Carpathia IV: Episode 92 - Captain on the Bridge
Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer
Captain's prerogative. Aire hadn't visited the bridge for two days, not since his conversation with Admiral Zhang, leaving the senior officers to handle the details. After the last couple of weeks, he was emotionally exhausted and decided to hide in his quarters. Not that there was much to do, being tethered to Polaris Deep, aside from write reports.
He couldn't escape the bridge forever, for they would only spend one more night at the station before resuming their mission. He signalled Joust that he would take a bridge shift later in the day and, an hour later, he rode the lift expecting to find, at most, three or four people simply tending to their stations. That is not what he found.
Instead, as soon as the lift doors opened, he found all of the senior officers, including those from Engineering and Medical, waiting for him.
Teren: Captain on the bridge!
If anyone on the bridge hadn't notice Aire's presence before, they certainly noticed now. All faced him, standing straight and tall with their arms firmly planted by their sides. Though Aire maintained his composure, difficult as it was, he allowed himself a smile while he scanned the bridge.
Aire: At ease, everyone.
The crew relaxed only a little and remained standing while Aire took a slow walk the long way around, behind the security console and then around to his chair.
Aire: I want to thank all of you for a job superbly done. Especially Nalma. Without your intel and initiative, there wouldn't have been a rescue for us to attempt.
Aire turned toward Nalma and gave him a nod.
Aire: Lieutenant Silaron, I'd give you a medal if I could, but I'd have to put on record what it's for. Unfortunately, that means you'll just have to settle for a general commendation for a job well done.
Aire reached out to shake Nalma's hand, to which he gregariously accepted, taking Aire's hand and patting the backside with his other hand.
Nalma: Thank you, Captain! And you can call me Bugs!
Aire: You'll give me some time to get used to that.
Aire returned to his chair to give one more order.
Aire: Our mission resumes tomorrow at 0800 and I expect a proud, dignified departure worthy of the Shadowdancer. As you were!
A chorus of "Yes, Captain!" reverberated throughout the bridge as everyone returned to their stations or headed for the lift to return to their respective departments.
Joust: Very nice little speech, Captain.
Aire: Thank you, Commander. By the way, while I'm on the subject of dignity, a very interesting bit of paperwork came across my console yesterday. It seems that our request to requisition an ahooga horn for the Shadowdancer was denied. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
Joust put his hands behind his head and pulled his feet up to sit cross-legged in his chair.
Joust: Gotta keep the Shadowdancer legacy alive, Captain.

Teren's Quarters, NCCS Shadowdancer, Later that evening
Teren popped open one eye when the door chime rang, though he didn't move or say anything at first, remaining in his meditative position with his back straight and legs crossed. That could have been his door chime or it could have been a stray thought going through his head while he tried to concentrate. It wouldn't be the first time that happened.
The chime sounded again. It wasn't his imagination.
Teren: Enter!
The door slid open revealing Kit, who suddenly became very flustered at the sight of Teren, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, sitting on the floor.
Kit: I'm sorry, Commander. I'm disturbing you.
Teren stood and threw on a loose vest over his shoulders.
Teren: Not at all, Kit. It seems I forgot to set the do not disturb on my door. I was nearly done anyway. What's on your mind?
Kit stepped inside and Teren noticed he was carrying a small box wrapped in paper.
Kit: The Elais have a tradition. After the sodality ceremony, we give a small gift to those who have helped us on our journey.
Kit held out the present, but Teren did not take it. He looked away, finding it difficult to meet Kit's eyes.
Teren: It's very nice of you to think of me, Kit, but it was my inattentiveness that got you kidnapped. I'm not sure I deserve that.
Kit said nothing and simply strode toward Teren, placing the box on a table as he went, and buried his head in Teren's shoulder, wrapping his arms around him in a hug.
Teren was at a loss and stood where he was, limply, for perhaps too long before he finally realized he had to do something and tentatively hugged Kit back.
Kit: Don't feel bad, Commander. My father is always well-prepared. That you were able to beat him in the end is a miracle and they told me that you figured out who to interrogate right away.
Teren sat on his bed and allowed himself a small, crooked smile.
Teren: Well, he did leave evidence.
Kit took the box from the table and thrust it into Teren's arms.
Kit: This is my thank you for helping to get me back.
Teren took the box and Kit turned away with a smile. Without another word, he left. After spending some time turning the box over in his paws, examining it slowly, he gingerly tucked his claw under the tape and peeled away the paper. The box inside had no markings. He removed the lid and inside found an antique hairbrush with a silver handle. It was like no other brush he'd seen before and he could tell it was Tokkastran from the elaborate script writing on the silver back. The bristles themselves were a bit yellow, perhaps they'd once been white, densely packed and firm, yet soft to the touch.
Flipping his tail from behind him, Teren ran the brush through it.
Teren: Oh!
Very nice! Just the right amount of scratch to it and it flowed through his tail fur with luxurious ease.
Teren: Purr... purr...

Atrium, NCCS Shadowdancer, Late at night
All the way near the top of the tallest tree in the atrium, Tayet readied a jump to the next tree with his wings spread and a wiggle in his butt. So concentrated he was on the next tree, he didn't notice Phobos flying up to greet him until he was right in front of his face.
Phobos: Hiya.
Tayet: Gah!
Wings, arms, and legs flailed everywhere as Tayet struggled to regain his balance, finally coming to a rest on the next tree branch below him.
Tayet: Don't sneak up on me like that!
Phobos drifted down to Tayet's new location, giving Tayet a good look at Phobos's rocket feet.
Tayet: When did you get those?
Phobos: Pops made them for me just before he left. I've tried them out a little here and there, but I've been waiting for a chance like this, for the atrium to be empty, to really give them a go. Quenya is keeping watch for me.
Tayet looked down to find Quenya waving back at him.
Tayet: Hmph. Show off.
Phobos: I could say the same about you. It looks like your wings are getting bigger.
Tayet wiggled his wings and turned his head side to side, taking a proud glance at each one of them.
Tayet: They are! I'm actually pretty good at the gliding now. It's the flapping that I'm still working out. I'll get the hang of it eventually.
Tayet watched as Phobos smiled and nodded while swaying back and forth in the air.
Tayet: You're doing well on the rocket feet. Mind you don't fry your tail.
Phobos: I'll be alright. Even if I did something like that, pops can make me a new one.
Tayet: Have you thought about telling the crew more about who you are?
Phobos: And put up with all the bullshit again? "Pick up that shuttle, Phobos." "Eat this spanner, Phobos." "Take off your head again, Phobos." I'm tired of being treated like a walking parlor trick.
Tayet shrugged and resumed his previous stance on the tree, making ready for a glide.
Tayet: Suit yourself, but I think you can trust the crew here and I think it'll be better for you not to carry around a big secret anymore. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to make for that tree on the other side of the atrium.
Tayet leaned forward again and, giving his butt one last wiggle, leaped from the tree and spread his wings wide, gliding to the other side of the atrium.
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