Carpathia IV: Episode 7 - Chez Ramewet
Space, Polaris Deep, NCCS Shadowdancer
Adell leaned back in his chair, tablet in hand, and read aloud the names that appeared on the list of the classified document which he was studying.
Adell: Aionaptara... Lazmaedia... Avatrix...
As Adell recited the names, Artemis walked in carrying a plate with his dinner on it, along with a drink, and set it on a nearby table.
Artemis: Are you still memorizing the names of those evil demigods? It's not like they're just going to sashay up to you and introduce themselves.
Adell flopped his tablet onto his lap and rolled his eyes while Artemis went to retrieve some cutlery.
Adell: This stuff is classified for captains and above. I need to recognize the names if someone happens to mention it.
Returning with his fork and knife, Artemis took a seat at the table.
Artemis: We even had a name and a book, but that didn't help us with Wishmaster.
Adell picked up his tablet again and continued to study.
Adell: All the same, I'd like to be prepared, just in case. Aionaptara, the bat devil, is particularly nasty. He can alter sound waves to make you hear anything he wants you to hear, or nothing at all.
Silence passed as Adell studied and Artemis ate until Phobos walked into the room.
Phobos: Dad, when are you going to dinner?
Adell checked the time on his tablet and then put it on the table next to him after closing the document.
Adell: Actually, my new first officer should be here any minute.
Adell stood and tugged at his uniform, checking for blemishes.
Adell: How do I look?
Artemis looked up from his food and and scoped out Adell from top to bottom.
Artemis: Linty. Seriously, don't you ever brush your uniform?
Phobos held out his hand and grinned exuberantly.
Phobos: I got it!
Phobos shook his hand a few times and then began vigorously pawing at Adell's uniform.
Adell: Artemis, I've always meant to ask... did you build a lint brush feature into Phobos because of me?
Artemis: Nothing gets by you, does it?
Phobos: Done!
Phobos held up his hand and observed all the little bits of fuzz stuck in his palms.
Phobos: I'll go wash this.
Phobos trotted off to the kitchen while Adell watched and smiled.
Adell: He's a good boy. Shame you can't build another.
Artemis: It was the wormhole energy that somehow infused a will of his own into his program. If we don't find another, he will have to remain unique.
Interrupting the conversation was the door chime.
Adell: That'll be him. Phobos!
Artemis stood and wiped his face with his napkin and followed Adell to the door, followed closely by Phobos, who had just emerged from the kitchen. Adell tapped the panel next to the door and it slid open, revealing Commander Valro.
Aire: Captain Amaranth, I am Commander Aire Valro, your new first officer.
Aire extended his hand and Adell accepted.
Adell: Welcome, Commander. Won't you come in?
Aire stepped inside and the door slid shut behind him.
Adell: This is my husband, Dr. Artemis Leingod. He's working on weapons development on the Shadowdancer.
Aire extended his and next to Artemis.
Aire: Pleased to meet you, Dr. Leingod.
Artemis: Pleased to meet you too.
Finally, Adell gestured to Phobos.
Adell: And this is our son, Phobos.
Aire extended his hand to Phobos next, who accepted and, before Aire could get a word out, shook perhaps a little too vigorously.
Phobos: Hi!
Aire was glad when this particular handshake was over as he pulled his arm away and massaged his wrist.
Aire: He sure is a strong boy.
Adell smiled and patted Phobos on the shoulder.
Adell: That he is. Shall we go, then? I've taken the liberty of reserving a table at Chez Ramewet on the station.

Polaris Deep, Chez Ramewet
Aire had been pleased to hear that Adell was taking him to a restaurant serving his home planet's cuisine. This, he thought, would make him feel more at ease while they discussed ship's protocol and he figured that this was Adell's intention all along. Aire ordered fried polpa for himself, a comfort food which he wondered if the restaurant could do justice.
