Carpathia IV: Episode 48 - The Trees Behind Mr. Fuzzy
Space, NCCS Sentinel
After several days of travel, life aboard Sentinel was slowly adapting to a new normal. Closed off areas, cracked decking, and non-functional consoles that couldn't be fixed until arrival back at the station were becoming part of the standard landscape. Amenaru, however, was finding it much more difficult to get used to the changes in people, especially Kit. Neither exchanged more than a few words with each other since he returned to duty.
On the Shadowdancer, it was easier to steal occasional glances in Kit's direction, but on the Sentinel, with their consoles facing opposite bulkheads, Amenaru had to turn all the way around just to see the back of Kit's head and his little, spade-shaped tail. Today would be different. Amenaru could easily transfer the results of his communications system diagnostic to Kit with his console, but he chose instead to take it to him on a tablet.
Amenaru gingerly approached his quarry on the opposite side of the bridge, tablet held tightly to his chest. Kit did not notice his approach, or, if he did, made no indication of it. Amenaru stood to Kit's side awkwardly before speaking.
Amenaru: Here's that diagnostic you wanted.
With a turn and a glance that could have been measured in milliseconds, Kit reached out and took the tablet from Amenaru's hands.
Kit: Thanks.
Kit returned to work while Amenaru stayed put, waiting for anything else. Even a second glance would have been something. Receiving nothing, he returned, dejected, to his station.

Though Adell had been well enough to attend the bridge for several days, he spent most of that time in his quarters, only allowing Aire in occasionally for consultations and updates while he recovered from back surgery with the help of Artemis. On the bridge, the doors behind Teren slid open. With all officers accounted for on the bridge, Teren turned to see who was arriving and suddenly stood at attention.
Teren: Commodore on the bridge!
Adell emerged from the bridge lift taking slow, deliberate steps while the others jumped out of their seats and stood up straight like Teren. While they waited, Adell took a moment to survey the bridge from his vantage, taking particular note of the deformed ceiling and deck. Adell smiled as he first stepped toward Teren, who was nearest.
Adell: At ease, everyone.
Adell raised his hand and patted Teren's shoulder.
Adell: How is everything, Teren?
Teren: Just fine, Commodore.
The bridge officers watched as Adell stepped gingerly around the security console like an elderly gentleman who hadn't yet decided it was time to use a cane. Next, he arrived at Nalma's station.
Adell: Good shooting out there, Bugs.
Nalma: Thank you, Commodore.
Only a few steps from Nalma was Kit.
Adell: Kit, Aire told me what happened. I'm so glad you pulled through.
Kit did not speak, but simply lowered his head and gave a quick, jerky nod. Satisfied with this answer, Adell made his way across the front of the bridge to Amenaru.
Adell: How's the arm, Amenaru?
Amenaru grinned and held up his arm, twisting it back and forth several times.
Amenaru: Good as new, Commodore!
Adell finally made his final pass by Teek at the helm console.
Adell: Liking the new seatbelts, Teek?
Teek: My favorite new feature, Commodore.
All that was left was for Adell to go to his chair, which he did, gripping the armrests tightly and slowly lowering himself into the seat, grunting all the way down.
Adell: Ahhh, good new chair.
Instead of leaning to the side as he usually did when he wanted to speak to Aire, Adell instead swivelled his chair to face him.
Adell: Any updates since your last visit to my quarters?
Aire: Voxx says he may be able to help us develop our force field technology so that we don't have to constantly decompress and recompress the shuttle bay. Such a thing could also be used to instantly seal hull breaches.
Adell That would be good! We've never gotten that to work reliably, so any help would be great.
The lift doors behind the bridge opened again. First, Ramei stepped out, followed closely by Voxx, Sylvar, Kain, and Faelon. Teren stood in front of all of them with his arms folded across his chest, signalling in no uncertain terms that he wouldn't tolerate any funny business.
Ramei: Commodore, with your permission, I've got four guests who would like to see you.
Adell: Word of my return spreads fast. Bring them around, Ramei.
Ramei waved the others forward to follow him as they rounded the security console and stood in a neat line in front of the command chairs with Sylvar conspicuously on the opposite side of the line from Kain. Faelon stood at Kain's side clutching Mr. Fuzzy tight to his chest.
Adell: Sorry that I can't stand to greet you properly. Once I'm in my chair, it's not easy to get out of it again.
Voxx took a step forward.
Voxx: We haven't had a chance to thank you properly, Commodore Amaranth. I've understood enough from listening to Kain and Faelon that you weren't purposely coming to our rescue, exactly. You need information and we will gladly give it. Still, you risked your lives battling Ksenva and saved us. Everything we had was blown up with our ship, so the only thing we have to give is our thanks.
Though standing was a burden, Adell at least did his best to sit up straight in his chair to accept Voxx's gratitude.
Adell: You only have to take a look around this ship to know that we treasure any opportunity to make new friends. We extended our invitation to Ksenva and she rejected it. I know we are all pleased to know you.
Next, Kain stepped forward to speak.
Kain: I wish also to extend my gratitude, especially to your commander for not destroying our escape pod. My esteemed friend, Voxx, was wrong about one thing, however. We do have something to give.
Kain placed his hand on Faelon's back and gave him a gentle nudge. Faelon squeezed his hand behind Mr. Fuzzy and pulled out two pieces of sketch paper and handed one each to Adell and Aire. Faelon had used his new color pencils to draw some lovely trees for both of them. They were actually good. Not museum-level quality, but good, with some fine details and some decent shading. Adell and Aire immediately began to compare.
Aire: Look, yours has a little bird in it.
Adell: I think yours has a little creature on a branch.
Adell pointed and Aire squinted at the drawing.
Aire: So it does!
Adell looked up from his paper with a sweet smile on his face.
Adell: This is very good! Thank you, Faelon. I will treasure this. Now, I understand that Voxx and Sylvar plan to return to the Furious Spectre to be with their shipmates, but I'd like you all to join Aire and me for dinner and a party after before you go.
Voxx: We'd like that. However, with your permission, a slight change of plan.
Sylvar: I'd like to stay here until we get to the station if that's okay.
It was a small enough ship to make it difficult to keep secrets and Adell had heard enough from Aire already to guess why Sylvar wanted to stay. Casting a side-eye at Nalma, Adell answered in the affirmative.
Adell: Permission granted. We'll be very happy to have you here for the remainder of our voyage.
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