Carpathia IV: Episode 80 - Escape
Space, Savea Pirate Ship
With the news that Rhalma was with Kit, Reylen pulled the team into a narrow, deserted corridor so that they could discuss strategy. While the rest patiently considered what to do next, Amenaru clutched his chest, leaning over and only standing because he propped his butt up against a bulkhead.
Amenaru: What is he doing to Kit?
The others reacted with grave concern, as it looked as though Amenaru was having a heart attack. Sorchae jumped in immediately with her hand in her bag and pulled out an injector.
Sorchae: Teek, contact Commander Joust and recommend we go to Plan B. Tell him that's from me.
Teek was already taking his communicator from his belt before Sorchae finished talking.
Teek: Yes, Doctor.
While Teek tapped out his message, Sorchae pressed the injector to Amenaru's neck and squeezed. The effect was near immediate, with Amenaru's breathing gradually slowing. Satisfied the medicine worked, Sorchae started scanning Amenaru's chest.
Sorchae: That booster will keep you going, but I want to see you in sick bay after we're out of Tokkastran space, alright?
Amenaru nodded just before Teek reported the results of his communication.
Teek: Commander Joust approved the plan. He asked us to signal him when we've got Kit so he can contact Shadowdancer. He'll meet us at the airlock.
Sorchae nodded and pulled everyone together.
Sorchae: Okay, very simple. We're going to get in there quickly, stun Rhalma and anyone else nearby, and run like hell for the airlock. Questions?
Reylen looked at Sorchae with eyes as big as hubcaps.
Reylen: You're gonna shoot Rhalma?
Sorchae: Stun him, yes, if it comes to that. Even if he sees us, the shot should knock out the last couple of minutes of his memory. Objections?
Reylen brought his hands close to his chest, visibly vibrating excitedly, tail wagging like someone flicked one of those springy doorstops.
Reylen: Hell no, I'm totally down for this! Let's go!
Sorchae stood aside to allow Reylen to pass.
Sorchae: Lead the way.
Reylen wasted no time charging out of their hiding spot toward Kit again still holding out his scanner. The others followed behind, jogging along briskly. Sorchae kept an eye on Amenaru as they ran, but he seemed fine, the medicine doing its job.
On they ran, recklessly, though the twisting, maze-like corridors. This was the holding cell area, and it was surprisingly vast. One might wonder why the Saveas needed so many, but Sorchae and her team were only interested in one. When Reylen suddenly stopped and directed everyone again into a narrow side-corridor, they knew they were close.
Reylen: Just around that corner are two guards flanking a door. That's where Kit is being held.
Somewhere nearby, muffled by the bulkheads between them, there was a massive crash, sounding as though someone was smashing up a pile of furniture. The noise didn't end there, with repeated slamming, grunting and screaming. The sounds of what would charitably be called a fight, but was unquestionably more of a vicious pulverization. Amenaru clutched his hands to his mouth for a second just before snatching Teek's sidearm from its holster.
Amenaru: I'm coming, Kit!
Amenaru shot around the corner and to the corridor which housed Kit's cell. The guards noticed him immediately and reached for their weapons while Amenaru held up his.
Nobody had a chance to fire, however, for a third tokki exploded through the door to Kit's cell, kicking up a century of dirt and crud from the floor. The third tokki smashed against the corridor bulkhead, knocking the two guards clean off their feet with him. Amenaru had to shield his eyes from dust and debris spewing forth.
As the dust began to clear and the others ran up behind Amenaru, the scene became clearer. The two guards did not move, out cold on the deck. The tokki who came through the door was not Kit. So battered and bloodied he was, Amenaru couldn't tell who it was, but the black hair told him it wasn't Kit. Probably Rhalma. But where was Kit? Amenaru coughed in the thick dust while Sorchae and the rest looked on.
Kit was unmistakable, with his one straight ear, when he took his wobbly steps out of his cell, looming over Rhalma with flaming hatred in his eyes and chest heaving in exhaustion. In his hands, he clutched a broken chair leg which he raised high above his head, ready to plunge the pointy end into Rhalma's chest.
Amenaru: KIT!!!
Kit twitched, his head swaying from side to side, and he and seemed to freeze where he was. Finally, his hands flopped down, as though dead, and the chair leg clattered to the deck. Turning his head slowly, Kit's eyes locked with Amenaru.