When the meal arrived, Aire forgot about his own food and instead watched Adell with both awe and confusion. Adell had ordered sliced razorbear haggis, an unusual choice already, and Aire was amazed at how deftly and naturally he used his two-pronged forks to shred the meat before eating it. After a few bites, Adell noticed that Aire hadn't touched his dinner yet.
Adell: Is the fried polpa not to your liking?
Aire hesitated for a moment, having lost himself in his own thoughts, before answering Adell in a fluster.
Aire: Hmm? Oh! Um... Would you mind if I ask you a question, Captain?
Adell: Always, Commander. What's on your mind?
Aire cleared his throat, trying to quickly come up with a way of asking without sounding too strange.
Aire: I was already surprised when you ordered the razorbear haggis. On Ramewet, most consider that an acquired taste, to put it mildly. Mostly, I'm surprised to see you using your forks in a very traditional Rameweti way. I haven't seen anyone cut meat like that since my great grandmother. Where did you learn that?
Adell paused and eyeballed his two forks, still in his hands, and then smiled.
Adell: I spent a bit of time on your planet. I guess my host was a bit traditional. Try your polpa. I'm told it's very authentic.
Adell went back to eating his razorbear haggis, leaving Aire more confused than before. Adell was hiding something, but why would he hide something as innocuous as food? Nevertheless, Aire decided that it would be prudent to shelve this particular curiosity and focus on more immediate matters, the first of which was tasting his dish. Without further delay, he picked up his fork and took a bite.
Adell: How is it?
Aire swallowed and let the aftertaste linger before answering.
Aire: It's good!
Adell: That's good to hear. Now, I have a question of my own. Why do you call me "Captain" instead of "Sir"? Did someone tip you off?
Aire was taken aback by the question, expecting more dialogue about policy and procedure than esoteric matters of formality. His new captain was proving unusually difficult to read indeed. Aire considered the question while taking another bite from his plate.
Aire: Nobody I spoke to mentioned it, no. Of course, I spent much time researching the Shadowdancer and your command style. You seem to prefer a more personalized approach, and I surmised that you might find "sir" a bit more stuffy and impersonal than you'd like.
Adell smiled and leaned back in his chair, as though he were marvelling at a shiny new car that he just bought.
Adell: Nicely done. You're the first new crew member I haven't had to correct.
Aire felt both relieved and pleased. In his readings, Aire hadn't found any evidence that Adell liked to quiz new crew, but it would appear that he had passed nonetheless.
Adell: And that lets me answer a question that I know you have but are afraid to ask. Why did I choose you? Your natural intuition is well-documented and that's the sort of thing I've been looking for to manage my crew.
Aire was sure he must be turning a bit red. It wasn't often that he received such a strong endorsement.
Aire: I appreciate your confidence, Captain. Most people focus on my abnormally high deficiencies in technological repair and maintenance.
Adell leaned in close, hovering over his dinner plate.
Adell: Yes, that is well-documented too. However, I've known elves for a long time and I've learned never to underestimate them. I know one who was known for being an excellent sharpshooter, but she's now a champion raceboat driver. Another as a talented musician, but has also discovered he's an excellent chef. I think you have untapped talents as well.
Aire: Thank you, Captain, for your confidence. I hope I live up to it.
Adell took a bite of his haggis before he continued.
Adell: I have no doubt you will. Anyway, on to ship's business. You are correct that I do not care for a stuffy, impersonal atmosphere on my ship. In general, I believe that sort of environment stifles creativity and, most importantly, initiative. I want people to feel free to suggest improvements without fear and to speak up when they believe there may be a problem. I don't want crew who will walk right by an obvious defect without telling anyone because they weren't ordered to look at that area or because it's not part of their job. We all have a stake in smooth functioning and efficient operation of the Shadowdancer. From now on, I want us to be in continuous discussion on how we can make that happen.
Aire nodded enthusiastically.
Aire: I would be most happy to do that, Captain.
For several hours, Aire and Adell ate slowly and then lingered over dessert, discussing finer points of onboard procedures and getting to know each other.
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All city pictures from SimCity 4