Carpathia IV: Episode 42 - Discarded Armor
Space, NCCS Sentinel
Though Aire had hoped that Ryuu would be able to come quickly, he learned that he was engaged in helping rescue crews extract three trapped crew members from the bow of the ship. Thus Aire's only option was to offer Kain and Faelon restricted quarters under heavy guard until Ryuu returned. To this, Kain immediately agreed. Under heavy guard, Kain and Faelon were lead to empty quarters in the rear of the ship, away from the regular crew and officer's quarters where Teren could easily set up surveillance.
Alone and on the way back to the bridge, Aire found the relative calm disconcerting and the stress of the recent battle returned. He could feel his chest tighten and his breath quicken. Ducking into a nearby washroom, Aire stopped at a sink to splash some water on his face. Studiously ignoring the mirror, he kept his head lowered toward the sink, so that he wouldn't have to look at himself as he took several deep breaths. He was in command now. Even as a first officer, it wouldn't be right to let the crew see him like this and doubly bad as an acting Captain.
While Aire regained his composure, he could feel the ship's engines power up. Having regained his composure, Aire left the washroom and headed to the bridge.
Aire's journey from the shuttle bay to the bridge revealed a very robust construction indeed. Corridors were mostly intact with few overloaded systems. If they hadn't run out of weapons, they would have been able to outlast the Vashta ship more easily. Making a mental note to recommend weapons upgrades to the Admiralty, Aire continued to the bridge lift.
Aire arrived on the bridge to find most at their duty stations, but Nalma, who was busy with a push broom, sweeping debris against the bulkheads. Ramei stood as he caught sight of Aire stepping through the lift doors.
Ramei: Commander.
Aire: Status, Lieutenant.
Ramei: We have set course for the Furious Spectre's position at Q6. Ryuu has successfully evacuated the trapped crew from the bow and is on his way here. Nalma, as you can see, is sweeping up. We were tripping on all the crap strewn across the floor.
Aire took a seat in his chair while Ramei sat at one of the console stations.
Aire: Kain and Faelon, who we met the first time we encountered the Vashta ship, were in the escape pod. Both have expressed a desire to remain here. I've asked Ryuu here for consultation. Teren is setting up guarded quarters for them now.
Ramei: Do you believe it's not a trap, then?
Aire: I want to, but that's why I've invited Ryuu. I'm hoping he can find out their true intentions.
Ramei: I hope he can. Nalma gave me a brief rundown of what happened when Ksenva appeared on the bridge. That's some scary stuff.
Aire nodded solemnly.
Aire: You see why I'm leery.
Behind them, the lift doors slid open and Ryuu emerged, thoroughly soiled from his recent rescue mission.
Aire: Ryuu, how are the crew members you rescued?
Ryuu: Cuts, scrapes, bruises. Dr. Teagan is taking care of them.
Aire: That's good. Thanks for your help. I'd like to get your opinion on something, if you don't mind.
Ryuu circled around the railing and sat in front of Aire, swishing his tail in front of his legs.
Ryuu: Shoot.
Aire: Kain and Faelon escaped the Vashta ship and are now on board. I'd like to find out if they are defectors, as they say they are, and if either have any demigod abilities, like Ksenva had.
Ryuu: That's easy. I can simply read their intentions. If either are attempting subterfuge, I'll know. Any demigod abilities will also become apparent right away. There's only one thing. I require their permission before I access their minds.
Aire stood, pulling his uniform straight.
Aire: Well, I suppose we should go ask, then. Ramei, you have the bridge.
Ramei: Yes, Commander.

Arriving at the door to Kain and Faelon's quarters, Aire could see there were already two guards stationed outside, likely with more inside. As Aire and Ryuu approached, the two guards took one step to the side, making way for them. Aire tapped the control panel and the doors slid open.
Inside was not quite what Aire expected. Two security guards were present in the room, as he expected. Kain stood in the middle of the room, naked except for a towel around his shoulders and his armor was discarded in a haphazard pile off to the side. Faelon sat on the edge of the bed, fidgeting like a child sent to the principal's office and he nervously looked up at Aire and Ryuu as they entered.
Kain: Master Aire! My apologies. I was very keen on having a wash since I have not done so in many days. I shall put on my underwear so that we can all be more comfortable.
Aire nodded in agreement as Kain fished his boxers out of the pile of armor in the corner.
Aire: As you can imagine, we have questions, and I'm sure you have some too. Before we get to that, there is something we should do first. Do you remember Ryuu? He can explain best.
Kain: I do remember. Lady Ksenva was very put out when she saw you, Master Ryuu. Forgive me for saying so, Sir Dragon, but one of Lazmaedia's most important rules is that all dragons must be destroyed on sight. Lady Ksenva was conflicted at the time. She felt she should follow the rule, but I advised her that it would be unwise to make hostile moves at that time.
Aire scratched behind his ear and gritted his teeth uncomfortably.
Aire: Um, yes, that would indeed have been a bad idea. Anyway, given the circumstances of our first meeting and your arrival, we do have our suspicions. Ryuu can help clear those up.
Ryuu: With your permission, I can touch my paw to your head and read your intentions and find out if you have any demigod powers. I will not read any of your specific thoughts or memories. You will only feel a tingle for a few seconds. If you are currently engaged in or planning a deception, I will be able to tell.
Kain raised an eyebrow as he sat in a nearby chair.
