Carpathia IV: Episode 91 - Sex
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
Kit yawned in the lift, his gaping mouth revealing his prominent incisors. Having only had about four hours of sleep the previous night, he was exhausted and there was still more to do with the Elai. First, he wanted a meeting with Nalma, for there was something weighing heavily on his mind and he was the only one who could help.
Just before the lift doors opened, Kit yawned again. Covering his mouth, he stepped onto the bridge just as his yawn subsided. It seemed that the Captain and First Officer decided to use their prerogative to sleep in, for Teren was the officer on watch, looking rather cozy in the big chair.
Teren: Hello, Ensign. I expected that you would be at the Elai's ship by now.
Kit gave a lazy nod.
Kit: Soon, Commander. I would like to talk with Nalma first.
Nalma turned and nodded from his station and Teren pointed to the conference room with his thumb.
Teren: If the conference room will do, you may do so.
Kit: That will be fine. Thank you, Commander.

Kit was in an unusual state, for sure. It was highly irregular for him to be out in public looking less than 100% and though his uniform was as immaculate as always, his face was uncharacteristically droopy. Besides this initial observation, Nalma paid it no more mind. He was feeling rather sleepy himself.
Each took a chair opposite of each other at the conference table.
Nalma: What's on your mind, Kit?
Suddenly, Kit's tiredness seemed to disappear as he watched the insides of Kit's ears start to turn red while he tapped the ends of his fingers together.
Kit: Well... um... I was... thinking... um...
This kept up for far too long, all the while Kit's ears got redder and redder until you could almost see the heat distortions radiating off of them. Nalma felt he should say something before an explosion happened.
Nalma: Spit it out, Kit!
Kit: I think... Amenaru likes me.
Silence. Kit said what he needed to say, finally, but all Nalma could do was look at him and blink incredulously until his head flopped to the table with his ears splayed out in front of him like an old-fashioned TV antenna.
Kit: Um... Did you notice?
Nalma twitched and let out a frustrated squeak.
Nalma: Yes, everybody noticed. Even I noticed and I don't notice these things. I don't see how...
Taking a deep breath, Nalma stopped himself just before he said something unintentionally mean.
Nalma: You like him too, of course.
Kit responded with a speedy, vigorous nod, too fast for his ears to keep up, causing them to flip in all directions.
Nalma: Do you want to have sex with him?
Forget the explosion. If Kit's ears got any hotter, there might be a mushroom cloud erupting from the bridge fairly shortly. He nodded again and Nalma hoped the little breeze they generated might cool them down a bit.
Nalma: I think I can say with complete certainty that Amenaru will feel the same way.
Nalma waved his hand over the corner of the conference table, activating the touch pad. After tapping several of the buttons, he spoke while still looking at Kit.
Nalma: Bridge to Lieutenant Sokari.
While he waited for a response, drummed his fingers on the table and smiled at Kit.
Nalma: I think a little scheming is in order. Nothing grand, mind you, of the sort that Commander Joust would come up with.
Ramei's face appeared on the little screen embedded in the conference table, complete with unkempt hair, looking as though he just rolled out of bed.
Ramei: Ramei here.
Nalma: You're not on duty today, right?
Ramei: Just thought I'd relax in my quarters. It was a hell of a night last night. I'm only on light bridge duty later this evening.
Nalma: Perfect. Mind if I come around in a bit so we can do some scheming?
Ramei: I'm always down for some scheming!
Nalma: I'll be off duty in about a half hour, so I'll come down then.
Ramei: See you soon, then!
Nalma tapped at the conference table control again and Ramei's face disappeared from the screen.
Nalma: Amenaru is coming on duty soon and he'll be getting off at around 19:00. I'll let the tokki know to have you back here by 18:00 and then Ramei and I will get you all ready for our little plan and let you know what to expect from bedding a nekohuman. Sound good?
Kit nodded, but kept his hands below the table as he wriggled in his chair. Though he agreed, Nalma sensed discomfort.
Kit: I guess so. It's not going to be easy paying attention to what's going on while I'm on the ringship.
Nalma stood, as did Kit, and Nalma wrapped his arm around Kit's shoulder.
Nalma: Just do your best and don't worry. Ramei and I will have everything ready to go when you get back.
As Nalma guided Kit from the conference room, Kit reached up and nervously started wringing his left ear. It was going to be a long day.