Kit's eyes closed and his body went limp, prompting Amenaru to sprint to him to catch him before he hit the deck. Amenaru made it just before Kit's head connected with floor. Sorchae kneeled beside him and started scanning.
Amenaru: Is he okay?
Sorchae: Cuts, bruises, some minor internal injuries, dehydration, malnourishment. He's coming down from a massive spike of adrenaline right now. He'll be fine until we get him back to the Shadowdancer. Someone has to carry him.
Amenaru needed to hear no more and immediately began to hoist Kit onto his back while Sorchae started to scan the other three tokki.
Teek: Can't we just leave them?
Sorchae spoke without looking up or stopping her scans.
Sorchae: Not until I'm sure they'll live. Teek, give Joust the signal.
Teek: Yes, Doctor.
By the time Teek took out his communicator, Sorchae was already scanning Rhalma.
Sorchae: The two guards are just knocked out. Rhalma has massive internal injuries.
Sorchae reached into her bag and pulled out another injector, examining it carefully for a second to make sure she got the right one.
Sorchae: This will stabilize him for a few hours. Someone ought to find him by then.
Sorchae pressed the injector to Rhalma's neck and squeezed. When she stood, she found the rest eager to go.
Sorchae: Okay, Reylen in front, then Teek, then Amenaru. I will take the rear. Amenaru, give Teek his sidearm. Stun anyone who sees us.
Amenaru carefully balanced Kit on his back with one arm while passing Teek's sidearm back to him with his free hand.
Teek: Reylen, what are you going to do?
Reylen: After you're gone, I'm going to blow up one of the relay banks and steal a shuttle.
An unfamiliar tokki, one of the ship's crew, no doubt, suddenly skidded around the corner and shouted something in Tokkastran. Only Reylen understood what he said, but to everyone else, it sounded rather a lot like an expletive. The tokki reached for his gun, holstered at his side, but Teek was faster. With his gun already in hand, freshly plucked from Amenaru, he raised it and fired, hitting the tokki square in the chest, and he fell down, unconscious.
Teek, wide-eyed, had to take a moment to realize what he'd done.
Teek: I... I shot him!
Teek's voice was a mixture of astonishment, disbelief, and excitement, as he had no idea how he felt about this himself. He did not have much time to mull because Sorchae urged them on quickly.
Sorchae: Let's go, everyone!
Without a care for who might be in the way, the team sprinted through the ship, back the way they came.

Space, NCCS Shadowdancer
The Shadowdancer received the signal that the rescue team was switching to Plan B with mixed feelings from the bridge crew. The rescue was nearing an end, but something was going wrong. Anticipation, which was on a steady simmer for the last few hours, approached a rolling boil. Aire already ordered the Shadowdancer to detach from the asteroid. Their next signal should tell them to bring the ship near to collect the skiffs quickly.
Teren: We're clear of the asteroid, Captain.
Aire: Good, Ramei, set course to position us behind the junk ship at half induction. Do not engage until we get the signal.
Ramei: Setting course, Captain.
And then they had to wait again for the next signal.
Phobos: Captain, a word?
It didn't sound urgent and Aire welcomed a distraction. He rose from his chair and made his way to Phobos's station.
Aire: What is it, Ensign?
Phobos: I just thought you should know that I monitored an irregular heartbeat from Amenaru's signal a few minutes ago. It returned to normal after about a minute. I assume Dr. Teagan gave him something.
Only three people on the ship knew of Amenaru's heart condition besides the medical team, Aire, Joust, and, of course, Amenaru himself. Aire didn't understand it entirely, as he was not a doctor, but he knew this mission shouldn't have been strenuous enough to trigger that. It could be something else, Aire thought. Nevertheless, the readings indicated that Amenaru was okay now.
Aire: Thanks for the update. Where are they now?
Phobos: They're in the middle of the cell area, huddled together in a corridor. They might be near Kit now.
Aire turned to address the bridge crew.
Aire: Be ready, everyone! We could get a signal any min...
Quenya: Captain, we're getting the signal. They are evacuating now.
Phobos: Confirmed, Captain. They are in a flat run back to the airlock.
Aire: Ramei, engage. Teren, be ready on the shuttle bay doors.
Ramei: Engaging half induction.
Teren: Ready on the doors.

Space, Savea Pirate Ship
When following a map to visit a destination for the first time, it often seems to take longer to get there than it does, and this is most noticeable when it's time to turn around and go back. This was especially true for the rescue team, who were now sprinting to the exit, taking great care to run at Amenaru's pace, since he was carrying Kit.
