Carpathia IV: Episode 52 - Power Relays
NCCS Shadowdancer, Bridge
All activity on the bridge stopped with all eyes were trained on the forward windows, including the workers installing new control stations and panels. Outside, on a nearby docking arm, the Sentinel began backing away from it's mooring, still holding the giant sawblade from the vashta ship in its nose.
The days since his promotion were a whirlwind for Aire, leaving him little time to slow down and think. Promotion ceremony. New uniform fitting. The Shadowdancer handover. Selecting new staff and arranging their transfers. Now, the bridge was quiet while Aire watched the Sentinel depart carrying Commodore Amaranth, Captain Azrael, and a skeleton crew, bound for the Equilibria Shipyards. His command. His ship. His Shadowdancer. Only now, it finally felt real.
As he watched the Sentinel clear the docking arm and turn away from the station, Aire muttered to himself.
Aire: There he goes.
At that same moment, the Sentinel streaked away from the station.

NCCS Shadowdancer, Engineering
Minnie was on her way, and that's all anyone in Engineering knew as they waited around the console island in the center of the room. It was a lazy affair, with everyone milling about distractedly. Ramei swiped his finger across the console at least a dozen times, finding not a speck of dust each time. The only one who was nervous was Quenya, pacing around, wringing her hands together.
Ramei: Relax, Quenya. You'll be fine.
Quenya paused and looked up.
Quenya: The Chief doesn't even know that I was transferred to the engineering team refitting the engines. I don't know how she'll feel about that.
Ramei smiled and patted Quenya on the back.
Ramei: You did great and she'll be pleased. I've seen the work you've done myself. It's very good.
Quenya allowed herself a small smile before resuming wringing her hands.
Quenya: Thanks. I just hope the Chief will like it.
Ramei: No worries. The Chief generally doesn't like surprises, but I'm certain she'll be pleased with this.
The entrance doors to Engineering slid open and in strolled Sylvar, carrying a pile of tablets and whistling a jaunty tune. With nothing better to do, all eyes turned to watch.
Sylvar: Woo, so much to study, but I love it! I'm glad Ryuu was able to give me your language, or else I wouldn't even be able to...
Sylvar froze, his tablets slowly dropping from his hands one by one.
Sylvar: A brown elf? How is this possible?
Quenya bit her lip and rubbed her forehead.
Quenya: Oh, not this shit again.
Fortunately, Ramei quickly took control of the situation.
Ramei: It's alright, Quenya. I'll handle this.
Quenya watched as Ramei made his way over to the shellshocked Sylvar. Quenya stared for a bit while they conversed in a volume that she could not hear before deciding that she'd rather do something else. Looking around the room, she spotted Tayet in a chair near the console island stretching his back and rubbing his nose.
Quenya: Still not getting better?
Tayet groaned in a way that almost sounded like a growl.
Tayet: Still no better. Nobody can find anything wrong! No bacteria. No viruses. It feels like my body just doesn't work anymore.
Quenya: Have you considered taking some time off?
Tayet: I can't do that! What would people think?
Quenya: You've always been a stubborn idiot.
Tayet sneezed and then winced, bending over to rub his back as best he could reach it.
Tayet: Ow.
Quenya: At least let me take you to sick bay after the meeting.
Tayet: Oh, sure, for the hundredth time to let them say they don't know anything again. It'll get better in a few minutes. It never lasts too long.
Before Quenya could chastise her friend further, Ramei called out, trotting back to the console island with Sylvar in tow.
Ramei: Welcome back, Chief!
Everyone stopped what they were doing and surrounded the console island. Minnie did her best to force a smile, but this didn't hide that she was looking rather run down, with a bit of a drag in her step and sleepy eyes.
Minnie: Thank you, Ramei. Endless meetings since I got back, and here I am at another.
Ramei: Must be important to keep you away for so long.
Minnie turned away from the group and grabbed a nearby stool, dragging it up to the console. The others watched her sit without a word, but with a few side glances at each other. In all the years they'd been working together, none had ever seen Minnie conduct a meeting while seated.
Minnie: Important, yes, but the these government bureaucrats need to learn how to conduct a proper meeting. All it takes is for one person to ask a question, usually only tangentially related to the subject, and we get derailed for an hour with more digressions and follow-ups. It's exhausting.
Minnie sighed and slapped her hands on her lap.
Minnie: I'll keep this short. We discussed a lot of things, but there's one in particular that's critically important. In light of recent events, the Carpathian and Tokkastran governments are finalizing an agreement for more technology sharing. That means we should gain access to more of their engineering secrets and we will be providing information about our weapons technology.
The rest of the engineering team looked at each other and nodded.
Ramei: That would be very useful.
Minnie gave an indecisive nod, almost shaking her head at the same time as to indicate a bit of a no with the yes.
Minnie: I'm certainly keen to learn more about their engineering tech. The downside is that there may be times when Tokkastran diplomats request to visit and tour our ship. I'm particularly not looking forward to explaining what we do here to a bunch of government nitwits.
Ramei raised his hand and smiled gleefully.
Ramei: I can handle the diplomats if you want.
Minnie paused, trying to maintain a face as neutral as possible.
Minnie: Um, no, I think it's best that I do it, as much as I dislike the idea. Anyway, I just wanted to give you a heads-up. We can talk details later. For now, I just want to have a quick look around before I go to bed.
Ramei, as though he were waiting for precisely this moment, grabbed Quenya by the shoulders and steered her toward Minnie.
Ramei: Before you look around, Quenya has something to show you!
Minnie: I could use something good. What do you have?
Quenya's mouth flopped open, but no sound came out. Ramei patted her shoulders and started the story for her.
Ramei: While we were gone, the the team doing the Shadowdancer upgrades asked her to help, so she got transferred. She made a little change to the power relays.
Ramei stopped short of telling Minnie exactly what she did, leaving Quenya to finish the explanation.
Quenya: Um... Well, Chief... I don't know if you remember, but back when we first met, I mentioned I worked on my mother's raceboat and I managed to get the efficiency of the power cells up by 3.24 percent. I used the same technique, the special silver alloy I made for that, on the power relay contact points. I was only able to boost efficiency by 2.8 percent, but I guess it's something.
As Quenya spoke, the sleepiness seemed to drain from Minnie's eyes and a wide smile gradually graced her face as she listened intently.
Minnie: Cadet, that's the best thing I've heard in days. Tour is cancelled until tomorrow. Quenya, show me what you did.
Quenya beamed proudly, anxiety quickly dissipating and a spring returning to her demeanor.
Quenya: Yes, Chief!
Quenya only managed one step forward before she heard a mousey voice behind him. Turning to face the voice, she found Sylvar, wringing his hands together and the tips of his ears twitching sporadically.
Sylvar: Quenya... I'm sorry about before. Ramei explained. I'm not used to the idea of mixed species.
Quenya: Apology accepted, but you do need to work on your overreactions too, you know.
Sylvar nodded while rubbing the back of his neck.
Sylvar: Yeah, Ramei got on me for that too.
Minnie: Come on, Cadet!
Quenya snapped to attention and immediately darted after Minnie.
Quenya: Coming, Chief!
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