Carpathia IV: Episode 57 - Love's Labor
Draconis Colony, NCCS Shadowdancer
Amenaru spent little time at the welcome ceremony for the refugees. Upon noticing that Kit was nowhere to be found, he quietly ducked back into the ship to look for him. Ever since Ksenva, Kit hasn't been much for talking to anyone unless he had to for work. At first, Amenaru figured that Kit just needed some space, but in the weeks since, nothing had changed. Worry consumed a significant portion of Amenaru's days.
After first checking Kit's quarters, the next step was for Amenaru to scour the ship. Not in his quarters. Not on the bridge. After nearly 20 minutes of searching, he found Kit, a chance encounter in the corridor. Kit fumbled the armload of tablets he was carrying upon sight of Amenaru.
Kit: Amenaru!
Amenaru rushed to Kit to help him pick up the tablets he dropped.
Amenaru: I've been looking for you, Kit. You know... um... we have a couple of days here before we take off again and I was wondering if you'd like to go around the city with me.
Kit stepped back, clutching the tablets he hadn't dropped tightly to his chest.
Kit: Just stop! I don't need you! I don't need anyone! I'll just ruin you like everyone else!
With tears in his eyes, Kit snatched the tablets from Amenaru's hands.
Amenaru: What? No! You couldn't ruin me!
Kit backed away, shaking his head.
Kit: I'm better off alone so I can just do my job.
Kit turned and ran down the corridor, disappearing around a corner, leaving Amenaru alone, kneeling on the floor, and more confused than ever.

Amenaru stepped down the ramp of the ship, confused, and in no mood to engage in the festivities that were still taking place. Blue was still there, laying flat on his belly and looking very pleased at having a herd of children climbing around on his back. It was a scene that Amenaru would find adorable if he weren't so preoccupied with other thoughts. Amenaru gave the party a wide berth, swinging wide around the people to avoid being caught up in unwanted conversation, and trudged up the hill to the colony.

Amenaru wandered aimlessly, not taking any particular notice of his surroundings beyond crossing streets safely and not bumping into people. Nalma once told him what he knew of Kit's history, but it wasn't much. Nalma's story started with finding Kit near death in an alley and Amenaru wondered what could have lead Kit to that state.
Eventually, Amenaru took a look around him and realized he didn't know where he was or how he got there. It was at the same time that he heard a familiar voice that he had not heard in a long time.
Demon: Hey, Amey! I heard your ship was coming in!
Amenaru's ears perked, rousing him from his daze.
Amenaru: Oh, Baal.
Formerly trotting down the sidewalk to greet Amenaru, Baal slowed and scrunched up his face.
Baal: Some greeting.
Amenaru's ears flattened as he lowered his head.
Amenaru: Sorry. Bit distracted. How have you been? You've been out charting unknown space since we graduated, haven't you?
Baal: I was. I just transferred here to work on putting all the data together into new maps.
While Baal was talking, Amenaru eyed the rank insignia on his collar.
Amenaru: And promoted too. I don't believe it. You've always been so...
Amenaru paused, leaving Baal to finish his sentence, which he did enthusiastically with a smile and wiggly eyebrows.
Baal: Irresponsible?
His troubles gradually fading away, Amenaru managed a small chuckle and a weak smile.
Amenaru: You said it, not me.
Baal: Speaking of irresponsible, are you still getting your dick out where you shouldn't?
Amenaru scrunched up his face and looked away with his ears fluttering all around.
Amenaru: Well...
Baal gasped, dramatically covering his mouth with his hand.
Baal: You did! And you're embarrassed about it!
Amenaru: I am not!
Baal reached down and took one of Amenaru's hands in his.
Baal: Hey, I'm a demon. You can't fool me. I just watched the pulsing in your arteries change. Of course, your ears are always a dead giveaway anyway, so I don't know why I even bother looking for anything else.
Baal suddenly paused and examined Amenaru's face and hands carefully.
Baal: Wait a minute... there's something else. Are you in love?
Amenaru's ears twitched, then flattened, as he looked down and fidgeted.
Baal: You are!
Amenaru: It doesn't matter. He doesn't love me back. Can we talk about something else?
Baal cradled his chin in his hand and surveyed Amenaru for several seconds.
Baal: You got it bad. But, if you'd rather do something else, that's dandy. I know a good diner nearby. Wanna grab a burger?
Amenaru nodded.
Amenaru: Sure. When are you off duty?
Baal: Eh? What makes you think I'm on duty? I couldn't be here if I were.
Amenaru pointed at Baal's hand.
Amenaru: You're not smoking. You're always smoking in your off time.
Baal looked at his hand as though he expected to find something there.
Baal: Oh, right. I got tired of that, so I stopped a few months ago. Well, except at parties.
Amenaru: You quit?
Baal: Yup.
Amenaru: Just like that?
Baal: Yup.
Amenaru: It took me two years to quit!
Baal smiled before thrusting his hands straight up into the air and spreading them wide, as though drawing a rainbow over his head.
Baal: Demon!
Amenaru rolled his eyes.
Amenaru: I hate you so much sometimes.
Baal laughed and put his arm around Amenaru's shoulders.
Baal: Ha! No, you don't. Come on. I'll take you to the diner. My treat.
Baal guided Amenaru down the sidewalk, still with his arm around Amenaru's shoulders.
Baal: So, what do you plan to do while you're here?
Amenaru: I was hoping to go around town with Kit. Now... Maybe I'll go on a hike in the mountains.
Baal: Oh, if you're going to do that, we'll have to get you a waist pouch.
Amenaru: What's a waist pouch?
Baal: It's a pouch that attaches to your belt so you can put your trash in it. Believe me, you do not want to drop anything on the ground while you're here. I recently went on a hike with a group of people. One of them dropped a chocolate wrapper on the ground. We told her to pick it up, but she refused. Not even a minute later, a massive, fuck-off dragon popped out of the ground, growled at her, and then piddled on her head.
Amenaru giggled again. Baal was always an emotional rollercoaster to be around. It was the reason Amenaru liked him as a friend and also the reason why he was never interested in a romantic relationship with him. Baal was always fun to be around, but he could be exhausting.
Amenaru: We'll just have to get me one after lunch.
Baal: Yup! The diner is just down the street. But hey, are you okay to go hiking? You have a heart condition, after all.
Baal turned and started to walk, prompting Amenaru to follow immediately, presumably toward the diner.
Amenaru: I'm fine. To pass my physical exams since graduation, I have to get monthly injections. That, along with regular exercise, keeps me mostly normal. It's a nuisance, but the alternative is an artificial heart, and that has its own issues.
Baal: Ha! If you get an artificial heart, then no more electrocuting butt buzzies for you!
Amenaru froze, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.
Amenaru: How do you know about that?
Noticing that Amenaru stopped, Baal turned and grinned devilishly, enjoying this a little too much.
Baal: Dude, you might be the only person in the galaxy who doesn't know that everyone knows. That story is legend!
Amenaru said nothing, standing where he was, pressing his lips together. Baal put his arm around Amenaru's shoulder and squeezed, guiding him toward the diner again.
Baal: Aw, come on! A good burger will cheer you right up!
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