Carpathia IV: Episode 47 - Culture Exchange 2
Space, NCCS Sentinel
Sylvar sat upon the examination table while Sorchae scanned his shirtless, heavily scarred body.
Sorchae: Seems you've been in a scrape or two.
Sylvar: That's an understatement. You know, I've never had a proper medical exam before. Being a white male, they didn't think it was worth the effort. I've only been treated by Voxx's field medics.
Sorchae closed her scanner and placed it on the instrument tray.
Sorchae: Despite it all, you're in pretty good shape. I take it you haven't had any vaccines like the others?
Sylvar: Nah, women and breeding men only. I am neither of those things.
Sorchae grimaced and rubbed her temple.
Sorchae: "Breeding men." Vashta society does sound brutal.
Sylvar: Easy to guess why I ran off, isn't it?
Sorchae backed up and opened the door of a nearby cabinet.
Sorchae: Let's get you those vaccines, then. The good news is that we can give you all of them at the same time.
Sorchae emerged from the cabinet holding a giant syringe with a barrel like a water pipe and a three-foot needle sticking out the end while a throughly bug-eyed Sylvar gripped the exam table as though the hull of the ship had just been blown open.
Sorchae: Now drop your drawers and bend over.
Sylvar: FUCK THAT!
In an instant, Sylvar disappeared behind the exam table while Tamati rubbed his forehead.
Tamati: Doctor, maybe now is not the best time for the novelty syringe?
Sorchae: Oh, come on. When am I going to get another chance like this?
Sorchae and Tamati watched as Sylvar evidently overheard their conversation and peeked up from behind the exam table.
Sorchae: It's okay, I was only kidding. On the bright side, we now know the universal translator has the word "fuck" in it. How about that?

Later, after his harrowing ordeal with the doctor, Sylvar followed Nalma down the corridor, all the while casting furtive glances at Nalma's long, luxurious ears.
Sylvar: That doctor of yours is a piece of work, isn't she?
Nalma smiled and nodded knowingly.
Nalma: Ah, she has her moments. Still I'll take someone with a twisted sense of humor over none at all any day.
Sylvar: Gonna take time for me to get used to that, especially from a woman.
Nalma: Ksenva definitely didn't seem like a bundle of laughs.
Sylvar: I know her type. I get Faelon's situation too. I was a plaything for a vashtari woman. Most vashtari women don't like to damage our pretty faces, but mine was different.
Sylvar pointed to two of the scars on his face.
Sylvar: She gave gave me these two and several more on my body. Like Faelon, I also don't prefer the company of women. I stole a shuttle and escaped. That's when I found Voxx. Or, maybe, he found me. Voxx taught me how to read and write.
Nalma paused and twitched his ear from side to side, which Sylvar watched with great interest.
Nalma: Maybe Faelon would like you to visit. You understand what he's going through more than anyone.
Sylvar: I know, I know. I've been avoiding it, honestly. I don't think I'm ready for that.
Nalma: Hmmm... I think I can see that. Something else then. I'm curious why you picked me for your culture exchange. You know I'm Tokkastran and not Carpathian, right?
Nalma asked, though he had a notion of the reason. Sylvar was not especially good at hiding his apparent ear fetish and further confirmed by his sudden fidgety behavior upon being presented with the question.
Sylvar: They said you were the the one to go to for music and entertainment.
Nalma: I do like to DJ. If you want to know more about making music, Amenaru would be your choice. But yes, we are headed to the common room, where I can show you my mixers and turntables and play some samples from both Tokkastra and Carpathia.
Sylvar: That sounds best for me. I'd like some samples.
Sylvar paused before asking his next question.
Sylvar: I thought, maybe, you might have an outsider perspective on these Carpathians. How are you different?
Nalma nodded, considering the question, which had no easy answer.
Nalma: They're good people. A bit obsessive about exploring and perhaps a bit naive, blundering into danger without enough thought. It's understandable, though. We tokki have been spacefaring for centuries, but the humans only recently. Nekomi had spaceships for a long time, but didn't use them much until they met humans. That said, the humans especially have a knack for batshit crazy solutions for dire problems. It's a wonder they've lived this long. Still, the biggest difference is the culture around relationships. Most tokki don't take single partners for life. Sex isn't an intimate bonding experience for most of us. It's just something people do.
Sylvar listened to the last part with great interest and seemed disappointed when Nalma stopped talking.
Sylvar: What do you mean that it's just something people do?
Nalma: Let's say you meet a business client. You give your greetings, give each other a hand job, and then talk business.
Nalma stopped walking when he realized that Sylvar was not following anymore, having stopped several feet back, his face red as a strawberry.
Nalma: Maybe we should have a visit to my quarters before the common room.
Sylvar said nothing, only nodding enthusiastically. With this affirmation, Nalma turned and collected Sylvar, walking the opposite direction down the corridor.
