Carpathia IV: Episode 56 - Draconis
NCCS Shadowdancer
The Shadowdancer bridge hummed with activity, for it would be an unusual day. Stations were manned. The crew was alert. All that was left was to wait for the coming orders. Voxx and Sylvar were also invited to the bridge to witness their approach to Draconis.
Teek: Captain, we are approaching Draconis.
Aire: Slow to induction. Phobos, put Draconis on viewer.
Phobos: Yes, Captain.
Right away, the frost-covered image of Draconis appeared on the screen.
Many considered the approach to Draconis as one of the most beautiful in the known galaxy, with its many snow-capped peaks and pristine, unspoiled oceans. The dragons lived underground and the only area on the surface fit for habitation was a narrow, green band along the equator. The dragons allowed a small colony of Carpathians to live there as liaisons to the dragons and for scientific research.
Voxx: So, that's where we're going to live?
Aire: For awhile. Our government determined that you would probably acclimate to Carpathian culture more easily if you started off in a colony of 40,000 rather than in a city of ten million. There are a lot of people down there eagerly awaiting your arrival and arranging cultural activities. After a year, you can go wherever you like.
Voxx took a deep breath, watching as the planet drew closer.
Voxx: It still feels like a dream, you know?
Kit: Transmission from the surface, Captain. The landing area is clear and we have clearance.
Aire: Understood, Kit. Send acknowledgement. Teek, standard approach to prepare for landing.
Teek: Yes, Captain. Slowing to thrusters and altering course.
Aire: Open nacelle vents to full.
Amenaru: Yes, Captain. Opening nacelle vents.
Aire tapped the engineering comm on his armrest.
Aire: Engineering, take the core offline.
Minnie: Yes, Captain. Beginning shutdown sequence.
Aire turned to Joust and gave him a slight nod.
Joust: Condition green. All hands, secure stations and prepare for landing.
Aire tapped rhythmically on the side of his chair as the bridge crew around him did their duty.
Aire: Not a common thing, landing a ship this big. I wonder how many times this one has touched the ground.
Joust: Three, before now.
Aire looked to Joust with eyebrow raised.
Joust: I was curious too, so I looked it up.
Aire: I think we should get some readings. Phobos, could you do a detailed analysis of the effects of atmospheric flight on our hull as we descend?
Phobos: Can do, Captain. That's a good idea since we need new hull stress readings on the refit.
Kit: All stations report ready for landing, Captain.
Aire: Teek, initiate landing sequence.
Teek: Yes, Captain.

Draconis, NCCS Shadowdancer
In short order, the landing pad was full of refugees squinting and shading their eyes with their hands under the bright sunlight. Dignitaries from the colony and from the dragons gave short, pretty speeches and then mingled with the crowd. The organizers had also set up many long tables with food and drink. It was a relaxed affair to put the refugees at ease before they would be ushered into the administrative building to receive formal ID cards and go through other bureaucratic shenanigans.
Many in the Shadowdancer crew mingled along with the refugees. It was a crew that the refugees grew to trust over the the last many weeks and the crew's presence gave them reassurance that they were still safe. The dragons themselves mostly kept to humanoid form so as not to alarm anyone, though some observed at a distance as their dragony selves.
It was a time of apprehension for the future. Gladness. Sadness in leaving the friendships forged between crew and refugees behind. Perhaps none so poignant as that between Voxx and Sylvar, both of whom struggling to maintain their composure.
Voxx: I remember when I first found you adrift in that asteroid field. Barely alive. Couldn't read or write. Now look at you! Engineering consultant on a ship like this! I'm so proud.
Sylvar: I couldn't have done it without you. After all this time, I can't believe it's finally goodbye.
Voxx did his best to force a smile and slapped Sylvar heartily on his shoulder.
Voxx: Hey, we still have a couple of days before you leave. Let's make the most of it!
Aire watched the exchange from afar. Far enough not to be a hinderance, but still close enough to hear what they were saying. He smiled, but couldn't help but tear up just a little. As he moved away to mingle with the rest of the crowd, he caught sight of a dragon in the distance, moving slowly and laboriously toward them, with a creaking gait of one beset by the ravages of age. Though Aire had never met this dragon before, he knew instantly who it was and immediately set off to find Ryuu. He was happy to find not only Ryuu, but Phobos with him.
