Carpathia IV: Episode 53 - First Departure
Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer
Aire's first departure day arrived and the Shadowdancer swarmed with activity like a hyperactive beehive. Every deck swarmed with crew performing checks on systems and organizing supply stores. The shuttle bay buzzed with shuttles going in and out with deliveries of supplies and spare parts.
Through it all, Aire felt apprehensive, but surprisingly calm to a degree that surprised even himself. For this, he credited the crew for accepting him as their new commanding officer without any hint of hesitancy. Joust, however, would probably take a little time. It could be disconcerting indeed to come face to face with the First Officer unexpectedly when rounding a corner in the corridors, but quite another thing entirely to suddenly see him scurrying along on the ceiling.
Aire spent what little down time he had decorating what was now his ready room. At first, all the shelves were covered in books and more books and his difficulty was figuring out a way to vary the decor to be more warm and less like a library. It was a work in progress and a far cry from Commodore Amaranth's esoteric display of pop culture ephemera. Today, however, such frivolous considerations would have to wait. For now, Aire started wrapping up a last-minute meeting with Joust before setting off.
Aire: It's almost time. I'm sure you're completely acquainted with the ship by now. No issues, then?
Joust: No issues. The crew is starting to get used to seeing me on the ceiling all the time. It's best for everyone, since I'm so short, people bump into me a lot when I'm on the ground.
Aire: This crew is nothing if not adaptable.
Interrupting their conversation was a chime, followed by Kit's voice.
Kit: Ten minutes to departure, Captain.
Aire tapped his console to respond.
Aire: Thank you, Kit. Send the final call around the ship. Anyone not going to Draconis should disembark now.
Kit: Understood, Captain.
Aire stood and straightened his uniform.
Aire: Nearly every day for the last couple of weeks has been my first this or my first that. Now, my first departure as Captain. I suppose that will be ending soon.
Joust stood too and held out his hand.
Joust: For both of us. Shall we go?
Aire took Joust's hand and though Aire expected that he just wanted a quick shake, Joust kept hold of it, seemingly expecting both to exit the ready room together, hand-in-hand. Aire smiled and shrugged. The Shadowdancer's legacy as the Ship of Misfits would certainly continue.

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
Teren: Captain on the bridge!
Though Aire expected this, he was not prepared for how unusually boisterous Teren would be when saying it or how everyone on the bridge appeared to be ready, immediately standing at full attention. Aire collected himself quickly and stood straight himself.
Aire: Thank you, everyone. As you were.
All returned to their stations Joust had a seat in his chair. For Joust, Aire thought, this may have been his first time actually seated in his chair rather than dangling from the ceiling. Aire looked over everyone before laying out their next mission.
Aire: Our first mission will be to deliver the Vashta refugees to Draconis. The dragons have offered to help and having them experience Carpathian culture on one of our smaller colonies will help ease their transition. For us, this is a shakedown cruise, so we'll be keeping speeds moderate and looking out for any glitches. Should any arise, keep a log and report them to the appropriate departments. Are we clear?
A chorus of "Yes, Captain!" rang out through the bridge and Aire returned to his chair to continue the pre-departure sequence.
Aire: Status report.
Teren: All departments report ready, Captain.
Aire: Systems.
Amenaru: All systems nominal, Captain.
Aire tapped at his armrest control.
Aire: Engineering, status.
Minnie: Engineering ready. All speeds available at your command.
Aire: Thank you, Minnie. Engines on standby.
Minnie: Yes, Captain. Engines on standby.
Aire closed the comm to Engineering and tapped the comm for Medical.
Aire: Medical, status.
Sorchae: Medical ready for departure.
Aire closed the comm to Medical and returned his attention to the bridge.
Aire: Weapons status.
Nalma: Weapons systems nominal.
Aire went through the rest of the bridge crew, calling out to each one for the official status report from each. Next, he moved on to the departure orders, closing boarding doors and activating running lights. Finally, with all preparations and confirmations complete, it was time to get underway.
Aire: Helm, ten percent thrusters aft.
Teek: Ten percent thrusters aft, yes Captain.
As the ship slid backward, Aire cast a glance out of the bridge windows to the viewing area from the arm of the space station. As always, there was a large crowd gathered, full of people of all ages and little kids perched upon their parents' shoulders, waving enthusiastically. The last time, this scene made Aire feel apprehensive, but now, it was endearing. Aire only wondered what Joust was thinking and cast a glance in his direction. Joust stared ahead, expressionless save for a little grin on his face. It was the first time Aire had seen him in his chair, so often he seemed attached to the ceiling. He looked almost comically small in his jumbo executive-style Commander chair, like a child of a company president playing at sitting behind his parent's desk at work.
Once the ship was clear of the docking arm, it was time to proceed to their next destination.
Aire: All stop.
Teek: Helm answering all stop, Captain.
Aire: Set course 093 mark 114 at full induction.
Teek: setting course 093 mark 114, full induction.
The ship turned and rapidly left Polaris Deep behind once again. At a safe distance, it was time to set course for their first mission.
Aire: Set course for Draconis, Q8.
Teek: Setting course for Draconis. Q8 ready on your command.
Aire leaned in close to Joust.
Aire: Care to do the honors, Commander?
Joust answered by somersaulting from his seat and attaching himself to the ceiling, which now seemed the natural place for him to be. He skittered to the front of the bridge and pointed out the window.
Joust: Thataway!
Teek: Yes, Commander!
Teek pulled the throttle and the Shadowdancer streaked away on her first mission with her new Captain.
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