said she got her abilities from Lazmaedia. Is she still a danger to us even though she's dead?
Ryuu shook his head.
Ryuu: No. Once you're dead, you're dead. She is no danger.
Aire: That's good, at least. Sorchae, before you go, can you confirm that Commodore Amaranth has been incapacitated? That will transfer command codes to me.
Sorchae: Certainly, Aire.
While Sorchae input the information, Aire turned his attention to Ryuu.
Aire: Ryuu, I think you might be of help with the damage control teams in the bow, if you're willing. Since you can survive in space unprotected for a short time, you might be able to get to places the damage control teams can't.
Ryuu answered, already trotting to the lift.
Ryuu: That's a good idea.
The lift doors in the back slid open, revealing a slack-jawed Ramei, slowly scanning the area that might have resembled a bridge at some point in history. All around, he saw exploded consoles, rocks scattered everywhere, destroyed chairs, disruptor scorch marks on the walls, and bridge crew laying around in all manner of distressed conditions.
Ramei: Fucking hell, this is way worse than I expected. What happened?
Aire: Congratulations, Lieutenant. You are now Acting First Officer. Have a seat and be glad you weren't here Ksenva teleported onto the bridge.
Ramei rounded the railing and took a seat in the nearest chair to Aire.
Ramei: Is Commodore Amaranth okay? The doctor is treating him, so I suppose that's a good sign.
Aire: He should be okay, with time. For now, we need to focus on immediate problems. How's engineering?
Ramei: We're a bit banged up down there, but nothing like this.
Behind them, the lift doors slid open and a gaggle of nurses spilled out onto the bridge with stretchers and more medkits and they promptly went to work clearing the casualties from the bridge. In only a brief explosion of activity, the nurses rapidly scooped Adell and Kit into stretchers and carried them back to the lift. Even Ksenva's body was slipped into a bag and taken away. Sorchae left with the nurses, leaving only Tamati on the bridge working with Amenaru and Artemis.
Aire: As soon as we get the engines back, we're going to check up on the Furious Spectre. Sensors are telling us that there's no battle going on with them, but our long range communications are down, so we need to get closer to comm...
To everyone's displeasure, Nalma interrupted with another surprise.
Nalma: Commander, I'm picking up a vessel nearby.
Aire gripped his armrests tightly and prepared for the worst.
Aire: Arm antimatter torp...
Nalma: I don't think that will be necessary, Commander. It appears to be an escape pod. Definitely from the Vashta ship. It's very tiny. Room for one, but they seem to have crammed two in somehow. Single thruster engine. Primitive navigation system. No communications. No evidence of any weapons or explosives of any kind.
Aire turned to Ramei and smirked.
Aire: Well, Mr. First Officer, time for our first decision.
Ramei: I suppose we should take it on board. Maybe whoever is on it can give us some insight into their culture.
Aire sighed and rubbed his chin.
Aire: True, but Ksenva showed that do anything it takes to win. We should have heavy security. Teren, are you up for leading a security detail?
Teren: Still a bit dizzy, Commander. However, I shall assemble a team and have another take point.
Aire: You can get to work on that. Make sure they're heavily armed and armored. We can assemble at the shuttle bay.
Teren: Yes, Commander.
Teren went to work on his console, summoning a select security team and giving instructions. Meanwhile, Aire consulted Nalma on the best way to get the pod into the shuttle bay.
Aire: Nalma, can we use the towing grappler to retrieve the pod?
Nalma: Not directly. The only towing grapplers we have left are on the port side. We'll have to use the towing grappler to stabilize it. Then we'll have to back the ship toward it and use the boom arm to place it into the shuttle bay.
Aire: Alright, let's do it. Ramei, the bridge is yours. As soon as the shuttle doors are closed, set course for the Furious Spectre.
Ramei: Yes, Commander.
Aire stood, with his next stop as the shuttle bay, but was interrupted by Amenaru before he could go.
Amenaru: Permission to return to duty, Commander.
Aire: If Tamati gives the okay, I have no objection.
Tamati: I give the okay, Commander, but I would like him to pay a visit to sick bay when things calm down.
Aire: In that case, welcome back, Ensign. You may return to your station. Work on re-optimizing energy distribution and efficiency while I'm gone.