Aire: Ryuu, Phobos, I think there's someone here to see you.
Aire pointed in the direction of the dragon and Phobos's eyes widened immediately.
Phobos: Blue!
Phobos immediately bolted toward Blue with Aire and Ryuu following close behind. Blue stopped and lowered his head, allowing Phobos to cuddle his snout.
Blue: My dear friends. It is good to see you again.
Ryuu: It's good to see you too, Blue.
Phobos turned, expecting to see only Ryuu, but appeared startled when he noticed Aire was with him.
Phobos: Oh, Captain! I want you to meet Blue! Blue, this Captain Valro of the Shadowdancer.
Aire smiled and gave a slight nod.
Aire: I feel almost as if we've met already. Blue, I must thank you for helping to rid Ramewet of Wishmaster. I can't even imagine what state our world would be in if he were still alive.
Blue returned Aire's gratitude with a snaggle-toothed grin.
Blue: You're very welcome, Captain. I must say that word of your exploits have reached me. The end of my time may grow startlingly near, but it gladdens me to know that the future is in capable hands.
Aire: That's nice of you to say. Truth is, though, we were kind of winging it out there. Our battle plan pretty much fell apart within the first five minutes.
Blue: Five minutes would be a ragged old age for any battle plan, good Captain. I would much like to meet the rest of your crew, if you would be willing. I also think I may be an acceptable introduction to your refugees. I know I looked like a crashed starship, but nevertheless, I don't think anyone would take me to be threatening in my age-addled state.
Aire felt this might be partially true. Indeed, Blue didn't seem capable of moving any faster than a drifting ocean liner, but that mouthful of jagged, bathtub-sized teeth might give them pause. Still, the introduction had to start somewhere.
Aire: I'd be happy to introduce them to you. Let's go together, then.
It was a short distance, but a long walk alongside Blue to where their crew unknowingly awaited. Some of the crew noticed him, though perhaps didn't register who he was right away. Soon, they would know and would have their chance to pay respects.
As they walked, Aire stayed silent. He had done well so far to retain an aura of respectability, but he found it difficult to resist the temptation to go full fanboy. This was really Blue! Before he knew that Blue was instrumental in ridding Ramewet of Wishmaster, Aire still knew Blue as a legend. King Riven's most trusted advisor. The wisest being in all of Ramewet for 150 years. The one who could instantly end any politician's career with a single dirty look.
Though Blue and Ryuu spoke during their walk, Aire didn't hear much of anything they said. Instead, Aire focused on mustering up the courage to engage Blue in conversation beyond introductory niceties. It took some time, about halfway to the festivities, before Aire finally managed to say something.
Aire: Ahem... Blue, I've always been an admirer of yours.
Blue: Have you, now? I'm glad I could do some good. I'm just a grizzled, old dragon after all.
Aire: You're more than that! I even got your action figure. A Sra's Sundries Gold Edition Number 26. I haven't even taken it out of the box.
Blue stopped and his ears perked. Aire stopped too, afraid he might have insulted his hero as Blue lowered his head to see Aire eye-to-eye.
Blue: Take it out of the box.
Aire's ears twitched. For a moment, he wasn't sure if he had heard correctly.
Aire: Pardon?
Blue: Take it out. Put it on your desk. I'm not meant to stay pretty on a shelf somewhere. Use it to remember what I've taught you over the years. Always do what is kind. Get a marker and write it on there if you have to. A complacent people will find that the next Wishmaster will not be a demigod, but one of their own.
Blue inched forward again, momentarily leaving Aire behind. Regaining himself, Aire trotted ahead to catch Blue's attention.
Aire: I will take it out of the box, as you say, but I think it would kill me to scribble on it with a marker.
Apprehension struck Aire again as Blue stopped and raised his mighty front paw. Instead of stomping Aire flat, Blue held out his claw and scratched Aire's head as though he were a pet. Indeed, Aire wondered if this is how dogs felt when they get scratches.
Blue: You little ones are adorable, with your attachments to your playthings. As you wish, then.
Aire smiled as they moved along again, now even more excited for everyone else to meet Blue.
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