Carpathia IV: Episode 6 - Commander Valro
Space, NCCS Furious Spectre
Four long years of desk duty were now ending and Commander Valro now grappled with new problems. How does one greet his new Captain? It had been so long since he had done just that, he now began to feel like a freshly-graduated student on first assignment. Since being chosen by Captain Amaranth as the Shadowdancer's new first officer, Aire immediately took leave from his position so that he could retrain himself for shipboard duty. Piles of documents and training programs in holosimulators occupied the majority of his time for the last two months.
Knowing that study and simulations were not sufficient to prepare for the rigors of his new assignment, Aire paced his quarters nervously, occupying himself by checking every crack and crevice to make sure he hadn't forgotten to pack anything. He was finally getting his chance after being passed over so many times, and he didn't want to ruin it.
Keiichi Commander Valro, please report to the bridge.
Aire hurried over to the communication panel and tapped the button to respond.
Aire: I'm on my way, Captain.
Polaris Deep must be close, Aire thought. He glanced quickly at the clock and hastily zipped his suitcase.
Since the Shadowdancer had the same basic layout as the Furious Spectre, Aire spent many hours memorizing the deck plans in person. As such, he was able to make good time to the bridge lift, navigating the labyrinthine corridors without even thinking. Aire entered the lift and ascended to the bridge a few seconds later.
Stepping onto the bridge, Aire surveyed the area briefly and found Captain Yoshida standing in front of his chair with his arms folded on his chest.
Keiichi: Clearance received for docking port seven. Helm, adjust course, one half thrusters.
Through the windows, the station swung into view as the ship turned. Aire approached Captain Yoshida as the ship closed in.
Aire: You wanted to see me, sir?
Captain Yoshida glanced to his side at Aire for just a moment before returning his gaze back to the displays.
Keiichi: Yes, Commander Valro. I thought you might like to see the station as we dock.
Together, Aire and Keiichi watched as Polaris Deep grew closer on the screen. It was a vibrant sight after so many weeks of nothing stars and space visible from the windows. Polaris Deep was an electrifying hub of activity, with many ships buzzing about and shuttles circling around, ferrying supplies to the other ships and various parts of the station. Captain Yoshida took a seat in his chair and gestured towards another nearby chair, inviting Aire to do the same.
Keiichi: Have a seat, Commander.
Aire: Thank you, sir.
Keiichi: Helm, slow to one quarter thrusters. Standard docking approach.
Keiichi relaxed as the ship slowed and began to maneuver toward the docking bay.
Keiichi: I haven't seen much of you since you came on board. Busy preparing for your new assignment?
Aire: Yes sir. I'm a little rusty for serving on a starship. I'd rather not mess up too much.
Keiichi leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs.
Keiichi: Good decision. I presume that you're aware of the Shadowdancer's reputation?
Aire's mind raced with ideas, but it didn't take him long to come up with the commonality in all his readings and discussions with others.
Aire: "The ship of misfits," is what everyone seems to call it.
Keiichi nodded.
Keiichi: Indeed. It is an apt description, but don't take that as a pejorative. It seems that Captain Amaranth not only has an affinity for those who have been overlooked, but he also has a knack for seeking out the particularly talented ones.
Aire leaned back in his own chair attempting to mimic Keiichi's relaxed demeanor, but it wasn't making him feel better.
Aire: I just hope I measure up.
Keiichi: I've seen your record and I'm sure you'll do fine. Captain Amaranth is a bit of an oddball, but it makes it work well.
Keiichi paused and took a deep breath while examining his fingernails before adding a curious afterthought.
Keiichi: He has seen things that most of us can't even imagine.
Keiichi continued to rub his nails as though he'd suddenly forgotten where he was.
Aire: Really? Like what?
Seeming to snap back into reality, Keiichi's hands dropped to his lap.
Keiichi: You'll find out eventually. Hopefully not sooner than you should.
A chitter came from Keiichi's console. Giving it a glance, he stood and tugged his uniform straight. Aire followed suit.
Keiichi: They're ready for us now. Helm, cut all engines and be ready on the maneuvering thrusters. Ops, prepare to receive moorings and docking clamps.
Keiichi then turned and extended his hand to Aire.
Keiichi: Best of luck to you, Commander. You should get your suitcase now. I'll have your other items sent to your new quarters.
Aire took Keiichi's hand and shook vigorously.
Aire: Thank you very much, sir.

Space, Polaris Deep
As Aire traversed the gangway to the station pulling his suitcase along behind him, the words of Captain Yoshida echoed in his head. "He has seen things that most of us can't even imagine." Despite appearances, he would not have said this by accident. For a moment, Aire thought that Keiichi intended for Aire to ask Captain Amaranth about this, but he quickly discounted that idea. Whatever it was, it was something he was not meant to know. Was it a warning? It could even be a reassurance, inviting Aire to consider that Captain Amaranth knew what he was doing, no matter how strange he might seem.
Whatever the reason, Aire's musings were sidetracked by the sight of a skinny, blonde tokki at the end of the gangway holding a sign with his name on it. Having studied the crew manifest of the Shadowdancer closely, Aire was pretty sure he knew who this person was.
Aire: You must be Ensign Savea.
Kit lowered his sign and swished his foot across the floor.
Kit: That's right. Captain Amaranth asked me to escort you to the Shadowdancer.
Kit's personnel file didn't prepare Aire for what he was seeing before him. Academy training always puts at least a little muscular girth on the cadets, but Kit was skinnier than he thought possible. Watching as Kit looked around in every way except directly at him, Aire had a guess that Kit's life had been harder than his file indicated. Aire thought of his grandmother's words when she had met a similarly evasive friend of his when he was young. "Somebody scared him," she had said. Regardless, the two sentences Kit said to him were surprisingly well-enunciated for someone so shy and he couldn't help but feel that there was some intelligence and fierceness hiding within his tiny frame somewhere.
Also in the few seconds before replying, Aire took note of Kit's uniform. The fabric was crisp and clean without even a speck of lint to be seen. His chest plate was polished to a perfect shine, as were his shoes, and he had never before seen a fox insignia that immaculate except for those fresh from the box. This was a uniform that would be considered overdone even on an inspection day by an especially fussy admiral. Aire guessed that Kit's uniform had more meaning to him than simple pride.
Aire: In that case, lead the way, Ensign.
Aire took note as Kit hesitated, ears twitching and his mouth almost forming a trembling smile, as though he wasn't expecting a positive, friendly reply. Kit was a good kid, but deeply troubled. This much, Aire could tell for certain. As tempting as it was for Aire to start asking Kit about his life, he thought the better of it and contented himself with mere observation for the time being. In the meantime, Kit had recovered and now extended his hand toward Aire's suitcase.
Kit: Oh, yes! Of course! May I take your suitcase, Commander?
Aire gripped the handle of his suitcase a little tighter. Though he knew in his mind that Kit could easily handle the suitcase, something about this shy, tiny officer caused him to instinctively recoil at the idea of burdening him with it. Kit, however noticed this and recoiled at the gesture, seemingly misinterpreting Aire's action as hostile. Quickly, Aire thought up a scheme to get Kit back on more friendly footing.
Aire: No, but thank you for asking. You can use your free hands to point out anything interesting along the way.
Kit smiled bashfully again and slowly turned toward the station's hub, looking back once to make sure Aire was following. "Ship of misfits" indeed, Aire thought. If nothing else, this was going to be an interesting assignment.
Commissioned art in this episode from:
All city pictures from SimCity 4