Nalma: Just so you know, there's no need for all this hinting around with me. If you want some sex, you just ask me.

Faelon kneeled on the couch in his quarters, gazing out the window to watch the stars streak by. He hadn't set foot even into the corridor outside his door since he arrived despite Kain's assurances that they were in a safe place. When the door slid open behind him, Faelon instantly spun around and tried to hide behind a small pillow. He tensed even more when an unfamiliar presence breezed casually through the door holding a box and a paint-encrusted easel under his arm.
Ramei: Hey there. I hear on good authority that we've got an artist on board.
Faelon said nothing as he squeezed his pillow tighter and sunk deeper into the couch.
Ramei: Hmmm... Just like he said. Kain said I should give you this.
Ramei leaned toward Faelon holding out a folded-up piece of paper and waited patiently. Hesitantly, Faelon emerged from behind his pillow and took the paper from Ramei's hand. Still keeping a wary eye on Ramei, Faelon opened the paper to examine its contents.
Faelon took his time, alternately looking down at the paper and up at Ramei several times. Finally, Faelon set his hiding pillow aside as he scooted over on the couch and smiled wordlessly, inviting Ramei to sit.
Ramei: Thanks very much, then. Let me just get set up.
Ramei put his box on the floor and quickly set up his easel in front of Faelon while he looked on with a combination of curiosity and befuddlement. After setting up the easel, Ramei opened his box and pulled out a sketch pad and a box of color pencils.
Ramei: We'll get to the easel later. For now, these are for you.
Faelon reached out slowly and took the sketch book first and flipped through the pages. After finding them all blank, he looked at the box of color pencils curiously but did not take them. Ramei opened the box and took out a random pencil.
Ramei: I heard you like drawing.
Faelon nodded and, for the first time, spoke.
Faelon: Ksenva didn't like me drawing. I had to hide my pencil and paper from her.
Ramei attempted again to pass the box of pencils and the loose one he pulled out to Faelon again.
Ramei: You don't have to worry about that anymore. These are yours.
This time, Faelon took his gift and began to examine the contents, pulling out pencil after pencil, marvelling at each one.
Faelon: So many colors! I've only had a grey pencil before. I didn't know they were like this.
Ramei smiled seeing Faelon genuinely happy for the first time since he arrived.
Ramei: What do you like to draw?
Faelon removed a brown pencil from the box and examined it closely. Hovering the pencil close to the paper, he looked at Ramei, as though he were afraid to go further.
Ramei: All that is yours, remember? Do what you like.
Still with an eye on Ramei, Faelon pressed his pencil to the paper and made small, hesitant strokes.
Faelon: Trees. I like to draw trees.
Ramei resisted the urge to give Faelon a pat on the back, for it might startle him and cause him to mess up his nascent drawing.
Ramei: That's good! I'd like to see a nice tree.
As Faelon drew his tree, Ramei watched in silence. Quite soon, he became self-conscious, looking over Faelon's shoulder. Though Faelon didn't show it, Ramei was sure that watching him like this wasn't so comfortable for him.
Ramei: You keep working on that and I'll get ready for the next activity.
Faelon continued work on his drawing while Ramei kneeled on the ground and opened his box again, pulling out a large tarp. After setting the easel aside, he unfolded the tarp and spread it around on the floor.
Ramei: I know you've been through a lot. There are plenty of people on this ship to talk to about anything, you know, if you want. I've been told I'm a pretty good listener. Only if you want to.
Faelon continued drawing while Ramei grabbed the easel to put it on top of the tarp he laid out. While he moved it, Faelon stopped drawing and, without looking up, asked a question in a quiet, mousey voice.
Faelon: Have you ever had sex with a man before?
Ramei gagged on his own saliva and nearly dropped his easel from his sudden coughing fit.
Ramei: Well that was *cough* unexpected. I mean... yes, I have... but...
Ramei was about to ask why Faelon would ask such a question, but managed to stop himself before he did.
Ramei: I did say "anything," didn't I?
Faelon appeared confused by Ramei's reaction, but he nevertheless continued with his line of inquiry.
Faelon: What's it like?
Ramei made many unusual faces as words almost came out of his mouth, but never seemed to find purchase.
Ramei: Um... well... Bit of a difficult question, really. Hard to put into words and since we've only just met, I'm not going to give a demonstration. It's...
Relief washed over Ramei as the door chime sounded and Tamati entered holding a med kit and a teddy bear sporting a big, red bow tie. Tamati smiled and waved the teddy bear's arm at Faelon.
Tamati: Hi! I just finished with Sylvar and Mr. Fuzzy and I are here to give Faelon his full medical check.
Ramei: Good timing. We were going to do some finger painting soon, if you want to join.
Tamati: Sounds like fun. My shift ends soon, so I'll be back after that.
Ramei exhaled as though he had been holding his breath. Though he didn't expect that Faelon was done with his line of questioning, he thought it might be easier with another, especially a medical professional, in the room.
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