Kain: I must say it comes as no surprise to me that I was not told of all the abilities dragons possess. Master Ryuu, you have my consent.
Ryuu: Let's get started then.
Ryuu hopped onto an adjacent chair.
Kain: What shall I do?
Ryuu: Just stay still. I'm going to touch your forehead for a few seconds and that's it.
Kain: Proceed.
Aire watched in anticipation, for this was the first time he had ever seen a white dragon do any sort of reading. He was disappointed, however, for this was a mere touch to the head and less than five seconds later, Ryuu was done.
Ryuu: That's it. It appears you are telling the truth.
Before either Ryuu or Aire could turn their attention to Faelon, Kain stood and held his hand toward the chair, inviting Faelon to it.
Kain: Faelon, I suggest you do the same.
Faelon nodded in jittery spurts and stood hesitantly.
Faelon: Okay.
Visibly shaking, Faelon slowly stepped toward the chair, casting furtive glances at both Aire and Ryuu. Aire supposed that Faelon still feared them—probably everyone he meets—so he stepped back so that Faelon would not have to walk past him to the chair. This seemed to make it easier for him, for Faelon moved moved a little faster. Upon reaching the chair, he seemed reluctant to sit until Kain put his hand on Faelon's shoulder. Only then did Faelon finally take a seat.
With Faelon seated, Ryuu gently placed his paw on Faelon's head. After a few seconds, he was done.
Ryuu: Same. Their interest in defection is genuine. No hostile intent.
Kain: I understand your need for reassurance. I hope you are satisfied.
Aire: Yes, thank you for your cooperation.
Aire turned his attention to one of the security guards who were now far less necessary.
Aire: Specialist, please contact the wardrobe department and have them send someone.
After a brief acknowledgement, the security guard left the room.
Aire: I suspect you'd like fresh clothes.
Kain: That would be agreeable. As for the armor, you can do with that as you see fit. That was of Ksenva's making and I have no use for it.
Aire nodded.
Aire: We'll see to that, and there will be plenty of time for hard questions later. Ksenva is dead and her ship is destroyed, so we are out of immediate danger. For now, we need to know two things. What do you know of that other ship Ksenva was chasing?
Kain: It is a rebel ship, comprised of those who oppose Lazmaedia. We were ordered to find and destroy it. I expect they shall be pleased to see you.
Aire: That's good to know. Finally, are there any other Vashta ships out there?
Kain: Only ours and the one we were chasing.
Aire: In that case, since we're all out of danger, I suggest we save the hard questions for later. For now, I'd like to invite you to dine with me and some of my officers later.
Kain: I shall accept. Tell me, where is your Captain? I expected he might be here as well.
Aire: I'm afraid he was injured in the battle. He should be fine in a few days.
Kain held his head low as though silently apologizing.
Kain: I see. I'm glad to know he will be okay. I look forward to meeting him under more agreeable circumstances.
Now satisfied, Aire clasped his hands together, ready to leave.
Aire: Dinner will be in a few hours and I will have someone escort you there. In the meantime, I have a broken ship to manage, so I will send some people with food and clothing. I'll also send a nurse down when we can spare one.
Kain put his hand on his chest and gave a slight bow.
Kain: You are most gracious.
Just as Aire turned to leave, he heard a tiny, mousy voice. At first, he wasn't even sure he heard anything at all and paused before realizing that the voice came from Faelon.
Faelon: Um... Sir? What is to become of me?
All the while, Kain was the chatty one, and Aire now realized that Faelon appeared to feel very neglected. Not only neglected, but terrified. He seemed frightened enough when he made the trek across the room to the chair next to Ryuu, but this was not a fleeting bout of nervousness. Faelon sat in his chair, all his limbs scrunched up as tight as he could make himself, shaking uncontrollably. Somehow, despite overhearing the entire conversation between him and Kain, he almost looked like he expected to be executed.
Aire approached slowly and kneeled, placing his hands on Faelon's.
Aire: Faelon, look at me.
Patiently, Aire waited for Faelon to look at him.
Aire: I am First Officer of this ship, meaning second in command. Right now, I am acting Captain. Nobody here questions this. Someday, I hope to become Captain of my own ship, and if that happens, it will be on my own merits. You can be whatever you want to be. Tell me, what would you like?
Slowly, Faelon's shaking began to subside as he looked Aire in the eye with quivering lips.
Faelon: Um... I'd like... I don't know... I like... I like to draw pictures.
Aire smiled and nodded.
Aire: There's a possibility for you. We have good art schools you can attend if you like. Why don't you spend awhile thinking about what you'd like to do. It might take some time, but you'll find something.
Faelon sniffled and nodded. As much as Aire would like to spend more time with Faelon, he did indeed have a damaged ship and distressed crew to manage, and he had to leave.
Aire: I will see you both at dinner.
After saying their goodbyes, Aire and Ryuu left the room and found Teren waiting outside.
Aire: Ah, Teren. I assume you watched through the cameras?
Teren: Yes, Commander. I deem the security threat minimal.
Aire: Agreed. One or two guards should suffice to make sure they don't accidentally get into anything they shouldn't. You can set someone in charge of that and then survey the ship.
Teren: Yes, Commander.
Aire turned to leave, but thought of something and stopped.
Aire: Just a thought. If you know anyone who has a sketch book and some color pencils to spare, I think it would be nice to send those here.
Teren: I will ask around, Commander.
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