Carpathia IV: Episode 81 - Hacking In

Space, NCCS Shadowdancer

As much as Aire wanted to go to sick bay to see Kit, he had to stay on the bridge. The Shadowdancer was still in Tokkastran space and he had to remain at his station. The accelerated briefing he received from Joust would have to do for now, for he and Nalma had a Savea security camera log to study.

In the back of the bridge, the lift doors opened and Teek and Amenaru stepped out, changed back into their regular uniforms. They each headed to their duty stations, but stopped for a moment when Amenaru put his hand on Teek's shoulder.

Amenaru: Hey, Teek, I'm glad you were there. I'll trust you having my back any time.

Teek smiled and nodded back to him.

Teek: And you can carry me on your back!

Amenaru put his hands on his hips and looked around at Teek's backside.

Amenaru: Not with that boat anchor you call a tail.

Both laughed and took their stations, with Teek replacing Ramei in the helm.

Aire: You may return to Engineering, Ramei.

Ramei: Yes, Captain. Would you like the communications system repaired?

Aire: Not just yet. I'll let Minnie know when it's time.

Ramei: Understood.

Ramei strode to the bridge lift while Aire addressed his new arrivals.

Aire: I'll look forward to hearing about your adventure, but we need to keep a sharp lookout for any ships that might notice us. First, did anyone see you?

Amenaru and Teek glanced at each other and nodded.

Amenaru: One, definitely. Possibly two more. Teek and the Doctor stunned them. They probably won't even remember it.

Aire: Good, then. Keep a close watch on the sensors, regardless. Tokki ships are hard to spot, after all.

Amenaru: I'll keep a sharp watch on that.

Time passed with little more than the stars in the viewscreen, the bleeps of the consoles, and the hum of the engines to keep them company. This changed when the lift doors opened and Sorchae emerged. She helped herself to Joust's unoccupied chair.

Aire: Doctor, I didn't expect you this soon. How is Kit?

Sorchae didn't do much to keep her conversation secret. She didn't shout her update, but didn't whisper or anything, leading the others to believe that she was updating everyone else in addition to the Captain. Amenaru, especially keen to hear the report, turned an ear in the Doctor's direction.

Sorchae: Internal injuries were mostly minor and we were able to repair those easily. The rest of the physical wounds are mostly superficial. Kit woke up before we started on that and he is refusing treatment right now. He said there's something he has to do right away. I can't force him to undergo treatment, so I told him to eat, drink and rest and sent him to his quarters.

Amenaru turned his ear back, finding it difficult to listen to any more.

Aire: I see, Doctor. Keep an eye on the situation.

Sorchae: Will do, Aire.

The effect of Sorchae's visit was clear, for the mood on the bridge became palpably dour for the next half hour when someone finally broke the silence.

Aire: Amenaru, still clear on sensors?

Amenaru didn't answer. Though he seemed to have his head buried in sensor data, he took no notice of his Captain's order.

Aire: Ensign Pendergast!

Amenaru suddenly sat up straight, like he was woken from a deep sleep, and began frantically tapping at his control pad.

Amenaru: Yes, Captain! Um... sensors... um...

Amenaru's ears went flat while he fought to pretend like he knew what he was doing.

Amenaru: I'm sorry. What was the question?

Aire pressed his lips together and drummed his fingers on his armrest. Perhaps, he thought, Amenaru might be more useful elsewhere.

Aire: Ensign, you're relieved. Phobos, take over the sensor sweeps.

Amenaru jumped out of his chair in a panic and fidgeted his fingers together.

Amenaru: But...

Aire: Why don't you check on Kit on your way back to your quarters.

Amenaru froze, except for his ears poking back up on his head.

Amenaru: I... um... yes! I'll do that, Captain!

Amenaru bolted for the lift door on his way to Kit's quarters.

Standing in front of the door to Kit's quarters, Amenaru let out a heavy sigh. Though they fixed his door, there just wasn't enough time to clean up everything inside, disastrous as it was. Hoping that Kit was inside, Amenaru tapped the door chime.

Amenaru: Kit?

No answer.

Amenaru tapped again, and still no answer. Though it was against the rules to hack into someone's quarters, the Captain did ask him to check on Kit, so that's what he would do. At least, that's what he would do anyway, the Captain's words just being a convenient excuse in case anyone questions why he did it. Still, a little warning might be good.

Amenaru: Kit, it's Amenaru! I'm coming in!

Still no answer. Amenaru took out his universal tool and began to work on the control panel of the door. It was simple enough. Only a few people on the ship had fairly easy access to all doors, and Amenaru, as Operations Officer, was one of them. In short order, Kit's door slid open and Amenaru gazed inside.

Kit wasn't hard to find, standing right in font of him amongst the debris of his furniture and with his back turned, staring out the window. Kit turned, only just enough for Amenaru to catch a glimpse of one of his eyes before he turned back to resume his stargazing. Amenaru slowly stepped in and the door closed behind him.

Kit: I'm sorry, Amenaru. You were always so nice to me and I... wasn't.

Amenaru didn't say anything, continuing to step toward Kit slowly, so as not to alarm him and to carefully survey the area. Kit was in the same torn uniform that he was wearing when they found him. In Kit's hand was a small object of black with gold accents. It looked like a dog collar. Glancing to his side, he saw a document on Kit's computer screen, all in Tokkastran.

Kit: Thank you for coming for me. I was ready to die in there, but not before killing my father first.

Amenaru started to tremble and his chest spasmed, forcing a deep breath. Biting his lip, he stepped forward again until he was close enough to touch Kit.

Kit: I'll understand if you don't like me because of the way I treated you.

Unable to take any more, Amenaru thrust his hand out and grabbed Kit by the back of his uniform. With one, strong motion, he spun Kit around to face him and pulled him close in a hug as tight has he could muster. His effort not to burst in to tears, however, failed him entirely.

Amenaru: I could never hate you, Kit. I was afraid for you. Afraid I'd never see you again.

To Amenaru's surprise and delight, Kit returned his hug, wrapping his hands around Amenaru's back and resting his head on his shoulder. Amenaru held him for as long as Kit wanted to stay, which ended up being several minutes. Eventually, Kit pulled away and wiped his eyes.

Amenaru: I'm sorry we haven't had a chance to clean up your quarters yet. Would you like to come to mine? It might be more relaxing there.

Kit blushed as his head sank into his shoulders before giving a quick nod. Amenaru grinned in delight and put his arm around Kit's shoulders. Before they left, Kit glanced at his monitor and the Tokkastran document on the screen.

Kit: The comm system is down. I need to send a document.

Amenaru: We're in stealth right now. I can talk to the Captain if you need to send it right away.

Kit glanced at the document again and Amenaru looked too. Though he couldn't read what it said, it appeared to be some sort of form or application of some sort.

Kit: It can wait until we have the comm back.

There were questions, many questions, that Amenaru wanted to ask, not only about the document, but about everything that happened. That would have to wait. The only thing that mattered now was making Kit feel safe, and with his arm around Kit's shoulders, Amenaru guided him out of his quarters and to Amenaru's.

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