Carpathia IV: Episode 93 - Icy Planet
Somewhere on an Icy World
Cold, but with a heaping ladel of sunshine. It was that kind of cold that almost went unnoticed with no stiff breeze to cut straight through the body to freeze the organs directly. Just sunshine, a crunchy layer of ice on top of the snow, and the sun's rays like a toaster oven set to low, keeping your bread warm while you take that surprise poop that suddenly decided it craved freedom right when you were in the middle of making breakfast.
The landscape may have been a happy winter paradise, but those of the Shadowdancer crew, trudging around in the crispy snow, all wore dour expressions while they glared disappointedly at their scanners.
Ramei: I'm starting to wonder if our sensor readings from orbit were even accurate, given all this interference.
Joust: If we can find nephylite of the purity that we detected from orbit, it will cut the manufacture time of our plasma filters in half. We'll give it another hour and head back to the shuttle.
Tamati: We've been searching for several hours already. How far are we from the shuttle now?
Phobos: The shuttle is 2.3 kilometers south. We shouldn't stay longer than one hour if we're to make it back before dark.
From not far away, everyone heard a crunch and a mad scuffle in the snow. The corresponding "Mreyow!" left no doubt who it was. Everyone rushed to the commotion to find Teren scrambling his way out of a fresh hole in the ground that still had clumps of snow tumbling inside.
Teren: Well, I found a hole.
Tamati charged to Teren's aid, dropping to his knees to give Teren a hand getting back to his feet. Once he was upright again, Tamati began to scan him for injuries. Moments later, Teren demonstrated his physical fitness by getting down on all four paws and shaking vigorously, making himself and anyone within two meters of him look like part of some kind of bizarre snow globe decoration. Meanwhile, Ramei was very interested in the new hole in the ground.
Ramei: I'm getting some readings down here!
Ramei lowered himself into the hole and gingerly tapped the bottom. Finding the soil stable, he stood firmly on the bottom and continued scanning.
Ramei: Oh dear.
Phobos leaned leaned into the hole to have a look around.
Phobos: What is it, Lieutenant?
As Phobos asked, Ramei was already kneeling down to scoop up a yellow substance that immediately began to crumble in his hands like an old, dried-up piece of wood.
Ramei: The nephylite is pure alright, but only because it's so degraded that the impurities have washed out. There might be something better further down, but we'll have to drill for it.
Sylvar: I doubt I can do anything with that, but I'll take a few samples anyway.
Joust flapped to the other side of the hole where everyone could see him.
Joust: Okay, everyone. I'm calling it. We'll leave a sensor probe here to continue collecting data. Phobos and Ramei can set that up.

With no more work to do, the walk back to the shuttle was significantly more jolly. Though Phobos kept them pointed toward the shuttle with his scanner, it was almost unnecessary, for their previous footsteps in the snow remained almost unmolested during the day.
Sylvar: Your scanner readings are a mess. What even is this planet anyway?
Phobos: It has a very excitable core that messes with our instruments. At least the directional indicator still works fine.
While Phobos and Sylvar walked together, a surprise snowball whacked Phobos in the back of the head.
Sylvar: Oi, what was that?
Phobos wiped his hair and shook his head.
Phobos: I have a pretty good idea. That snowball came from that rocky area over there. I see Commander Joust, Lieutenant Sione, Lieutenant Sokari, none of whom are on the trajectory from which that snowball came. That leaves...
Phobos crouched and scooped up a copious amount of snow, enough to create a snowball the size of a large grapefruit and readied in the throwing position.
Phobos: Commander Unas, I'm picking up a large animal nearby!
Teren: Where?!
Teren popped up from behind the rocks precisely where Phobos expected and he fired his snowball, splatting Teren right on his snout. Teren recovered quickly, shaking the snow from his fur, and grinned evilly.
Teren: Oh, you are in trouble, Ensign!
Before a snowball fight could begin in earnest, they were interrupted by a beep from Joust's communicator.
Joust: Joust here.
Nalma: We're reading a disturbance in the troposphere near your position and a massive weather change heading your way. Possible temperature drop of 50 degrees. You need to find shelter immediately.
Joust: Got it. Joust out.
Joust flew just above the trees to get a look at anything that might be coming while he shouted orders to those on the ground.
Joust: Phobos, we have passed a few caves since we came out here. Find the nearest one!
Phobos: On it, Commander!
Joust: Everyone else, check your emergency supplies!
Phobos: Got it, Commander! 174 meters that way!
Phobos pointed back the way they came.
Joust: Everyone to the cave, quickly!
Joust looked back just in time to see a wave forming at the tops of trees, distant at first, but rapidly approaching.
Joust: It's coming!
The wind arrived like a concrete wall, too fast for Joust to land and it slammed into him, driving him toward the ground and dashing him upon a rock. Those already on the ground could only see this briefly before they too were toppled by the icy blast. All except Tamati, who was the only one who managed to keep his footing, and he ran to Joust after the initial gust passed. As he scanned Joust, the others joined him one by one.
Tamati: Several broken bones. Possible spine damage. Internal injuries. I can treat some of his injuries here, but we need to get him back to the ship. First, we need to get him to the cave. Someone will have to go get the shuttle and bring it here. We can't carry him that far. We'll need a stretcher just to get him to the cave. Can we get some wood to carry him on?
Sylvar jumped into action, pulling a tool the others didn't recognize out of his pouch.
Sylvar: I'm on it!
Sylvar darted to a nearby tree while Phobos followed. Sylvar's tool looked very much like a weapon of some kind and he used it like one, pointing at the tree. When he pulled the trigger, a steady beam emitted from it, slicing the tree neatly at the trunk causing it to crash to the ground.
Phobos: I've never seen anything like that before.
Sylvar began to work on the fallen tree, using his tool to cut the wood into planks in mere seconds.
Sylvar: It's a Vashtari design. I've been working on adapting it to your technology. Seems to be working so far. Can you help me get these over to Tamati?
Phobos nodded and gathered up several planks in his arms, greatly impressing Sylvar at this show of strength. With Phobos's bundle and Sylvar bringing in a few more, they only needed one trip to get enough planks for a stretcher. The others knew what to do without being told and quickly lashed the planks together with some heavy string.
Tamati: I'll hold his head. we want to move him to the stretcher while keeping his body straight. Each of you grab a limb and get ready to move him quickly.
Each did as they were told, taking a different part of Joust's body and awaited Tamati's signal.
Tamati: On three. One... two... THREE!
A quick, but dangerous two seconds was all it took to get Joust from the ground on the stretcher. Tamati took one more quick scan after it was done. They couldn't wait long, for one look around at all the frosty faces was enough to know that they needed to get to the cave quickly.
Tamati: Everyone grab a corner and let's go! Try not to shake him!
Finally, a mad, but careful, dash to the cave, where they could regroup and decide what to do next.
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