NCCS Shadowdancer, Somewhere near sick bay
Of all of the crew, Tamati was the only one who was still his usual chipper self, appearing quite unaffected by the previous evening's festivities or resulting lack of sleep. He strolled down the corridor to his shift in sick bay with a light step and a whistle upon his lips.
That's when he encountered Reylen, staggering in the opposite direction, wearing the same thing he had on the previous night though a bit more raggedy than it was. Tamati might have thought he was drunk, but he knew tokki don't get drunk, or rather, shouldn't. As soon as Reylen caught sight of Tamati, he gave a gregarious grin and waddled over to him.
Reylen: Hey, you're Tamati, right? Maybe you can help me. I'm afraid I'm a bit lost. I'm looking for the gangway to the station.
Though Tamati was always willing to help, he still found something amiss.
Tamati: I can take you there, but are you okay? You look like you might need a visit to sick bay. We do have experience treating tokki.
Reylen: Ah, sick bay I know! I just came from there.
Tamati: Really? You know, most people look better coming out of sick bay than they do going in.
Reylen tugged at his ears and looked himself over.
Reylen: Ha ha! I suppose I do look a mess! To be precise, I came from Sorchae's quarters next to sick bay and let me tell you, your doctor treats tokki very, very well! She's a real firecracker, she is!
That was quite enough information for Tamati and he decided to not press Reylen any further.
Tamati: The gangway is this way. I'll take you there.
Reylen: That would be a big help!
As Tamati lead the way, Reylen whispered in his ear.
Reylen: Don't tell the Tokkastran government that I was with a woman without permission!

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
Amenaru's shift was almost up, thankfully. It was everything he could muster to not just stay awake, but to maintain the appearance of not being sleepy throughout his entire shift. Relief washed over him when his time was finally up.
Amenaru: Permission to go off-duty, Commander.
Joust: Granted, Lieutenant. Enjoy your evening.
Amenaru wasted no time hoisting himself out of his chair to have himself a nap. Perhaps a meal first. He'd decide on the way. Before he could get to the lift doors, however, Ramei, doing some light bridge duty at the time, intercepted him.
Ramei: Amenaru, a moment.
Amenaru turned, ears swivelling to point at Ramei.
Ramei: Kit mentioned to me earlier that he's been having a little trouble with his computer console in his quarters. Maybe you can check it out on your way?
Never one to refuse a chance to spend some time with Kit, Amenaru agreed enthusiastically.
Amenaru: Happy to, Lieutenant!
His tiredness melting away, Amenaru flounced through the lift doors, on his way to Kit's quarters. Ramei returned to his chair with a satisfied, and poorly hidden, grin on his face.
Joust: So, Lieutenant Sokari, any bets on which one of those two is going to be walking funny tomorrow?
Ramei's ears perked and his tail straightened.
Ramei: Who told you, Commander?
Joust shook his head.
Joust: I am the master, Lieutenant, and forgive my bluntness, but you stink at hiding when you're up to something. You've been wriggling in your chair all shift. Let me guess, Nalma's in on this?
Ramei: He is.
Joust: I see. Question still stands.
Ramei picked at his chin with his claw for a moment before answering.
Ramei: My money's on both, Commander.
Joust: Noted.

Officer's Quarters Area, NCCS Shadowdancer
Amenaru tapped at Kit's door chime and waited for a response.
Kit: ♫ Come in! ♫
Kit has a very nice singing voice, Amenaru thought. But why would he be singing? Perhaps he was pleased to be rescued and to have joined the Elais. Nevertheless, the door opened and Amenaru entered. He turned to the right immediately, where Kit's computer console was, as the door slid shut. Kit wasn't there.
Kit: I'm over here, Amenaru!
Of course, just because Kit's computer console might be a bit glitchy wouldn't mean that he'd be sitting there all day to fix it. Amenaru started to turn to ask about it.
Amenaru: Oh, sorry, I thought you'd be... MREYOW!!!
What's a computer console? What ship was he on right now? If you were to ask Amenaru any of those questions, he wouldn't be able to answer, for nearly all knowledge in his head drained right out of him like water through a glass with no bottom. His entire mind and body was consumed only with what his eyes could see. Right in front of him was Kit, laying seductively on his bed, feet stretched out and propping himself up with his arm. He was also completely naked, save for one sheer piece of cloth draped over his nethers.
Kit: Play with me!
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