Free of meddling Saveas, the rescue team made good time, traversing in a few minutes what took at least an hour going in. This ended when they returned to the heavy door that stymied them before. Reylen ran to the controls and tried to open it, but it did not budge.
Reylen: Dammit, it's broken again.
Reylen pulled the cover to begin repairs when Sorchae shouted at him from behind.
Sorchae: Out of the way, Reylen!
Reylen looked back to find Sorchae fiddling with her gun just in time to see the barrel split like a creature opening its jaws and a high-pitched whine. It was charging up.
Reylen: Oh, shit!
Reylen scrambled out of the way just before Sorchae fired two shots, one at each of the hinges of the door. Each one exploded on impact and the door dropped, lazily creaking as it slowly fell to the deck. Reylen gaped at Sorchae's weapon in awe as the barrel closed, returning it to the stun setting.
Reylen: I didn't know your weapons could do that.
Sorchae: Explosive rounds. Door's open, everyone. Move it!
Nobody needed to be told twice and they charged through the smoke-filled opening, the last obstacle before reaching the airlock. When they finally reached the end, exhausted and grateful to make it this far, they found Joust and Nalma already there. Nalma beckoned them onward while Joust stuffed some sort of object into one of the skiff's storage compartments.
Amenaru: Help me get Kit inside!
Nalma nodded and waved Amenaru inside and together, they started carefully slipping Kit into the upper section of a skiff.
Sorchae: Teek, you and I will give them cover.
Teek spun around and kneeled, scanning the area for any movement while Sorchae joined him. Two tokki, undoubtedly curious about the ruckus with the door from earlier had the misfortune to step into their line of sight. Teek got one, Sorchae the other.
Amenaru: Kit's in! We're ready!
Teek and Sorchae quickly slipped inside the airlock while Reylen stayed outside by the control panel, grinning like a madman.
Reylen: Greatest day of my life. I'll see you again soon!
Reylen tapped at the console, closing the door. All that was left was to fly to the Shadowdancer.

Space, NCCS Shadowdancer
Ramei: We are in position, Captain.
Aire: Turn the ship to point the shuttle bay at the Savea ship airlock. Teren, open the door.
Quenya: Captain, I'm getting a communication from Reylen.
Aire: On speakers.
Reylen: The outer door is jammed. Is there anything you can do?
Aire: Standby. Quenya, get me Ryuu.
Moments later, a close-up of Ryuu's face appeared on the screen, flat on his stomach in the back-up skiff hovering behind the junk ship's engines.
Aire: Ryuu, the others are in their skiffs and ready to go, but the door is jammed. I need you to fly up there and use your skiff's cutting tool on it.
Ryuu: Roger that, Captain. I'm on my way.
The screen went dark again as Aire delivered his next orders.
Aire: Quenya, tell the team that Ryuu is on his way to cut them out. Teren, put the airlock on screen.
Quenya: Yes, Captain.
Teren: Putting the airlock on screen, Captain.
The bridge crew watched the screen as Ryuu flew up to the airlock and deployed his cutting laser on the side of the pirate ship. Aire was worried that it might take a lot of time to cut out the airlock, but the cutting beam sliced through it like a soft cheese. In only a few minutes, the door dislodged and floated away.
Quenya: Another communication from Reylen. Putting it on speakers.
Reylen sounded out of breath, as though he had just completed a sprint or was in the middle of one.
Reylen: This whole section is collapsing, Captain! If most of the crew here didn't know something was up before, they'll surely know now, so get out of here as quickly as you can! I'm going to get to a runabout now and I'll see you in a few days!
Aire: Good luck, Reylen!
By the time Reylen finished, the four skiffs had already filed out of the hole in the ship and were speeding toward the Shadowdancer. Behind them, several decks of the outer hull around the airlock that Ryuu cut started decompressing.
Quenya: Receiving transmission, Captain. Putting it on speakers.
Joust: We have Kit, Captain. Be ready to go!
Aire: Understood, Commander. Ramei, set course out of tokki space, Q12. Engage as soon as the shuttle doors are closed.
The skiffs flew to the Shadowdancer in a neat little line and docked one by one. As soon as the last one was inside, Teren closed the door.
Teren: Shuttle bay secure.
Ramei: Engaging quantum engines.
The Shadowdancer shot away from the Savea junk ship, back to Carpathian space and safety.
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