Amenaru: Yes, Commander!
Amenaru bounded back to his work station while Aire proceeded to the lift.

Aire took a deep breath as he watched the shuttle bay on the monitor just inside the blast doors. Nalma now had the pod with the boom arm and it slowly brought the pod inside. In person, he could see that the pod was not much bigger than a refrigerator and it looked very much the part. Boxy design. One teeny engine which Nalma assured him did not even have enough power to scoot it across the shuttle bay floor. It was a miracle Nalma even noticed it puttering around out in space, so easily it could be taken for just another piece of debris.
With the boom arm and pod completely inside the shuttle bay, the massive door began to close. Gently, the boom arm placed the pod on the deck, with the hatch facing upward, just as the doors closed.
Teren: Re-pressurize the bay. Everyone, stand ready. We will be opening the blast doors soon. When we raise the blast doors, rush out and form a semi-circle around the pod.
Everyone waited tensely as Aire and Teren continued to monitor the shuttle bay while it pressurized. A minute later, Teren hit the switch to open the blast doors.
Teren: Move out!
The security team swiftly marched into the shuttle bay and partially surrounded the pod, guns raised. With a hiss and a shudder, the door of the pod flipped open at the top while Aire and Teren assessed from just behind the semi-circle security team. Two arms slowly rose from the opening, arms that looked familiar to both Aire and Teren. They were covered in gold and white armor culminating in a large jewel at the back of the hand. The voice that came from inside confirmed their suspicions.
Kain: Please do not shoot!
Teren: Exit the pod slowly!
Kain did as he was told, standing slowly and stepping over the side of the pod and then stepping over.
Teren: Scan for weapons.
One of the security officers holstered his weapon and pulled out a scanning device, which he began to wave over Kain. While being scanned, Kain spoke.
Kain: You may do whatever you wish to me, but I implore you, good people, please do not harm Faelon.
Before Aire could ask about Faelon, Aire noted that the security officer was beginning to make moves to relieve Kain of his sword.
Aire: Ensign, do not take the sword.
Kain looked at Aire and tilted his head, his eyes wide in surprise.
Aire: Mr. Kain, please allow us to inspect your sword.
Kain hesitated, still astonished at the unexpectedly polite request, and then nodded slowly. He put his hand on the hilt and slowly drew the sword, which all could see was quite bloody from a recent fight.
Kain: You appear to know something of demons.
Aire: I've known a few, yes.
The officer put away his scanner and returned to his position, announcing that Kain had no explosives or weapons, aside from the sword.
Aire: We shall have to inspect Faelon too, but assuming he is also as unarmed as you, I assure you he will not be harmed.
Kain nodded again and turned to the pod.
Kain: It's okay, Master Faelon. Please come out slowly.
Faelon slowly emerged from the pod, trembling like a malfunctioning motorboat engine. Gingerly, he pitched his leg out of the pod opening and placed it on the shuttle bay deck. Swinging the other leg out, he nearly lost his footing, but regained his footing with the help of a firm grip on the pod's door. Finally, he took his place beside Kain, where the previous scanning routine took place. Finding nothing, Teren ordered his security team away.
Teren: Lower your weapons and stand back.
The security team did as they were told, lowering their weapons to their sides and making way for Teren and Aire to approach. As they did, both noticed tears running down Faelon's cheeks. Kain spoke, not to them, but Faelon.
Kain: I have fulfilled my vow, Master Faelon. I hope you find peace with these people.
Overcome, Faelon threw his arms around Kain and held him tight.
Faelon: Thank you!
If any of this were an elaborate deception, Aire felt that it would be a very well-acted one. Nevertheless, the thought occurred to him that either Kain or Faelon could have the ability to teleport and do significant damage as Ksenva did. For this, he would need Ryuu's opinion.
Aire: Teren, please contact Ryuu and have him come down here as soon as he is able.
Teren: Yes, Commander.
Teren rushed to the control console behind the shuttle while Aire decided to welcome his guests, keeping his suspicions hidden for now. He approached and extended his hand. Kain looked at it curiously for a moment before understanding that he was meant to extend his own and take it.
Aire: Welcome aboard.
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